Barack Hussain Obama represents a text book case of the Sheep Dog Syndrome, as in a well-trained dog used to control the American Sheeple, leading them either to a sheering or worse case, the slaughter. Thanks to the late great “Race Man”, Asa G. Hilliard III, we know how a sheep dog is trained, which quite strikingly mirrors the childhood of President BHO. At birth, a puppy, often of mixed breeding, is taken from its mother, covered with the dung of a mother sheep and set to suckle from her tit alongside lambkins it will spend the rest of its life controlling.
Barry O’Bomber was his nickname, a baby taken from his African father shortly after birth and set to suckle at the breast of his white mother. He was raised by a white grandmother, part of the white elite, colonial settler regime that rules what was once the Kingdom of Hawaii. He was indoctrinated in the ways of his great white fathers while attending one of the most elite secondary schools in the United Snakes, Punahou School, founded by the Yankee missionaries to educate their offspring in the then independent nation of Hawaii.
“Barry”, a name his white grandmother could feel comfortable calling him, was the only black kid in a school of over 3,000 and as such was very much in the public eye. He learned at an early age just what to say and do to please his would be masters.
The Board of Trustees of Punahou School, with names like Dole, as in Dole Foods, namesake of the traitor who led the overthrow of the Hawaiian Queen, were delighted to find that “Barry” was a quick study of what white supremacy was really all about, and made him the “house negro” of as nasty a set of imperialist elite as one could find. The crimes committed by these oligarchs were not just in far-flung lands like Vietnam, the Philipines or the nuclear ravaged Marshall Islands. No, the racist, colonial settler regime ruling Hawaii during “Barry’s” tenure at Punahou were directly involved in the rape of Hawaii’s environment, in particular the beaches and surfing spots that Barry still spends his holidays enjoying, or what is left of them. “You pave paradise to put up a parking lot” as was sung at concerts in the Waikiki Shell Barry used to party at.
Sheep dogs are created, not born, and never lose their fealty to their masters, no matter the twists and turns their life’s travels may take. Barry eventually became Barack, militantly black, friend of the downtrodden, whether it be black folk in the American ghettos or Palestinian in the ghettos of Gaza or the West Bank.
With some “street cred”, Obama set about convincing the white elite on “the Continent” just how well he could be trusted to control the American Sheeple, rising through the ranks of one of the most corrupt mafias in the country, the Chicago Democratic Party machine, to arrive at the doorstep of national power as a US Senator in Washington, DC. Along the way to the Presidency he cold bloodedly dumped his once personal friend and mentor, the minister of the church where Barack so fervently proclaimed during Sunday services “tell it brother!” when the pastor called out “Not god bless America, God Damn America!”.
Once a sheep dog always a sheep dog, always looking out for its masters interests, diligently controlling the American Sheeple no matter the lies and subterfuge necessary to do so. The sheep dog syndrome continues to define the life and crimes of Barack Obama. What else should be expected?