Cockburn at the Village Voice

These photographs were taken at the Village Voice in the late 70s. In every picture he is present and at the same time, you can almost hear him think. There is one talking with Marianne Partridge, who was the editor then. There is an editorial meeting when he is talking and Eliot Freemont-Smith, Nat Hentoff, Jack Newfield, Marianne Patridge, Joe Conason and Karen Durbin are listening.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Alexander Cockburn at the Village Voice Photo: Sylvia Plachy.


Sylvia Plachy’s photo essays and portraits have appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Village Voice, The New Yorker, Granta, Artforum, Fortune, and other publications. Her books include: Sylvia Plachy’s Unguided Tour, Self Portrait with Cows Going Home,  Red Light: Inside the Sex Industry with James Ridgeway, Signs & Relics,  and Goings On About Town: Photographs for The New Yorker. She lives in New York City.