December 2012

You Can Read It in the Funny Papers

Chomsky on Civil Liberties, Obama and the Future of Progressive Politics

The Border Security and Criminal Alien Consensus

One Year After the West Coast Port Shutdown

Guns, Race and America’s Collective Psychosis

Why the Washington Post Killed the Story of Murdoch’s Bid to Buy the US Presidency

Zero Dark Thirty: Torture, Take Two

The Killing of Eric Mark

Democrats, Social Security and the Fiscal Cliff

Fantasies of World Destruction

Police State India

Will the Destruction of Nahr al Bared be Replicated in Yamouk?

Finding Guanyin in a Plastic Christmas Apocalypse

Considering Gun Control in the Broader Context

From Pinkville to Newtown

The Climate Deal Sham

Christmas’s Greatest Anti-Carol

Why Does the American Academy of Pediatrics Put Corporate Profits Ahead of Children’s Health?

Another Look at “Sustainable” Animal Farming

Anderson, Dinh & Chaos

Santa as Big Brother

All the Little Children of the World

Obama’s Just Another Chicago Player Throwing the Game

Mali: West Africa’s Gate to Convenient Chaos, Intervention

The Effects of Diplomacy as Subversion

The UN Stumbles on Israeli Settlements

Hagel, Kristol and the Art of the Smear

Learning Our Penchant for Mass Murder

Supplemental Security

America’s Hollow Concern for Children

Oliver Stone and Benicio del Toro in Puerto Rico

Politics, Profits and Policing in South Africa

Rebel Controlled Yarmouk Palestinian Camp Empties Pending Government Counter-Attack

The Fact-Free Fiscal Cliff Debate

Were U.S Marines Used as Guinea Pigs on Okinawa?

A Tale of Two Connecticut Cities

Syrian Minority Fear the End of Fighting More Than War Itself

UN Responds to Haiti’s Cholera Crisis by Sending Repackaged Aid

Breaking Bad in Newtown

The Problem of Gun Control

Attacking Gun Culture at Its Source

A Warrior Nation Weeps

The Coming Swindle of “Shared Sacrifice”

Is America Adam Lanza?

Obama’s Vilification of Latin America

The Men Behind the Curtain at Nazarbayev (World Bank) University

The Government and Your Guns

Do Arabs Cry For Their Children Too?

The Contras, Crack and Senator Inouye

David Ravelo’s Fight for Justice