
Despite Donald Trump’s dismissal of climate change as a “hoax” conceived by China, Politico reported that Trump’s applied for permission to build a seawall to prevent erosion at Trump International Gold Links & Hotel Ireland in County Clare. Rising sea levels also are encroaching on Trump’s south Florida Mar-a-Lago property, and according to a risk analysis prepared for The Guardian, the grounds could be a wading pool for 210 days a year because of tidal flooding.

Trump supported climate change action in 2009 before he opposed it after setting his sights on a new title: Empire’s Emperor.

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton, speaking while campaigning to be Empire’s Empress, condemns Trump’s climate change position. On June 2nd, she said, “Donald Trump says climate change is a hoax invented by the Chinese.”

Trump’s response is that he’s kidding. But he’s used the word “hoax” and “bullshit” repeatedly when referring to climate change.

Many among the pro-Clinton herd call Trump an idiot. He isn’t. Trump’s a brilliant panderer, but then Clinton’s a panderer extraordinaire as well, voicing alarm about climate change, acknowledging the science, yet marketing her allegiance (no soul to sell) to the fossil fuel industry in a mutually beneficial exchange for services.

As our actions (including burning coal, oil, and gas, deforestation, and increased livestock farming) trap the sun’s heat and prevent it from escaping back into space, we’re seeing intensified warming and what eventually could be large underwater expanses. They’ll be abandoned, uninhabitable by land mammals. The wealthy will move to higher ground.

Denizens of different regions will witness another category of calamity, one in which the water recedes. A way of life vanishes, causing “…a new global march of refugees fleeing not war or persecution, but climate change.
Meanwhile, the hoaxes/bullshitters running for the highest office in the Empire to further expand war against The Other and against our ecosystem are engaged in the area of expertise that’s the most essential requirement for political success: pandering to their base. How truly base it is.

Missy Beattie has written for National Public Radio and Nashville Life Magazine. She was an instructor of memoirs writing at Johns Hopkins’ Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in BaltimoreEmail: missybeat@gmail.com