February 2016

Belief in Capitalism as a Material Force

Britain’s Supreme Court Reverses Legal Practice Notorious For Prejudicial Enforcment

We Don’t Need White Approval: Why the Oscars and Grammys Don’t Appreciate Black Art

How Humanitarian Imperialism Led to Europe’s Refugee Crisis

The Next Global Financial Fault Line

Brahmanism, White Supremacy and Homicide by Suicide

NATO and the Bananazation of Western Europe

It’s Time to Stop Tinkering

The Mad Violence of Casino Capitalism

The FBI versus Apple (and Everyone Else)

Climate Justice and Palestine: the New Intersectionality

Hillary Clinton’s Great Nursing Home Rip-Off

Hillary Clinton and the Race to Lose the White House

Democrats and the Death of Politics

Scalia: the Robert E. Lee of the Culture Wars

Could a Bomb Blast in Ankara Change the Outcome of the War in Syria?

The Hollowness of Loss: the Life and Music of Steven Stucky

Bill Clinton’s War on the Poor (AKA The Hillary Plan)

A Swollen River of Refugees

The Clinton Monster That Won’t Die

When Police Brutality Mutates into Police Surrealism

Death Threats, Guns, Race and Gender in West Virginia

The Re-Emergence of the Deficit Hawks

Betting the Farm on Free Trade: How the TPP Trades the Public Interest for Corporate Profits

Bernie, the Democrats and the Palestinians

Scalia’s Judicial Activism: a Supremely Reactionary Voting Record

For Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, Politics is Personal

Brexit: Please Britain, Don’t Stop

Bush, 9/11, and Iraq: Trump Gets It Right

Primary Fixation: the Unintended Consequences of American Democracy

Shutting Out China: the US-ASEAN Ploy

Bill Clinton, the Jolly Racist

Andre Vltchek – Episode 31

Death of a Literalist: the Dissenting Jurisprudence of Antonin Scalia

The Federal Reserve and the Global Fracture

The New Attack on Whistleblowers

Hillary Clinton, Sexism and Imperialistic Foreign Policy

Have Unions Cheated Death With Scalia Gone?

Puerto Ricans Suffer as Creditors Feast on Debt Colony

‘Good Labor – Bad Likud’: Dispelling the Myth of ‘Democracy’ within Israel’s Political Establishment

US Plans for North Korea Threaten International Security

In Other News Behind the Extravaganza…

The Making of a Socialist

No Reforming Democrats: Leftist Dogma or Scientific Fact?

It Takes Hillary Clinton to Lead a Global Pillage

Hammer of Justice: Heartland Peace Activist Facing Felonies for Breaking Northrup Grumman Windows

Syria: the Final Act Begins

The Reality of the Situation is Not Clear….But Trump Is

The Ambiguous Identity of a Kashmiri

Isolated and Forgotten in Syria