Bernie Versus the Con Job

American leftists, socialists, progressives and people who regularly read and support publications such as this one have learned (or, should have learned by now) that one requirement for maintaing their sanity is to relinquish any hope of ever being offered a completely satisfying slate of candidates in any election for public office.

The obvious best “electable” candidate for US president in the 2016 race is Bernie Sanders as the Democratic Party nominee. Bernie is by far the most popular presidential contender — with the American people — and as the Democratic Party nominee would sweep to victory in November 2016. (1)

One would anticipate that a sweep by Bernie would include the election to public office of like-minded congressional representatives, as part of Bernie’s populist revolution. Nobody doubts that were Bernie elected to the presidency he would charge forward on enacting his clearly stated agenda, and those newly elected representatives in his wave would be enthusiastic soldiers in the subsequent battles on Capitol (or is it Capital?) Hill.

The Wall Street banksters are just as sure of all this as I am, and they are firing all their artillery to prevent Bernie Sanders from ever getting the chance to mess with their business (enslaving us). The two biggest guns the bankster syndicates have firing right now are Donald Trump (with the entire Republican Party as a secondary battery of mortars, grenades and assault rifles) and Hillary Clinton, the Cinderella-in-waiting carrying the fond hopes of her professional family of corporatized Democratic Party apparatchiks, for a successful consummation with Prince Corp.

These are the facts. Now, what are leftists to do? There are two typical responses.

One: Stick to principles. Having long since given up on finding an ideologically acceptable and “electable” (major party) American politician, these leftist voters dismiss someone like Bernie Sanders for his “gaps,” “blind spots” and “softness” on matters of principle, for these types of individuals. Such people will then vote for ideologically acceptable and “unelectable” minor party candidates, or simply not vote.

Two: Vote for the lesser evil. Having long since given up on finding an ideologically acceptable and “electable” (major party) American politician, these leftist voters decide to hold their noses and vote for the “lesser evil,” in the hopes of softening the inevitable blows on vulnerable populations. This was the tack advocated by the late Molly Ivins.

There is a sad third possibility, that of turing off your thinking to become one of the mainstream capitalist slave bigot zombies and vote corporate. But that is just a tragedy of mental illness, and not recommended.

Bernie’s my man, here’s my plan. If the Democrat backroom boys (and girls) steal the nomination from Bernie and give it to Hillary, I’m going to vote for Jill Stein and the Greens. Trump and the Repubs are just a false flag operation to scare and stampede the American public into swallowing Hillary, the handmaiden of the Wall Street banksters. The whole con is to get Hillary in “with the people’s blessing.” That con has a good chance of working (why think?), but at least I don’t have to fall for it. Give ’em hell Bernie!



Shock Poll: Bernie Sanders Is the Most Electable Candidate in Either Party

Sanders shows the power and appeal of the progressive movement

By Brent Budowsky

3 December 2015

Western Illinois University Predicts a Bernie Sanders Victory in 2016

By Colleen Connolly

11 November 2015

Manuel Garcia Jr, once a physicist, is now a lazy househusband who writes out his analyses of physical or societal problems or interactions. He can be reached at