The government of the United States proposes to “save” 5,000 government bureaucrats and their secretaries (no wives or kids) in the event of nuclear, biological or chemical war so it can carry out its “COG” (Continuity Of Government) plan. This is a great example of “government intelligence”—survive the apocalypse so the IRS can continue to collect taxes from the dead citizens to pay off the cost of the bunkers the bureaucrats (and top elected officials) “survive” in. You, the taxpayer, will most likely be dead, in fact there is no US government plan for civil defense, so thanks for the tax dollars and adios!
Because “government is, for good or ill, the greatest teacher,” the One Percent have learned their lesson and are jumping on the “bunker bandwagon.” Sales of bunkers to the One Percent, including not unironically former ICBM missile sites, are up!
So—it seems as though the likelihood of surviving a nuclear war in the US is good for either the rich elite or the government elite, but poor to nonexistent for the rest of us. Looks like the Deep State and profoundly privileged will need to stay very deep for a few centuries to allow for radiation reduction.
So here we are, living in the “exceptional” nation where the plan is to except the people from survival of a nuclear war while keeping the government safe. And I was wondering what all the “exceptionalism” was about. Glad to get it clear.
Except for you, and me, and our kids and grandkids, and everyone else and their kids and grandkids, the USA Will Survive Nuclear War. Yahoo! We have in fact Made America Great Again. What a plan, even if our man in the White House doesn’t seem to even understand what the nuclear arsenal triad is (ground-launched, air-launched, submarine-launched). The government builds up nuclear weapons arsenal—contrary to US Treaties and International Law—we get the bill, and the tax collectors use our money to save themselves from a war for which government continues to prepare and plan in order to outstrip the entire rest of the world combined in working towards Armageddon. It is harder to conceive of a country greater than that and, as our Commander-in-Chief says, we are at “the top of the pack.” Arf.
I am happy to have finally figured this out. I was confused, because I was taught in school the primary duty of the government was to protect the lives of the people. Of course, this is just an exception.