Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
Don Lucchesi in Mario Puzo’s ‘The Godfather’
The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. They’re an irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice! You have owners! They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought, and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they’ve got the judges in their back pockets and they own all the big media companies, so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear. They’ve got you by the balls.
One Bank to rule them all,
One Bank to find them,
One Bank to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them.
There a historically unprecedented level of deceit currently practised at level of ‘Hegemony’ much as would be made by racketeers of the ‘Western World’ as ‘Orthodoxy’ – such the ‘Freedom’ as become of ‘permit’ which would be universal, such the drive towards Globalization – and so, accordant the prescience of Orwell – Truth told in the ‘Western World’ become ‘revolutionary’ – as refutation of the ‘death of thought’?
(The death of thought meaning no questions or alternative opinions allowed – no ‘Counterpunch’ against Orthodoxy permitted?)
The effects of this deceit; which in reality no more than a mere ‘racket’ as ‘nailed’ by Smedley Butler, are truly tragic to behold as much to experience- and as would be yet euphemized as pathologically denied under the mantra so subservient of hegemony as become tragedy; to wit: ‘austerity is necessary!’ as ‘debt must be paid!’ – which debt being no more than a further transfer of resources; such the ‘pull of the trigger’, such the ‘gun; – as much as the ‘Politics’ of ‘The Western World’ become, alas, but reflective of mere Gangsters as criminal degenerates practising ‘Financial Terrorism’ as the greatest racket ‘known’ to ‘Corporatists’ by way of corruption of ‘moral economics’ and ‘Democracy’?
Such transfer of resources as a racket being from the ‘poor’ to the ‘rich’ in the degeneration of existence to subsistence as ‘Life’ made of for the Majority in the ‘Western World’, such the ‘CAFO‘ become whereby Corporatist Gangsters as degenerates would ‘profit’ from Financial Terrorism – to a parasitism as would be unrecognized thru dominance of illusion, such the propaganda unrecognized – much as a leech can expel ‘anti-coagulates’ concerning the feed upon blood of the ‘host’ being maximised?
To point of ‘nectrotrophy’, indeed – such the ‘Covenant’ as demands a ‘care not’ by way of parasitism?
For unlike the relatively ‘humble as harmless leech’, which will, once suitably ‘bloated’ cease to feed upon the host; ‘enough is never enough’ for the Corporatist Gangster such the desistance demanded denied by the Financial Terrorists who currently ‘rule’ the ‘Western World’ as nefarious Geopolitical ‘entity’ – with this being evident in the tragic impoverishment and immiseration of the Majority of such ‘entity’ as a moral obscenity which would be unmentionable such the corruption of the ‘Politics’ of the ‘Western World’ – as to repeated ‘pull of trigger’ – as in the racket of ‘quantitative ease’ as ultimate ‘debauch’ of ‘Currency’: whether by way of money or the contemporaneous?
Contention this small article: that this tragedy of polymorphous austerity resultant of a transfer of resources in the ‘Western World’ no mere product of ‘happenstance’; but rather part of, as ‘Rabbie Burns’ described, ‘ best laid scheme’.
It would be contended by these small quarters of this scheme Burns delineates poetic , that the ‘o’ such quote as concerns ‘mice‘ should be paraphrased ‘lower than vermin’, sense of as the great British Socialist Aneurin Bevin stated in 1948AD.
(Quotes respective being:
The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley
no amount of cajolery can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party….They are lower than vermin)
Finance in the ‘Western World’ has, such the winnowing of the moral component of ‘Politics’ indeed, such the permit as Mayer Amschel Rothschild illuminated extrapolated upon, become no more than a ‘gun’ – and the ‘trigger’ on such gun become alas, as would be bigger ‘Geopolitical’ as ‘Global’ (?), been pulled repeatedly as rapidly by the ‘lower than vermin’ in the early 21st Century – to no more than cause of a demonstrable ‘consolidation of assets’ by way of a ‘Military Industrial Complex’ -as POTUS 34 warned against the ‘biggest racket ever’?
