During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
– George Orwell
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
– Voltaire
The Western World is becoming ‘progressively’ more pathologically austere as an expression of the degeneration of Democracy; as a disease incorporating the transfer of resources away from the majority and to a minority? Think of America, think of Greece, think of Portugal, think of Italy, think of Spain, think of France and now think of Germany – and this before contemplation of the Geopolitical Thrust as mere racket which is into Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria – and so onwards to Iran? The symptoms of this disease of the Western World, euphemistically called ‘Corporatism’, would be hidden from the People in a denial which part of an ontology of a most unhealthy transfer of resources; a most unhealthy debauching of ‘Currency’?
In the Western World, Corporatism has become ‘subject’ to Zionism and in consequence Capitalist Democracy has been usurped by the power of a concentrated accumulation of resources – and this- no mere product of ‘happenstance’ – but rather part of a systemic scheme whereby the rich are to get richer and the poor to get poorer?
When 2.3 Trillion Dollars can ‘go missing’ from an Economy and disappear down a ‘memory hole’ as part of a historical revisionism aka denial; when the very day after the gone missing is ‘announced’ and the Rabbi Dov Zakheim as Comptroller is not held to account because it ‘happens’ there is an attack on the Twin Towers (also WTC 7) and the Pentagon which becomes the focus of attention and a casus belli for war then something is seriously wrong – and psycho political abuse is in operation? Let us also not forget the ‘weapons grade anthrax’ – such the ‘memory hole’?
When American ‘Politicians’ can be held captive behind closed doors and informed that unless they ‘vote’ a certain way then there will be Martial Law; when acts of racketeering by mere gangsters can be rationalised as ‘International Finance’ while hundreds of millions of People suffer through misplaced trust; when there is no attempt to hold the perpetrators of such crime to ‘Justice’ because there is a combination of denial and ‘capture’ of the regulatory bodies and mechanisms supposedly in situ to prevent such criminality – then something is seriously wrong with the concept of the Western World as ‘Free’ ?
The real austerity of the Western World is become the prevalence of illusion which is unquestionable, it is the unmentionable ‘elephant in the room’ – because such elephant is at war, such the racket, and can trample at will; it would be seen as master of illusion as a disaster of control and manipulation, it would turn truth to illusion and would control and manipulate to point of a darkness in which Humanity is extinguished, and: sickness seen as health, degeneracy seen as moral, war seen as peace, enslavement as freedom, inequality seen as equality and mere lie seen as truth – all this under no concept as permission of perhaps the greatest of all questions: ‘Cui Bono?‘
The term ‘Currency’ is most revealing?
At this point, as to convention, a dictionary definition should be introduced. Goodbye convention, in as much as goodbye to Orthodoxy. (‘Fuck convention, fuck orthodoxy!’ was contemplated by the way, but was considered too uncouth)
The point being made here is an intimate one – you as well as these small quarters know(?) the ambiguity this case is between ‘currency’ as can refer to time as in the ‘here and now’ – and as can also refer to a medium of transfer/hidden taxation in form of ‘money’ aka ‘usury’ such the debauching? (The ‘Dollar’/’Pound’/’Euro’ in your pocket being no more than a loan upon which interest is exacted as a ‘hidden taxation’?)
As Keynes put it:
By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.
This, perhaps the greatest insight as would be not permitted, which geopolitically has come to mean in chronological order:
The Bank of England, the Federal Reserve, The European Central Bank – and somewhere ‘in between’, the IMF and the BIS (‘International Monetary Fund’ and ‘Bank for International Settlements’ respectively).
Polemically speaking, such a chronology reveals Stateless Bastards with their hands in the pockets of the People as some interpretation of the ‘hidden hand’ of the Wealth of Nations as mine Countryman, Adam Smith once put.
Or, as the Zionist Mayer Amschel Rothschild put it:
‘Permit me to control and issue the currency of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws’
Now let us get down to the ‘ground zero’ point at which truth meets lie – and at which metaphysical/political speculation would have long since been assassinated such the ‘currency’?
The walls of Israel as a Zionist concept implemented are to be pitied more than scorned; as such Zionism is a mere homelessness to Humanity, in as much as Apartheid of any form is an abomination, and the implementation by way of concrete, bullet and razor wire – the walls of Israel are the walls of a prison called denial? These small quarters are not ‘anti semitic’ in as much as the proposition by Voltaire holds – but nor will they give a inch to what Orwell referred to as ‘doublespeak’ in which any criticism would not be ‘permitted’ and conflation dominates, backed up by the power of money over ‘apperception’ and what illusions can thereby be propagated given the permit to ‘control and issue currency’? A lot of resources are being expended to prevent the freedom which represented here?
The origins of the problems of the Western World, that is the austerity which has it that there is always money for War but none for Peace, always money for bullets and bombs but none for bread, arise from the Eighteenth Century? The foundations of Globalization as a disease are to be found in mere usury thru debauching currency, and it is a tragedy for Mankind that Zionists have been able to racketeer such debauchery to the point of Genocide of what are referred to as ‘Goyim‘. Globalization refers, such the interpretation this small article, to the farming of the human population in order that profit can be maximized; it refers to an ‘aspiration’ in which concepts of Justice, Equality and Freedom become so warped and twisted as to support Ecocide as the ultimate austerity.
Like Currency; austerity is a belief. A tremendous amount of resources are devoted currently towards supporting a particular belief; towards the intermediation of that apperception which ‘interprets’ the reality which meets our senses, most notably in denial. Yet the ‘dreams’ of Zionism and Globalization are dying, because they are founded upon lies – only truth is eternal and the truth is that there are no ‘untermenschen‘ as there are no ‘goyim‘: all men are equal as created in as much as all men are as worthy of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Try telling that to the elephant in the room as would control and manipulate through fear, try rising against not being allowed to criticize. Try Democracy on for size. It is much more fitting than the mere chains and shackles which would constitute the Animal Farm Panopticon of mere Fascism aka Corporatism?
The symptoms of debauched currency are polymorphous, but we in the Western World experience them as the mantra of austerity to an ongoing transfer of resources whereby a minority grow richer and the majority are impoverished.
‘Cui Bono?’ remains the greatest question a man can ask?
-Particularly in times, as would be, of ‘universal deceit’?
Stephen Martin can be reached at: stephenmarti@yahoo.com