Evolution in economic systems produced the fatal cancer of contemporary Capitalism. In retrospect, this appears to have been inevitable.
Human life requires food, water, shelter, clothing, which, if not produced, must be traded for, bought, or stolen. As societies ramified in complexity general self-sufficiency decreased and a money economy supplied them.
With ever growing populations, demand increased exponentially, allowing entities that could provide necessities exploitative power–even with an abundance of supply–through ownership and control of resources.
In Capitalist economies, as in nature, greater force displaces lesser. More money displaces less; consolidation is inevitable. Larger and fewer
financial entities eliminate competition. Capitalism perfected the process.
Economics is not governed by human ethics or morality any more than gravity is. The survival of humanity, though, depends in the long run on a polity that is ethically based. Economics in any form is at odds in its essence with viable social systems.
The entire history of mankind has been characterized by disequilibrium between the need for ethical management of societies and the inherently unethical function of economics. Predatory Capitalism, protected in nations it infects as a parasite, is historically unrivalled as a destoyer of societies.
The world today is a grand theater displaying the assault on all life by Capitalism. The utter fraud and criminality of its methods and motives can no longer be denied nor easily peddled to the vast mass of its victims by the minuscule fragment of mankind who are its owners and operaters.
Power–the application of energy or force–exists independent of human ethics or morality, as well. It’s application in human endeavors, predictably, is always described as ethical and moral by those who apply it.
Capitalism today, ubiquitous and unchallengeable, exists in the wildest, most precarious, state of imbalance and inequity in economic history.
Two forces sustain it and enforce its rule: the deeply inculcated dogma– amounting to a secular religion–that it is the only system possible or even conceivable, and the absolute authority of colluding and colliding states.
The dogma is rapidly failing, eroded by the sheer range and volume of misery and squalor relentlessly inflicted on the propagandized masses, and by the continual escape of actual information about it that the economic tyranny, even with near absolute control of media, cannot now prevent.
Power–as the focused and directed use of massive state force–remains.
When a belief system loses its capacity to enthrall its believers it faces a choice: to yield to the attrition that will in the end vitiate and destroy its dominion; or, to use power in any way necessary to enforce its mandate.
This is the point at which the Capitalist rule of the world has arrived.
Those at the levers of its power understand this and have taken steps accordingly. Major Capitalist nations have radically militarized their police forces, creating far more lethally armed and scientifically equipped versions of the Nazi Waffen SS: high-tech weaponized state commandos dedicated to eradication of dissent and elimination of “enemies of the Homeland”.
Snowden, via Greenwald and Poitras, informed us that our privacy has been eliminated and that we are all suspect in the ubiquitous eyes of our Security State. In protests, cages and corrals ringed by uniformed goons with mace and truncheons are the spaces where we are allowed “peacebly to assemble and to petition the government for redress of grievances”.
JFK said, “Those who make peaceful evolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” That was poetry as regards America. The idea of a radical political movement–much less rebellion–by our passive, frightened, obedient citizenry is a pathetic juvenile fantasy. We will live as cowed subjects rather than to face the monster and take action that could free us.
Capitalism must be destroyed.