Yahoo! really knows how to make a progressive angry, doesn’t it?
A full-page ad on the mail address/password page yesterday showed an extreme close-up of Hillary Clinton smiling that agonizingly phony smile she plasters on her face whenever a camera is around.
“I’m With Her!” the copy read. “Add My Name.”
No damn way! Get out of here! You’re ruining my morning, Yahoo!!
Now that Charlie Koch has admitted that his money could ride on Clinton would she just tweak a few of her ideas here or there, I can only presume he may have paid for the Yahoo! ad, which can’t be cheap.
I’m kidding. Hillary has plenty of money.
But it would be an expression of his devotion, would it not? Koch likes her for good reason. She’s as much about the money as he is, but not everyone admires Madam.
The dislike of Clinton is borne out in some polls. People are going to hold their noses and vote for Hillary all the way to the convention. Many dislike her, but it’s in their best interest to keep things the way they are. Not just for the Kochs, but for the majority.
Bernie and The Donald would mess something up. This election is ultimately about pragmatism once you exit the powder room.
Sorrowfully, Sanders isn’t about to create a coalition with the Green Party, as much as that might make some sense. He’ll instead throw his votes to Hillary after declaring himself victorious for some arcane and unintelligible reason.
Because Hillary has said she might support a $12.00 minimum wage? Or rethink her cronyism? Reduce her hawkishness?
It’s a laughable devil’s deal.
Hillary could have saved everybody time and money simply by announcing her Republicanism in advance of the current campaign. The 1% and their corporate minions—the real money—can’t stand the right-wing options available to them, including one of their obviously inbred.
Not all of the superrich are necessarily into radical-right ideology and Jesus. Hell, some of them support gay marriage because they are gay. How many of them spend their evenings worrying about threats to the second amendment? How many of them keep a confederate flag flying over corporate headquarters? Society is changing. The quest for riches is not. Money and property—lots of it worldwide—interests them.
They’re not interested in yapping lips about the scourge of Mexican “bad guys” and “traditional values” gone haywire and the absence of God in U.S. schools?
Four years ago they backed Romney knowing he could be a useful idiot. The Mormonism was iffy, but acceptable. The (R) dunces running this year are loose cannons, thus not so useful.
Hillary has become Plan B, a DINO who has been useful to the superrich all along.
She’s more useful to the right than Sanders is to the left at this stage. She can deliver an imperial worldview that is in tune with the corporatists.
Sanders can’t break through with anyone but the young faithful. Trump has his coterie of bigots, and Cruz has the God-fearing. Which leaves us with Kasich.
What the heck does Kasich have anyway?