October 2016

Will a No-Fly Zone Help the People of Aleppo?

Fukushima Cover Up

Nuclear Weapons – The Time for Abolition is Now

Voting Against Peace in Colombia

Michael Moore Owes Me $4.99

Discrimination and Condemnation: Australia’s War on Boat People

This is What Will Happen to Mosul After ISIS is Evicted

Comey’s Blindside: You’re Just a Cop

Between the State and the Private Sector: a Need for Associations?

Security Firm Running Dakota Access Pipeline Intelligence Has Ties to U.S. Military

Pirates Fail to Take the Helm: Iceland’s Pirate Party Gains Mileage But not Enough to Steady Ship Alone

Show a Film, End Up on a Watch List

Clintons’ Tax Returns Raise Many Questions

Welcome to the Latest Culture Wars

Don’t Let CounterPunch Go Up in Smoke

Roaming Charges: Comfortably Dumb

Starchitects in the City: Vanity Fair and Gentrification

Lucifer’s Banker: Bradley Birkenfeld on Corporate Crime in America

Remembering Rasul Gamzatov: The Poet of the People

And the Winner Is….

The Political Era of Climate Refugees

Inside the Invisible Government: War, Propaganda, Clinton & Trump

Israel: 1984 Everlasting

The US, NATO and the Pope

Nobel Confusion: Ramos-Horta, Trump and World Disorder

Seven World-Historical Achievements of the Iraq Invasion of 2003

American Foreign Policy in the Post-Trump Era

Crossing the Acheron: Back to Vietnam

Now and Then, Ancient Sorceries

Hillary, Trump and Sartre: How Existentialism Disrobes the Major Presidential Candidates

Standing Rock Water-Protectors Waterboarded While the Cleveland Indians Romped

Death to the Fascist Insect! The SLA and the Cops

An Alternate Narrative on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Water Under the Bridge

The Vision Thing ’16

Work Harder So Speculators Can Get More

Beyond Voting: the Limits of Electoral Politics

Alabama’s Last Execution was an Atrocity

Economic Racial Disparity in North Carolina

Embargo on Cuba is an Embarrassment for the United States

Public vs. Media on War

It’s ON! Between Duterte and America

The Hillary Era is Coming: Worry!

US Uranium Weapons Have Been Used in Syria

The Outsider-Insider: Isaac Babel’s Big Mistake

Demo Derby in Venezuela: The Left’s New Freewheeling Politics

Canadians Launch Constitutional Challenge Against CETA

Nukes and the UN: a Historic Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons

Kids on Their Own in Calais: the Tip of an Iceberg-Cold World

The Israeli Trumpess