September 2016

Nader Gave Us Bush? Hillary Could Give Us Trump

Thinking Dangerously in the Age of Normalized Ignorance

Queen Lear? Deborah Levy’s “Hot Milk”

Thoughtcrimes and Stupidspeak: Our Assault Against Words

Israel and Academic Freedom: a Closed Book

Can Russia Learn From Brazil’s Fate? 

A Globalization Wake-Up Call

The Battle for Mercosur

Gandhi: ‘My Life is My Message’

Entering the Historical Dissonance Surrounding Desafinados

Pictures Left Incomplete: MH17 and the Joint Investigation Team

In a Hall of Mirrors: Fear and Dislike at the Polls

A Putrid Election: the Horserace as Farce

Corrupted Science: the DEA and Marijuana

The Man Who Built Clinton World

Faulty Evidence: How Obama’s Department of Justice is Obstructing Reform on Forensic Science

Mass Firings on Broadway Lead Singers to Push Back

The Matrix Around the Next Bend: Facebook, Augmented Reality and the Podification of the Populace

Uncomfortable Truths You Won’t Hear From the Presidential Candidates

The Biggest Heist in Human History

The Democratic Plot to Privatize Social Security

Obama Weakens Endangered Species Act

Failures of the Western Left

Long Drive Home

Who Will Save Us From America?

The Living Body & the Ecological Crisis

Roaming Charges: the Sick Blue Line

A Cycle of Death Underscored by Greed and a Lust for Power

When Women’s Lives Don’t Matter

Dakota Access Pipeline and the Future of American Labor

US Propaganda Campaign to Demonize Russia in Full Gear over One-Sided Dutch/Aussie Report on Flight 17 Downing

Shimon Peres: Israel’s Nuclear Man

On the Streets of Oakland, Expressing Solidarity with Charlotte

The “Self-Hating” Jew: A Critique

Installing a President by Force: Hillary Clinton and Our Moribund Democracy

Presidential Debate Recommendations

President Obama: ‘Patron’ of the Israeli Occupation

The Twilight of the Leisure Class

Bring on the Nibelungen: If Wagner Scored the Debates

Millennialism or Extinctionism?

What was Missing From The Nation’s Interview with Bernie Sanders

Tribes Make History with Signing of Grizzly Bear Treaty

Why It’s Time to Create a Cabinet-Level Dept. of Native Affairs

Afghanistan; It’s the Heroin, Stupid

“Ooops, I Did It Again”: How the BBC Funnels Stories for Financial Gain

Abu Mazen’s Balance Sheet

Must They be Enemies? Russia, Putin and the US

The Corporate Vice Grip on the Presidential Debates

Rethinking the Race over Race: What Clinton Should do Now About ‘Super-Predators’

Clinton’s Awkward Stumbles on Trade