Our Muslim prayers are being answered. The barbaric West is fragmenting before our eyes. After the English and Welsh decided to turn their backs on the Western establishment: now the Turkish government is purging the Turkish military – the largest NATO army after the US behemoth.
Since what feels like time immemorial or at least since the first Gulf War (1991) all the violence and chaos in the Middle East has been one way traffic. NATO and it’s terror network (Sunni fundamentalism) has been tearing the guts out of the Arab nation – to the advantage of Israel. But today after 30 or so years of destruction, the violence and chaos is returning home via the back lanes of Western democracy, Western despondency and Western defeat. Get out the yellow ribbons.
We’re witnessing the people of the West voting against the interests of the West. The Greek referendum last year. The British referendum this year. And it’s a safe bet that wherever and whenever the next referendum will be – the same finger will be shown to the West.
The uncertain general elections everywhere in the West (even in Australia). And the spectre of nationalism – which in the mind of the Western liberal is equal to if not worse than the old spectre of communism – completes the NATO nightmare. Let the good times roll.
Together with the democratic rejection of the West within the West, there is the loss of meaning in the streets of the West.
Neoliberalism has created a despondent populace which sees no point in the West’s big plan to rule the world. The positive side effect of institutionalised cynicism – or if you like: postmodernism – is that it destroys not just respect for socialism (the target) but also respect for Western civilisation.
The cultivation of nihilism has undermined not just the discipline of the organised working class (the target) but also the discipline of Western society. As a result there are a billion atoms running aimlessly around the streets of the West. The atomised however were never lobotomised nor completely dehumanised and so they are a billion time bombs waiting to explode. Let the party begin.
The fact that France – one of the pillars of postmodernism – is now experiencing this nihilistic process with a vengeance is darkly poetic. Because it is France that led the recent charge of Western nihilism into Libya. And as well as that horrendous crime, France is a lynchpin in the overall destruction of modernism in Syria and Iraq. The fact is that the postmodern poster boy – France – doesn’t enlighten anymore. And the darkness it now is passing through is a self inflicted blindness.
Not long ago France had the knowledge of the world in it’s hands. And it blew it. And now it’s citizens are blowing themselves up.
Why France? As a victim of hubris, France promotes itself as the leader of Europe. And so it leaves itself wide open to attack when Europe attacks North Africa and the Middle East. But being postmodern it acts as if it’s actions have no consequences. France and NATO are at a loss to explain blowback – blowback from postmodernism, blowback from neoliberalism and blowback from imperialism. Concepts that are missing amidst all the tears.
Why France? Because France is a European leader an attack on France really is an attack on Europe. However it is not an attack on the European ruling class but an attack on the European working class. The manipulated massacres on the streets of France are a way of controlling the streets of Europe. And for that reason it is unclear who is behind the mayhem.
ISIS is the convenient scapegoat. But ISIS is the creation of the West’s favourite oil and gas sheiks. In the mainstream mind-fuck the Western use and abuse of Islamic fundamentalism for imperial reasons is never mentioned. Neither are the CIA, MI6, the DGSE (the French secret service) and Mossad. All these profoundly ignorant agencies specialise in sinister covert actions. And they all get away with it in the mainstream. All the time.
For Western power: Western despondency is just as dangerous as Western democracy. If fear is the only way to control aimless populations then NATO’s covert terror system abroad can easily be brought home. The catch however for power is that despondent people are more often than not fearless. As we saw this week in Nice when the local crowd jeered the French prime minister, Manuel Valls.
Everything solid about the West is melting into thin air. Let’s inhale it. And get high.
And the greatest high is the defeat of the West in Syria. By actively supporting the Syrian government in September 2015, Russia set in motion a chain of events that culminated in the attempted coup in Turkey last week. Russia forced regime change back across the border.
And so the “Gulf Wars” – the wars of regime changes – might be coming to an end at last. The failed Turkish coup is the first great reversal in the West’s barbaric march Eastwards.
It is important to note that the failed coup came less than a month after Turkey apologised to Russia for shooting down it’s aircraft over Syria in November 2015. According to the Guardian Turkey wrote to Russia that it:
“never had the desire or the deliberate intention of shooting down the Russian federation’s plane” and was ready to do everything possible to restore friendly ties…”
In a time when NATO is preparing for war with Russia, Turkey’s move towards peace is a serious act of disobedience.
And because Turkey’s government survived the coup this act of disobedience continues. This week, according to the Financial Times, the Turkish government detained 6,138 members of the Turkish military. NATO is spooked. The West – the butchers of the Arab nation – this week even dared to lecture Turkey about human rights.
By exposing the West – Turkey may have just redeemed itself. And indeed it may have redeemed political Islam as well (as opposed to Islamic fundamentalism – a NATO tool). If this is a serious fracture in the West’s plan – and we think it is – then we celebrate the Turkish people. We support Turkey’s “Islamic” victory over NATO’s barbarians. It’s a good reason not to be despondent.