January 2017

The Trump Bubble

New Boss(es), Same as The Old Boss(es)

Trump’s Neo-Fascism will be built on Neo-Fascism of Obama and Democratic Party

From the Annals of Corporate Arrogance

The Dark Side of Obama’s Legacy

Aping Washington: Tony Abbott, Israel and Australian Foreign Policy

Fighting Franco: the First Irish Casualties of the Spanish Civil War

Standing Rock, Donald Trump and the Zombie Apocalypse

Inside the Scorpion: a Journalist’s Ordeal in Egypt’s Most Notorious Prison

Free Speech in 2017: Is the Town Square Model of Democracy Dead?

From Agriculture to Demonetisation: Not ‘Make in India’ but Made in Washington

Yes, Positivity, Pangloss, Partisanship, Propaganda, and Populism

The Trump Putsch: Trailblazing on the Right

The Coming State of Fear

Air Conditioners and the Federal Reserve Cooled Down the Economy

The Sentence

Democrats Denounced Sanders’ Ideas as “Impossible,” Now Many are Starting to Materialize

Yellowstone’s Bison Should be Allowed to Roam, Not Slaughtered

The Most Dangerous Period in Human History?

Noam Chomsky on the New Trump Era

The Democratic Party Line That Could Torch Civil Liberties… and Maybe Help Blow Up the World

Inexhaustible Memories of Palestine  

Ready for the Jawboning Presidency of Donald Trump?

The Trouble With Mary: the Fourth Season of “Sherlock”

Why Turkey Can’t Stop ISIS

Venezuela on the Brink

Beyond Anti-Trump

Open Letter to “Human Rights Defenders” on Aleppo

The Opposite of Privatize is Socialize

The Democrats Won’t Fight Trump, Will You?

Family Life Under the Stigma of Undocumented Immigration

What Will Baghdad Face in 2017?

John Berger and Susan Sontag / To Tell A Story

Sabia Rigby – Episode 71

First, Let’s Clean Out the Stables

What Has the Ancient One’s Epic Journey Taught Us?

Stripped of False Realities: Americans’ Political “Psychotic Break”

2017 and “Killer Apps” for the Transition

Fidel Castro: Undaunted Revolutionary

God Hates Mexicans

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall…

Running From the Law, Netanyahu-Style

America Deconstructed: The Great Unraveling

Fantasies About Russia Could Doom Opposition to Trump

The Elvish Language in Puerto Rico

In 2017, Fusing Identity and Class Politics in “Trumpland”

Why We Don’t Dwell on Turkish Deaths in the West

ISIS Will Lose the Battle of Mosul, But Not Much Will Remain

Eternal Hostility: a New Year’s Resolution

The Land of Smiling Children