The History Channel is catching righteous hell for crafting the character of Satan in its miniseries “The Bible” to bear an uncanny likeness to U.S. President Barak Obama.
Is it just coincidence that the dark-skinned Satan in this HISTORY channel miniseries looks hauntingly similar to the first black man to occupy the Oval Office seat in America’s White House?
Even worse than the meticulous use of makeup to craft the actor playing this miniseries’ devil to look eerily like Obama is the defensive reaction from producers of The Bible curtly dismissing criticisms of their malicious make-up usage as “utter nonsense.”
The producers of that miniseries, one being actress Roma Downey of “Touched by an Angel” television series fame, are assuming roles of angels-of-ignorance in their insultingly ridiculous antic of casting-out critics of their makeup slight as if they were demons spewing unadulterated balderdash of biblical proportions.
What’s utterly nonsensical is for Downey and her co-producer husband to pretend there is no potential for prejudicial spirits lurking in that make-up scheme because, as they contend, the actor playing Satan is from Morocco (in North Africa) and because that actor has played devil roles in other biblical movies prior to Obama’s election.
Photographs of the Moroccan actor playing Satan in that miniseries quickly belie any contention from those producers that the uncanny post-makeup resemblance to Obama is sheer coincidence.
But, playing Devil’s Advocate with this Bible miniseries controversy, there is arguable merit in the assertion that Obama Administration actions such as unapologetically unleashing drone attacks that murder people populating nations that are primarily Muslim evidences a genuine evil.
The evil inherent in Obama’s cavalier brush off of the “collateral damage” on innocents caused by drone assaults — including the killing of children — is what lawyers’ could term as prima facie evidence of evil whether or not one embraces those right-wing extremist labeling Obama the Anti-Christ.
It is surely devilish for Obama to expand use of extrajudicial assassinations initially employed by his predecessor in the White House, George W. Bush. Also devilish is Obama’s failure to keep his campaign pledge to close that infamous prison in Guantanamo Bay.
Guantanamo, located on land illegally occupied in Cuba by the US in 1898 after its short war against Spain, is where inmates snatched under America’s evil War on Terrorism are on hunger strikes protesting wretched conditions that include routine use of torture. (Even the government admits that the vast majority of those held at Guantanamo never actually were terrorists.)
And it is surely hellacious for a man who touts on his background as a constitutional law professor to willfully preside over continually corroding precious civil liberties Americans enjoy, shredding both the freedoms that define America and the democratic principles that supposedly make this nation a special place.
Noble Peace Prize winning Obama has waged war mercilessly on whistle-blowers exposing grave governmental wrongdoing. Further, he’s erected walls of secrecy eviscerating his campaign pledges to enhance governmental transparency.
Despite engaging in indefensibly devilish policies and practices, the telegenic does Obama bears little resemblance to traditional cinematic portrayals of Satan as a creature with red skin and horns or, as a Diversity Inc article noted as a white, middle-aged man.
The History Channel‘s vile presentation of an Obama-like Satan is an outrage, but that does not give any pass to this president for his endorsement and even enhancement of some of the darkest aspects of Evil Empire style policies as he leads the country further into the 21st Century A.D.
LINN WASHINGTON, JR. is a founding member of ThisCantBeHappening!, the new independent Project Censored Award-winning online alternative newspaper. His work, and that of colleagues JOHN GRANT, DAVE LINDORFF, LORI SPENCER and CHARLES M. YOUNG, can be found at