April 2017

Hubris and Dysfunction in Trumpland

Bernie Sanders, the Company Man

Snipers and Infiltrators at Standing Rock: Quashing Protests at Taxpayer Expense

No More Silver Lining: Trump Turns Clintonian

Chocolate Cake, the MOAB and Hexavalent Chromium: Let the Good Times Roll!

F the USA

South Africa Writhes in New Political-Economic Birth Pains

Smog Alert: What Trump’s EPA Cut Proposals Could Do to Air Quality

Ecuador’s  Accomplishments Under the 10 Years of  Rafael Correa’s Citizen’s Revolution

What Have We Done? Executive Power, Drones, and Trump

Monetary Barbarism at United Airlines

Comrade Rat-Face, Where is the Chess?

Worse Than Nixon

You Pay Your Fair Share, Shouldn’t Wall Street?

After the Chemical Attacks, It’s Time to Lift the Muslim Ban

Lebanon’s Outlawing of Palestinian Civil Rights

Easter is About Empathy, Not an Empty Tomb

War on Kids: the Psychology of Politics of Future Destruction

MOAB Music

Time for a Real Passenger Bill of Rights

Ghoulishness Envelops Arkansas’ Mass Execution Schedule

Jim and Heidi Barrett – Special Edition

China’s Red Line on North Korea

CounterPunch Quiz: Test Your Political IQ

We Are Barely Even Trying

God and the Devil in Syria and Rwanda

Solidarity and Resistance

Trump, Empire and Our Long Retreat to Tyranny

Trump is Ignorant of History and So is His Chump Sean Spicer

Forced Removal from United Airlines

Journalistic Integrity: Allan Nairn vs. Julian Assange

In Memoriam: Bobby Lee, Black Panther

Sean Spicer Explains the Holocaust

Trump: Self-Proclaimned “Cop of the World”

What is Wrong With Trump’s Attack on Syria?

Joshua Frank on Resistance in the Age of Trump

Did Assad Really Use Sarin?

Trump’s Gambit: Sacrificing a Fascist for Establishment Approval and Israeli Propaganda

Deadly Sins of Imperialism

The Waste Land

More Than Rumors of War

Venezuelan Opposition Keeps Killing Mockingbirds to Serve their Agenda

Why the G7 Couldn’t Change Putin’s Mind on Assad, Even If They Wanted To

Trump Repairs His Ratings: Syria and the Democrats’ Denunciations of Dissent

The Decision to Bomb Syria Was Dangerous and Deceptive

Poet Layli Long Soldier and the Invisible U.S. Apology

The Promises and Limitations of Radical Local Politics

Colonialism, Climate Change and the Need to Defund DAPL

Reflecting on Syria

Fukushima’s Upcoming Olympics