Anthropologist David Price recounts the history of government wiretaps in America, which began soon after the development of the telephone, and the changing public attitudes toward domestic spying by intelligences agencies; TWILIGHT OF THE POST-WORLD WAR II ORDER: Peter Lee profiles the new Japan: aggressive, militaristic, nostalgic for the old empire; MY HOLLYWOOD ADVENTURE WITH THE CIA: John Eskow recounts his experience writing the screenplay for Air America, the film which exposed CIA drug-running during the Vietnam War; MALAYSIA ON THE KNIFE EDGE: Nile Bowie reports from Kuala Lumpur on the rising Islamist movement; ACCIDENTAL RACISM? Lee Ballinger on the strange duet between Brad Paisley and LL Cool J in the context of the New South. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair’s The CIA Came at Night; JoAnn Wypijewski’s Life Against Death; Chris Floyd’s Shamming Into Syria; Mike Whitney’s The Worst of Times for Workers; and Kristin Kolb’s Ave, Angelina.