The Greatest Generation?

The Greatest Generation?

Oh really?

If they were so great

Then why did they send

Their Sons so willingly

Off to die

In Vietnam

A war  they started

While we suffered from


58,000 young men

Of my generation

Were murdered

By The Greatest Generation

Hundreds of Thousands

Of our Lives were destroyed

Plus  3 million genocided Vietnamese

Not that “gooks” mattered to The Greatest Generation

Then  neither did we their Sons


Why  didn’t The Greatest Generation

Rise up as One

And tell the American Empire

That you will not have our Sons


Over our dead bodies!

Hell no!

They will not go!


Why did The Greatest Generation

Not fight for US their Sons

Against the American Empire

As they did against the German  and  Japanese Empires

We the Sons of the Greatest Generation were not worth it


They said they were liberating Peoples in Foreign Lands

Then why did The Greatest Generation send   their Sons

To fight and die

In that God-forsaken Land?

And to murder millions living in their own Land?



Was this some blood-sport

we had to play

With them as  pony riders

and US  as  buzkashi goat carcasses


Was it  reverse Freudian Oedipal Complex

Them killing us off

before we got to  them

And took their place


Were we  blood-sacrifice to Moloch

With them as  Priests

And we as  sacrificial lambs


Were we  their  Abrahams

Actually murdering  US  their  Isaacs

In  a Holocaust

To their  Genocidal Yahweh


Hard to say

What was going on

In the Minds of The Greatest Generation

If anything at all

Mindless Patriotism

The last refuge of them Scoundrels!


They knew all about War

then sent their Sons marching off

Into the Valley of Death

Charge of the Light Brigade


The result was predictable

A Decimated Generation

A Shattered Generation




The Greatest Generation?

Hell no!

A Pathetic Generation!


May they  ever be  tormented

By Their Own  Son’s  Souls

Francis Anthony Boyle is a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law.