On The Jewish Question

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize – Voltaire

Although this small article is based on the title of a little known or referenced article by Karl Marx the quote above by Voltaire is apposite? By way of justifying this proposition it can be a useful exercise to contemplate what your very own ‘anticipation’ was concerning reading the title of this small article, submitted for an American Organ of Democracy – and with a focus commensurate not to say contemporaneous – Marx wrote ‘On the Jewish Question’ in 1843.

At the very mention of a question described as ‘Jewish’ what were the words, form of association in your mind as questions prior to the hyperlink being clicked; was there a repugnance or a sense of relish -what were the connotations elicited and what were your emotions, if any?


Or did you think of Marx?

These small quarters are in such contemplation conscious of an ‘ideological minefield’ expressive of ‘Orthodoxy’ in the sense of Orwell’s delineation which is only to be traversed through given the most careful application of methodology and statement of humanitarian intent as evidences Democracy, concordant with the great American Truth enshrined in the Declaration of Independence concerning self evidence.

This Great Truth Democratic demands repetition as much as application, thus:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

In other words, subject matter this small article is highly challenging and thus potentially provocative, and the ‘game’ of stating the self evident as substantiated is ‘worth the candle’ such as exists alongside the First Amendment.

Destroy any ‘candle’ – is this the real game?

Democracy or Fascism aka Corporatism?

– Perchance the term ‘Elephant in the Room’ is more meaningful in the context of Orthodoxy as denies thought.

As illustration of the worthwhile nature of the challenge, in the drafting the subtitle this small article has already gone from:

Not to be questioned, let alone criticized?’

(As encapsulates certain obvious irony). To:

Not to be mentioned, let alone questioned or criticized?’

And then: as in the above, to: ‘Do not even mention!’

In course of this ‘re-working’ there was some revelation, perchance as a realization of the Socratic concept of ‘anamnesis’, furthered by contemplation of the Orwellian proposition that Orthodoxy represents the ‘death of thought’, as to the ontogeny of Orthodoxy which relates ‘mentioning’, ‘questioning’ and ‘criticizing’  context of evidence as can be possessed by self, and so proportionate as can aspire towards Truth such the phylogeny political which realizes ‘Democracy’ evident?

‘Recapitulation’, indeed.

While not quite of an epiphany for these small quarters – give a subject which is ‘Taboo!’ and by way of realizing ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ such the idiosyncrasy there will be attempt by same to deny such prohibition as a form of compulsion rationalized by the ‘at least there was an attempt!’ to paraphrase Randall Patrick McMurphy such the flyover the ‘Cuckoos Nest’ represents in the aspiration of East/West transcended (One flew East etc.)

Questions should never be prohibited?

‘Democracy’ is degenerated so accordant as to the ‘Mention, Criticize, Question’ denial of the meaning of self evidence, and in as much as Life can be denied, Liberty can be denied – and then there no possibility of the Pursuit of Happiness?

So much for the preamble – as preceding an attempted ‘traverse’ of a field of mines so planted with wilful deliberation as to deter.

Aside from the hellfire missile bearing drones, aside from  extrajudicial assassination and at the very least the denial of ‘Posse Comitatus’  – and in contemplation of whatever became of a beautiful baby…

Let us get in to the minefield, let us mention the Elephant – such the room as would be a cell in a Panopticon denied?

The proposition of all men created equal and unalienable rights of same demands many things – which it should serve the material interests of those who would deny same consequences or ramifications of such proposition in pursuing; and when such denial is attained there is a death of Democracy entailed?

The ‘bottom line’ of Economics, regardless of Orthodoxy but highly pertinent to any concept of Morality, is that there is only so much to go around at any given time, and when one party takes a bigger share of what is going around then it means a smaller share for other parties. This can be extended to include not only material possessions but ‘thought’ would you believe; in as much as the ultimate degeneration can be a ‘Panopticon’ (above referenced) as a prison where even thought would be ‘expropriated’? (But first the gathering of – such the ‘PRISM’?)

