Those who quickly dismiss Donald Trump’s bid for the presidency are wrong. Rather than being a rambling account of a confused man’s thoughts, his announcement is a testament to the vagaries of the capitalist system, and the unpredictable turns of history.
He is rather incisive in his opinion about the waves of migrants coming to the U.S. I should know it, since I am an immigrant myself, although not necessarily one of those people that “have a lot of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Perhaps some of these statements are right. On more than one occasion I brought some aspirin tablets from my overseas trips….
One of his solutions for the war in Yemen is nothing short of brilliant. Let’s hear his innovative solution. “And believe me, you look at the border with Yemen. You remember Obama a year ago, Yemen was a great victory. Two weeks later, the place was blown up. Everybody got out –and they kept our equipment. They always keep our equipment. We ought to send used equipment, right? They always keep our equipment. We ought to send some real junk, because frankly, it would be –we ought to send our surplus. We’re always losing this gorgeous brand-new stuff.”
Now, please, who in the world would have thought of a more stupendous idea? How could we, the rest of the world, total nincompoops, ever be able to come up with a more brilliant idea? Fight a war with second rate, used stuff, and to hell with them! They are the ones that are going to be stuck with it. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, these are the thoughts of a unique mind.
It is this brilliance that makes him such a likable person. His explanation? “Somebody said to me the other day, a reporter, a very nice reporter, ‘But, Mr. Trump, you are not a nice person’. That’s true. But actually I am. I think I am a nice person. People that know me, like me. Does my family like me? I think so, right. Look at my family. I am proud of my family….I give a lot of money away to charities and other things. I think I’m actually a very nice person.”
As a political commentator I must admit something. It is only fair to Mr. Trump. My not liking him as much as his family does is just a sour grapes reaction on my part. So far, I haven’t received a dime from Mr. Trump’s largesse.
How would Mr. Nice Person Trump solve the problems of Mexican migrants coming to the U.S. for medical care? Simple. “I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, and I’ll build them very inexpensively, I will build a great, great wall on our southern border. And I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” I am left speechless….
Pause (I need time to recompose).
I realize that we, in the country, suffer from an excess of humble people, we are people unable to assert ourselves in the way a real leader does. And here is the pinnacle of Mr. Trump’s thoughts, unable to be thought by common mortals. “Now, our country needs –our country needs a truly great leader, and we need a truly great leader now. We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ We need a leader that can bring back our jobs, can bring back our manufacturing, can bring back our military, can take care of our vets. Our vets have been abandoned. And we also need a cheerleader.”
And that, my friends, is the reason why we need Mr. Donald Trump. He is the only one to have the main characteristic of a great cheerleader. A beautiful hairdo…
Dr. Cesar Chelala is a New York writer.