On April 27th Ted Cruz tapped Carly Fiorina as his running mate. On May 1st Fiorina fell off the stage at a campaign rally. On May 3rd Cruz announced he was dropping out of the race.
When Cruz still was running, winning delegates, Republicans denounced him. I hadn’t watched the inane Rachel Maddow in years, hadn’t until converging with The Sisterhood. I ran smack dab into the television host when Laura tuned to MSNBC and Maddow was parading footage of the Cruz bashing.
First up: John Boehner. The former speaker of the House called Ted Cruz “Lucifer in the flesh.” Maddow nearly peed herself.
Next, Maddow presented images of NY Rep. John King who said comparing Cruz to Lucifer was an insult to the devil. Again, Maddow nearly peed.
A clip of SC Sen. Lindsey Graham’s performance at the Washington Press Club Foundation’s Congressional Dinner followed. The wretched warmonger recognized more for his zeal to bomb anything, anywhere, was inebriated with the sillies. He said, “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” Graham’s hahahaha had Maddow writhing—yet again about to pee her pants.
I hit Google to validate what I’d seen on Maddow’s show, confirm that I wasn’t hallucinating, hadn’t had too much bubbly. Up popped one of religion’s most vocal Christian Islamophobes: the Rev. Franklin Graham. The evangelical had decried Boehner on his Facebook page with a shame on you and then, “You had no business calling Ted Cruz ‘Lucifer in the flesh’—this is an embarrassment. And it’s an embarrassment to our nation.”
Has this hypocrite ever once demonstrated insight into the real shame of the nation? The shame of war, the shame of trampling countries, the shame of creating humanitarian crises, the shame of exterminating men, women, children to advance imperialist foreign police, and the shame of domestic inequality? No, Graham’s gift is to pontificate racism, fear, and hatred, the antithesis of the Christ’s teachings.
Come hell AND high water, I’m poised to witness the imminent chaos, Trump vs. Clinton. Nothing is off limits in Trump world, except Trump’s world. Trump will ravage Clinton. And he’ll render The Clinton Foundation vulnerable, as defenseless as US infrastructure.
There. Will. Be. Shit. There already has been. Shit slinging. Shit hitting the blades.
Trump ridicules anyone who challenges him. He pledges evicting immigrants and building a wall between the US and Mexico. He’s called women fat pigs, dogs, slobs, disgusting animals, bimbos, and once said, “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” And while Trump did condemn George Bush for invading Iraq, he supports waterboarding, said, “Torture works,”
Clinton, the corporatocracy’s choice, is no better. Indeed, she may be worse.
It’s a shit show.