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Raising Our Kundalini

In these dark days, it is easy get exhausted fighting the good fight.  Yet, as Bernie Sanders says, despair is not an option.

There’s a relevant Bible passage:

Deuteronomy 30:19  This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.

In order to choose life for ourselves and our children, we need lots of energy.

Here is a yogic meditation to raise our kundalini energy. You can do it while reading this on your screen.

Kundalini is the life energy we each possess.  It is coiled at the base of the spine.  This exercise is designed to mobilize it, then raise it up through the 7 chakras of the spine so that we are fully awake and energized to do the work we need to do.

First, we need to loosen the spine to make it an open passage for the kundalini.

Put your feet flat on the floor about a foot apart.  Spread your toes.  Now lean over and grab the outsides of your feet, arms straight outside your knees.  Let your head drop.  Breathe normally.  Feel your spine stretch, from your tailbone to the top of your head, and feel your back and shoulders expand laterally.  Your breathing will gradually deepen.  Stay down for a couple of minutes, until you are relaxed.

Now sit up as straight as you can, feet flat on the floor.  Lock your thumbs and reach up to the ceiling, then arch your back and drop your head backwards.  Stay there a few seconds.

Now sit up straight with your hands on your knees.  Keep your feet flat, with the toes spread. You can press down with your hands to keep your spine straight as we breathe through the chakras.

Exhale as much as you can, and when all the air is out, flatten your stomach and push out a little more air.  This gets rid of the residual air in your lungs.

Now breathe into your buttocks- blow them up like balloons.  Let them spread apart and feel the chair with your butt.  You may feel a tingle as the kundalini awakens.   This is the first chakra, which stores sexual and life energy.

Exhale fully again, and now breathe into the small of your back, straightening it as much as is comfortable.  This is the second chakra, which controls the legs; the chakra of mobility.

Exhale again, and place your hands over your belly button.  Now inhale into your hands, and feel the heat under them.  This relaxes the third chakra, the solar plexus, which is where anger and fear accumulate- fight/flight, gut reactions.  That tension has to be released in order to raise the kundalini to the next level.

Put your hands back on your knees, exhale again.  Now inhale deeply, expanding your chest until you feel the ribs between your shoulder blades spread apart.  This opens your heart chakra.  Open your hands and spread your fingers apart, and  round the thumb.

Exhale, and then breathe in through your teeth, keeping your jaw relaxed.  Feel the coolness at the back of your throat- this helps to calm anxiety and anger.  Listen for a ringing noise, anahat nadam, the sound of om.  Concentrate on it, and it will clear your mind, stop your thoughts, and allow you to meditate.  The fifth chakra is the area of speech and hearing, and rules our communications.  Make sure your neck is straight, so that the thoughts of your heart can be spoken.

Exhale, and then breathe into your third eye, the wisdom eye.  Raise your eyebrows and feel the air at the root of your nose, going into your pineal gland.  Now you can see true reality.  As you exhale, frown, close your eyes, and look inside.

Finally, breathe in through the crown chakra at the top of your head, your connection to the infinite, the source of creativity.

Exhale fully, hold your breath, drop your chin to your chest, and squeeze your anus.  Feel the energy shoot up your spine.

You can repeat this exercise as often as you like.

Om Shanti


Shri Kamala Devi