Such the ‘shock’, such the ‘awe’ – as in the control and issue of ‘currency’ extrapolated upon pragmatic to point of an unprecedented level of pathological level of abuse both emotional and physical?
– Most recently, for example, the particular ‘gun of finance’ which would be known as the ‘IMF’ such the ‘TLA’ ‘happened’ to change its rules under political ‘instruction’ (see below) to extend a loan to The Ukraine by way of furthering ‘financial terrorism’ against Russia, which the ‘One Bank’ (as in Jeff Neilson’s quote paraphrasing Tolkien above) the Western World has come to ‘represent’?
Russia is currently owed money by The Ukraine, and before the IMF changed the rules under political instruction as pull of the trigger, this would have prevented it extending a loan to The Ukraine.
The message being; such the gun, such the knowing when to pull the trigger as could only be enunciated by mere gangsters:
‘You can refuse to pay back debt to Russia with impunity’ – such the financial terrorism rendered explicit at a level Geopolitical; such the line as of a bullet following the parabola consequent a trigger pulled to a deadly trajectory?
Russia under Putin kicked the IMF out some years ago; 2006AD to be precise, such the repeal of the hegemony as would be ‘Globalized’, such the re-establishment of itself as a Sovereign State of the World, such a ‘Declaration of Independence’ by way of Citizenry re-established – as the ‘Gini Coefficient’ demonstrates?
For that there now ‘tanks upon the lawn’, a ‘lawn’ which would be ‘mowed’ such the Zionist euphemism, is as parallel become to the Corporate Gangsters ruling the Western World and in respect of the sufferance they would effect upon the Citizenry of same -such the scheme as would be ‘Globalized’ as thru a ‘Let them eat cake!’ prevailing, such the austerity as would be precipitate concerning the ‘State of the Globalization’ uncared for thru the ignorance as the ‘mow’ goes – so many Nations as ‘Sovereign’ having already been incorporated into the ‘Western World’ as to being ‘owned’, sense of as George Carlin intimates in quote above, such the ‘Financial Terrorism’, such the ‘Western World’, as in Citizenry as Majority of same ‘got by the balls’- such the ‘Chutzpah’ indeed of the criminally degenerate psychopaths as are no more than Gangster Capitalists?
Gangsters whom, in practising ‘Financial Terrorism’ extend further the pathological disassociation from reality which a mere ‘dilettante‘ as Marie Antoinette evidenced?
Because for real wilful as malevolent Financial Terrorism explicated, one must go beyond remark attributed to Marie Antoinette – as in transformation accordant the ‘greater’ degeneration of ‘brioche‘ to ‘shit’ – such the Satanic(?) motion consequent to the forced swallowing as eating – as ‘peristalsis’ entailed by the degeneration of Democracy to Corporatism – such the ‘body’ , such the ‘feed’, such the ‘Fascism’ as Mussolini in the 20th Century intimated synonym of ‘Corporatism’ which would be used to ‘bind’, such the ‘them’ become no more than an externalization; such the pathology?
The Gangster racketeering which mere Corporatism would promote in the Western World early 21st Century AD as expression of degeneracy, such the transfer of resources as affects ‘thee and me’, in sense of demanding Majority being duped, such the deceit as in the ‘Western World’ would be known by way of ‘mainstream propaganda’ as the ‘Free World’ – and the ‘American Dream’ ongoing, such the illusion as but tragic control and manipulation?
For; to the Corporate Gangsters of International Finance as would emanate from ‘Western’ to a ‘Globalization’, such the best laid scheme of Financial Terrorists as ‘lower than vermin’, as such the subjugation, such the illusion, such the abuse – there no greater ‘idea’ than to employ ‘other people’s money’ against them?
Finance being but a ‘gun’ – such the Western World ‘become’, and politics knowing when to ‘pull the trigger’, as ‘Don Lucchesi’ intimated?
