Unproven allegations by U.S. security agencies that the Russian government ‘hacked the U.S. presidential election’ are a classic case of the criminal hiding behind the cloak of the accuser.
Documents from the U.S. NSA (National Security Agency) unveiled by Edward Snowden show that whole countries, not just a number of sensitive computers, have been hacked by the NSA.
In the case of China, for example, it is hardly an exaggeration that a whole nation and its people have been hacked. Here’s a partial list of the illegal intrusions by the Washington-based spooks:
1. The undersea cable through winch internet data enters and leaves Hong Kong was physically cut into by the NSA, giving it access to all foreign communication of the city.
2. Hundreds of millions of Chinese people’s SMS text messages were stolen by the NSA from the system of China Mobile, the world’s largest mobile phone system
3. The phone of China’s then-president Hu Jing Tao was tapped and his conversations monitored.
4. China’s Tsiinghua university’s ”backbone system’ through which communication of important research labs throughout China passes was hacked. Some of those labs also perform sensitive military-related research.
5. The server computers manufactured by the leading Chinese company Huaweii – which are used in China and all over the world – were hacked by the NSA, allowing it to capture the large amounts of data passing through the servers wherever they are used.
Finally, the U.S. government, and the NSA, have never apologized nor stated that they will stop hacking China and its people.. It’s hard to take allegations of hacking against Russia, China, or others seriously when they emanate from such sources.