O, how we could use a Diana Prince a 5000-year-old Amazon warrior daughter of Zeus flourisher of the “God killer” sword not just to slaughter spike-helmeted German WW1 soldiers but leap into our future to do something deliciously nasty to Donald Trump’s whole crew starting with the women-hating Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions.
Our failing politics, currently dominated by men of both parties, badly needs a regiment of Dianas to remind us that fresh blood and female aggression pay off, at the box office, in DC Comics and just possibly in our gerrymandered polling booth.
It’s so obvious. Women on the front line, women as fighters with the most to lose, and women as the spearhead of what used to be called the ‘Resistance’.
In light of Trump-Mulvaney’s baby killing cuts in women and children’s support programs, women have a snarling dog in this fight.
Why not? If timid, misogynstic Hollywood dares risk kazillions of dollars on – gasp! – a woman Patty Jenkins directing a female crew on a woman-hero movie, why can’t we push on with women leading, and occupying positions of power in the anti-Trump movement?
Fire Perez and Ellison and get some organizationally competent, eloquent females at the very top of the snobbly, wobbly Democratic pyramid collapsing before our eyes. Pension off Hillary, exile Debbie Wasserman Schultz to Devil’s Island, and gird ourselves for the fight of our live – smack right in the smoosh of that vast Confederate nation of women haters (including many women).
There are, or will be, statistic-laden polls “proving” misogyny killed Hillary so why put our hand back in the woman eating fire? Too risky?
I know some Class A women who never went into politics because of domestic chores or they didn’t “know enough math” or “I hate public speaking”, And sometimes, behind it all, a man’s silent or not so silent signal, If you do this I won’t love you.
What a waste.
Just by being born female doesn’t make a woman an angel, as we know only too well. (Thatcher, May, DeVos, Ann Coulter).
So what? What’s to lose?
There are many, many Zeus’s daughters among us.