Such the ‘fiction’ as stranger than truth indeed – whence the perspicacity as would deny the pragmatism of ‘Orthodoxy’ being but reflection on ‘transfer of resources’ consequential of the greatest of questions; to wit; ‘Cui Bono?‘
-Looking at the ‘Western World’ early 21st Century AD from ‘within’ it become ‘bad enough'(?) – what must it be like to look at it from ‘without’; as much as free from the hegemony which daily ‘rammed down throat’ courtesy of ‘Corporatist Mainstream Media’ – free ‘from’, such the irony as to ‘Iron Curtain’ become indeed a tragedy ‘standing’ to farce; what the fuck must it be like to ‘live’ in ‘Gaza’ or the ‘West Bank’ as a prototype of the ‘Hell on Earth’ as would be made by the same Financial Terrorism which drives the ‘Western World’ extrapolated upon – such the ‘Globalization’ as would proceed in secret- as to some silent assassination of Humanity writ large to an age of darkness precipitate as would be; such the eternal war ‘representing’ the conjunction between ‘Financial Terrorism’ and ‘Corporate Gangster’ as ‘abrogation’, such the euphemism to a ‘care not’, such the control and issue of ‘currency’ – and such the ontology debased as to who ‘makes the law’?
What must it be like to be completely dispossessed of resources, such the transfer as would be quiet as best laid ongoing scheme alienative; whereby a superb Constitution in the idea would meet a ‘Darkness at Noon’ reality as a ‘hollowing out’ of economy pragmatic, much as heart eaten by way of spoon, ‘ISIS’ like such the ‘outsource’ as become externalization as weapon of Financial Terrorism deployed, such the ‘Rabbi‘ (e.g. Dov Zakheim) as opposed to ‘Rabbie‘ (Burns) would ‘preach’ not to Brother as equal in the ‘Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’, and not to mere ‘Goyim’ such the transfer of resources as title such as ‘Comptroller’ indicates- to point of America become Gaza in the reiteration of what amounts to no more than a mere ‘crime scene’ – and the ‘tail of the tape’ thereby being as of mere worm, such the parasitology as walls of denial facilitate as much as expurgate pathology, such the Financial Terrorism as borne of trigger pulled to a transfer of resources to point of a ‘Chosen People’, such the abrogation of Humanity, such the denial, such the degeneracy as ‘Trillions’ gone quietly missing from an economy, such the ‘happenstance’, such the transfer of resources as would be ongoing, to point of the Death, amongst other ideal ideals, of ‘The American Dream’ – and as such; a ‘grave’ trampled upon in extrapolation Geopolitical; such the ‘Armageddon’ intimated in the ‘Do not Cross’ obeyed – to a quiet, unquestioning massive acceptance of illusion, such the glee caused?
Such the ‘Wasteland’ made by Criminal Degenerates, indeed, as when Finance the Gun and Politics being knowing when to pull the trigger?
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.–TS Eliot
Yet Man should fear not – for the ‘World’ as to financial terrorist as much as corporatist gangster, as of the ‘western world’, but mere illusion, and as such, ephemeral as transient – and Truth, much as Hope, springs Eternal in the breast of Man, such the wondrous gift unconditional as the peerdom of ‘thee and me’ transcended by some far greater ‘being’?
The plain fact being, as evidenced by your being able to reading this small article; Corporatist Gangsters who currently rule ‘The Western World’ are rapidly running out of bullets, and the triggers becoming worn out, such the ephemeral nature of illusion, such the ‘Age of Universal Deceit’ as ‘Financial Terrorism’ would be is ‘dying’ in the early 21st Century AD?
Such the ‘Truth as Revolutionary’, indeed, such the approximation as denies ‘hegemony’ as much as affirms ‘Humanity’?
-Because ‘evil’ contains within it the seeds of its own destruction as much as sufferance being an expression of ‘Child Unspoiled’, such the dawning of a New Age wherein ‘The Adulthood of Man’ as phenomenon of the 21st Century AD about to come in to being?