From the earliest European immigration into North America of the 17th Century, there has been a consistent attitude of, and belief in, the necessity of taking over lands from the people who were already living on those lands. This ideology was largely driven by a belief on the part of the dominating newcomers that the inhabitants who were already living there were lacking in the grace of god. The fact that the abundant resources in these lands were not being devoured as a source of private dominion and a defining proof of blessedness and devotion was mainly used as a justification for the newcomers to remove the indigenous people and to plunder the resources for personal advantage. In short, the indigenous people were believed to be undeserving and were believed to be obviously lacking in character because they did not consume resources the way some god intended. The accumulation of money from consumption of resources was the measure of blessedness and of character.
Many people claim this is part of the “protestant work ethic,”but this belief and behavior is in no means limited to protestants or even Christians. In fact, this behavior is expressed in pretty much all religions and nationalities which are human-made.
With the creation of the so-called United States of America, and especially with the early implementation of what is called the Monroe Doctrine, the fundamental religiosity of taking over any other lands for private profits as a god-given right of the new exceptional nation’s citizens was resolutely put forward as the epitome of justice. It quickly became obvious that there are “citizens” and then there are “Citizens.” Early on, privilege also entailed some degree of social responsibility, but in recent times that notion has become increasingly antithetical.
As the so-called USA had struggled for economic control of itself, so it used economic benefits as its most precious reason and justification for intervening regionally and globally with increasing militarism and frequency throughout the passing Centuries. The supposed god-given right to take whatever resources were necessary at any given time to maintain economic domination became the highest form of justice and of dogma. The irony, if such a thing is possible with such craven behavior, is that this is exactly the same kind of religiosity which was the basis of the perverse belief in the Divine Right of Kings, which had been part of the stimulus for so many people for leaving Europe and elsewhere.
Now we find ourselves inundated with messages about how the Russians have intervened or “manipulated” one arm of the corporately controlled electoral pretenses. We cannot demand proof of these allegations because that would be an attack on our very own “security.” Besides, the reason the allegations must be accepted as if true is because the actions supposedly taken by the Russians are exactly the same sort of actions which have been central to the expansion of the god-given riches and power of the so-called USA from even before its beginning. Just as in their foreign pasts, misrepresentation and schemes of aggression became vital associations with their economic religiosity. No one has used these sorts of subversive devious scheming more in recent times than have the people who, once again, are claiming that they have been victimized and basing their claims on “high confidence” without providing any real proof to back it up. This supposed scheming is typical of the preferred method of overthrowing and eliminating those who are not cooperating in what is believed to be god’s most exceptional agenda. That is why this latest version of accusational hysteria cannot be misguidedly delusional. It must be believed to be true of the Russians and others because it has certainly been a primary method of operating for the people making the accusations and has always worked like a blood-soaked charm for the agenda of the exceptionally devout.
It is also very telling that when the US Senate recently reinvigorated its economic war of aggression through more sanctions against Iran that it included more of its aggressive sanctions against Russia. With a vote of 98 to 2 on what is called the ” Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities act of 2017″ (S. 722) , the uni-party of the exceptional (which pretends to be two parties) again did what it could to transfer its own malfeasance on to those nations and people who have been the significant recipients of that very malfeasance for many decades. The two dissenting votes were from Rand Paul – who didn’t think the bill was much more than a little slap and therefore not deserving of his virtuousness (so to speak) -and from Bernie Sanders – who (as a pretending “independent” even after seeking the Democrat pulpit of delusions and swearing to support that scheme as he always has) supported the war of sanctions against Russia, but needed to vote against the bill in an effort to prove his devotion to the devious, baseless “deal with” Iran which is a crowning achievement of the Obama corporate driven pretense, even though it was a one-sided “deal” which was forced upon Iran by privatizing corporate predators. Accusations of others’ malfeasance are seen as the best way to cover over your own real malfeasance.
This is all a reflection of what has been for Centuries the real constitution of what is called the USA. Undermine, misrepresent, accuse, manipulate, and take whatever resources are possible to reinforce the belief that the laws of the world are driven by a god-given right to and duty of economic domination and the best way to achieve the holy grace of domination is through covering the lust for money with the allure of a salvation from what are the inevitable consequences of the very actions taken. The constitution they claim that they cherish is now reduced to a marketing gimmick for private profit.
Even if it is true.
Worrying whether or not the Russians or anyone else tried to influence the outcome of an election in the faking U$A is absurdly willfully ignorant when you face the fact that the elections are already rigged by privatizing corporate profiteers who, not only refuse to pay their fair share of taxes, but also use their control of politicians to allow them to keep huge amounts of money overseas as key leverage in their unremitting (pun intended) blackmailing of the rest of us into giving them increased advantages over more of our lives.
There is an underlying contemptuous attitude that clearly insists that the voters are going to make bad decisions if they are exposed to the truth about how the election process is manipulated by the privatizing corporate agents who masquerade as public servants,as if the promoted choices are not already awfully bad. What this attitude reveals is that the belief in the necessity of manipulating the voters is seen as a sacred right of corporately controlled insiders who religiously have almost no tolerance for openness or truth. There is no reason to believe that the alternative Clinton presidency and the possibility of a Tim Kaine presidency would not be as bad as a Trump presidency and the likelihood of a Pence presidency, but it is anathema to the uni-partisans that the corruption – which is central to the private profits of republicans and democrats alike – be seen for what it is. If your “democracy” is so vulnerable to being corrupted through the manipulations of an outside party, perhaps it is that way because it is, in itself, already manipulated and controlled by those who work to keep the power outside of the reach of the manipulated/brainwashed voters.
The global expansion of hostilities is continuing and the leadership of both faces of privatizing corporatism in the uni-party are demanding and pledging increased militarism and increased suffering for their victims. The unsubstantiated accusations against Iran and Russia are today’s chief methods of manipulating compliance with the private multinational corporate scheme of private corporate domination through increased militarism and horror.
Whoever hacked the DNC and revealed a glimpse of their knavery and subterfuge is guilty of using a similar sort of technique upon which the power of the private exceptionalists has been built through the Centuries. Sadly, and as is typical, that hacking is now being used to expand the very type of deceit and predatory corruption which it revealed. The “security” of the crushing juggernaut demands more aggression against others because no reflection of the religiously worshiped low methods of operation can be allowed to diminish its power.
War is the preferred method of distracting people from the truth and the congress is again openly uniting to aggressively push for more war based upon hypocrisy and its predictable traditional low methods of domination.
Is the faking U$A going to sanction itself for all of its documented international criminality?
Such an absurd question and yet, it is just as likely as the ridiculous idea that the militant religiosity of the corporate uni-party of two names will be the source of peace and justice for its ever-growing list of victims, both inside and outside of its fake borders. The only possible way to stop this corruption is for more and more people to stop supporting both the Democrats and the Republicans and their “exceptional” deluded predatory hypocrisy.
None of them can be trusted. They are pathetic members of a most common cult which promotes private avarice and domination and sees equal justice FOR ALL as if it is unrealistic and expendable. They are incapable of good governance.