Anyway, when it gets down to distribution and the control over same, this small article is to contend that in the case of America as once was a ‘Republic’ there is indeed a ‘Jewish Question’.

It is a question which is suppressed, it is a question which would not be asked, it is indeed, such the ontology a subject which repression would not have even be mentioned; much as ‘Gaza’ would not be seen as the largest concentration camp in the world, such the concentration of resources (material – for there are other types?) would reduce the world to the point where there an ‘acceptable line’ (of thought, much as in the swill bucket so controlled?)

Questions form the basis of Democracy, and to deny such questioning is to be a mere sycophant of Orthodoxy. It is to take the money and run – much as the Political Representatives, by and large as a misnomer and as ‘locked in’ to a ‘bailout’ to become ‘bail in’  exist in the houses of ‘Democracy American’ as become ‘charnel’ by the pragmatism?

How’ it’ works is age old. We know where you live. We know where your family lives. We can take what you value and remove it. We can ensure ‘you and yours’ thrive, and that same remains alive. It is just a matter of ‘contingency’.

What do you want: the carrot or the stick?

As to how much of ‘it’ is Terrorism, sense of an offensive ‘takeover’ rationalized thru Orthodoxy, such the carrot, such the stick, is not an issue liable to be encountered in the mainstream media as yet another charnel house, alas?

We live in times of a polarization of resources where anyone questioning same is to enter a minefield ideological; where millions of Americans are  sacrificed on an ‘altar’ of free market orthodoxy, and where the ‘valence’ of such situation is as to prohibit  even the mention of such ideas as:

‘The disproportionate representation of Zionism as per ‘Interest Group’ such the funding of Politics’

‘The real power of the control and issue of the money of a Nation’

‘The over representation of Zionist Jews in America as evident in consideration of the application of Nepotism/Usury reflected in Corporatism as a Polarization’

‘American’ Heroes of Zionism – as evidenced by Rothschild, Kissinger, Zakheim, Emmanuel’

’Globalization’ as Terrorism by way of usury as rationalized by ‘The Talmud?’

Each ‘idea’ above a mine in a field where there is no room for ‘Democracy’?

It is painful, if not fatal to strike upon raw nerves of the body politic as would be ‘Corporatist’ sense of euphemism for mere bloody Gangsterism as of Smedley Butler wrote concerning ‘War is a Racket’?

But it is demanded – and it is a demand denied by the mainstream in ‘American Media’ today?

Over one hundred million Americans are suffering from the denial of Democracy and the denial of the best written Constitution of same the World has yet seen. A ‘Benevolent Dictatorship’ could be better?

Inscribed on the gravestone of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery London are the following words:

‘The philosophers have only interpreted the world; the thing, however, is to change it’

In light of consideration of Marx’s article ‘On The Jewish Question’ it is not believed by these small quarters that Marx meant change for the worse as in the application of Usury in conjunction with ‘Nepotism’ and ‘Corruption’, that is to say, were Marx alive today in body and spirit, he would ‘CounterPunch’ against the prevailing Orthodoxy in being a champion of ‘self evident truth’ – and thus would be characterised by Zionists as a ‘self hating Jew’?

That Marxism is ‘dead’ to America today is but one aspect of the marginalisation of ‘The Left’ as has contributed towards the death of American Democracy?


Appropriations requisite for ‘Homeland Security’ as exemplary of ‘Doublespeak’ such the ‘State of the Nation’.

2 Billion rounds of ammunition, including ‘hollow point’. Armored Patrol Vehicles with gun ports facilitative of sniper deployment. Armored checkpoint booths. Targets for practise to reflect a ‘No Hesitation’ policy. No questions permitted as per the dismissal by Janet Napolitano. Not so much ‘Big Brother’ as ‘Big Sister’? Over at Veterans Today  they got it some of it right such the left behind denied?

NB ‘Footnote’ as opposed to ‘Endnote’. The Fat Lady has yet to sing.

Stephen Martin can be reached at: stephenmarti@yahoo.com

Stephen Martin can be reached at: stephenmarti@yahoo.com