DON PEDRO: “Officers, what offense have these men done?
DOGBERRY: Marry, sir, they have committed false report; moreover, they have spoken untruths; secondarily, they are slanders; sixth and lastly, they have belied a lady; thirdly, they have verified unjust things; and, to conclude, they are lying knaves.”
— “Much Ado About Nothing,” Shakespeare
We have all been here before, in one way or another, with regard to US/EU/NATO foreign policy nonsense, albeit, scary nonsense.
Their idea of foreign policy, these days, is so schizophrenic, it is difficult to know what that policy is at all, other than to say: shock, awe and bomb until we don’t get it right, or in other words, create chaos until all hell breaks loose, seems to be the order of the day and yet, out of the chaos comes the true meaning of this kind of policy. And that would be Chaos.
I offer at least one example and it is redundant and well established. The US (and its allies) both support and fight ISIS, ISIL, IS at the same time, in Syria, Iraq and wherever else they brew it. End result? Chaos but chaos which serves a purpose: out of chaos comes a divide and conquer type of new world dominance, hegemony kinda chaos. Brilliant hey?
We are living in a topsy turvy world, where might is right, evil is good and old fashioned Fascism rides again. Yee haw, for those who love Fascism and it really sucks for those of us who do not. Those of us who prefer sane Foreign Policy, and an end to corporate/banker sponsored warfare and all that comes with it are basically sh-t out of luck. We are just suppose to suck on it. (The sucking part comes with the new brown shirts, steel toed jack boots along with their tattoos, shaved heads and they are rising up in large numbers and kicking the crap out of everyone, just like the good old days. I offer you Ukraine, again! And away we go! Fascism is spreading across Europe faster than any plague but the plague is real and follows a script we have been witness to previous to now, namely WWII.)
Yet, the world is worried about Russia?! Not entirely true, the boondoggled are worried about Russia.
The false reporting about Russia. The ‘Motherland’ belied and violated. The outright lies and slander. ‘Verified’ things untrue aplenty and an absolute bag full of lying knaves in good supply. Thank you William S.
Well, I’ve got some news… And it isn’t actually a secret. (Plenty of good folks out there writing about this, with my voice, simply being one more, in the mix, pointing out what should be the obvious, to any critical thinking human being and aren’t they in short supply), in a word, the masses are being: Boondoggled.
The ‘West is good’, ‘Russia bad’ schtick is so tired (and so cliched) but just like a US football game, the citizens clamor for just this kind of simplicity because most are, in fact, simplistic. ‘Bread and Circus’, along with gladiator type casting, we just love it. Centuries of conditioning and we are going strong. Ignore the facts, believe the out right lies and deception and we are ready for a touch-down! Bring it on! Confrontation, world war three type destruction ( you remember: duck and cover from those nukes!).
Well get ready folks because “the Russians are coming” and they are coming by stealth, using every weapon in their arsenal, which includes brains, brawn and multi-polar realignment. The great clash of civilizations is about to begin and we all have a front row seat. (The West being intent upon a Unilateral world, an ‘our way or the highway’ approach to world affairs.) It is coming down to survival of the fittest and it will get very ugly.
The thing is? None of this is funny, it is extremely dangerous and many have heralded the call.
All sides are committing to massive military build-ups and there is an awful lot going on, not only here on earth, but above our heads, in space, as well.
The hopes for peace and true, global co-operation, which many of of us have worked for, can be dashed in a single moment. It is absolutely chilling to think about the consequences, it is the unthinkable, the unimaginable but it is precisely what happens when unreasonable people try to rule the world by force. When voices of reason are drowned out, when organizations and institutions, designed to represent the world for the greater good of human kind are corrupted and co-opted, we are on the brink of war.
We are faced with many, seemingly, insurmountable problems in these times but there are voices of reason out there, they are simply being distorted and prohibited from being heard. The madmen of war are running the asylum and those who would have it otherwise, those who speak of peace, and act for peace are portrayed as the villains.
And those who receive peace prizes? They make more endless war.
The joke, it would seem, is on the peace makers. Let us not ever be content with that.
Truth is the weapon of peace. ‘And Blessed are the peacemakers’…
DONNA J. VOLATILE is radical screen writer and sometime political writer living in New Mexico. She can be reached at: