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Willa Hahn on Hillary Clinton and the Special Flower Feminists

Recent polls show a dead heat between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

One reason might be the likes of Willa Hahn.

Hahn is a 21-year old senior at Ithaca College.

She’s from Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.

Hahn is a self-described feminist for Bernie Sanders who was not at all pleased when Sanders endorsed Clinton.

Hahn is voting for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

“I was devastated when Bernie endorsed Hillary,” Hahn said. “After getting excited and then working so hard for him, I was disappointed seeing him bow to the establishment after leading a great campaign against the establishment.”

Hahn gets especially irritated at older feminists who reprimand her for discounting the historic nature of the election.

“I don’t care if we have a woman president,”  Hahn says. “It doesn’t matter to me. It matters to the older generations of feminists. They have had this fight, they want that kind of redemption. It would be great to have a woman president. But it has to be the right woman. It can’t just be a woman. If we are going to make that argument, why not vote for Jill Stein or even Sarah Palin, she’s a woman? Or any woman for that matter.”

“Older feminists are going to die soon,” she says. “Not that many people my age are excited about voting for Hillary. The older generation yes. Younger people say — I guess we have to vote for her. Myself and most of my generation say — no.”

Hahn says the older Democrats nominated “an unelectable candidate to go against an unelectable candidate.”

“That’s who you put up against Donald Trump?” she asks. “Great job. This is the most entitled generation — the feminist baby boomers. They say — we are doing well, we are going to die before climate change kills everyone else. We don’t care. Vote for Hillary.”

Hahn calls the older generation of feminists “special flowers.”

“People think that about my generation — that we were given trophies for nothing,” she says. “But that’s more true about the feminist baby boomers. They believe they are entitled to everything now. But they are not entitled to anything. They are entitled to the same rights as everyone else. That’s it. Thank you for not caring about anyone else. You have the privilege of dying before I do.”

“Yes, I consider myself a feminist. But that doesn’t mean we have to put women in roles they shouldn’t be in because they are women. Feminism means we are equal. That’s it. We don’t have to put Hillary in the White House just because she’s a woman.”

Russell Mokhiber will be reporting from the GOP Convention in Cleveland and the Democratic Party convention in Philly at DumpsterFireElection2016.