Born in a laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, home to the USA’s biological warfare program, the US Army created, Bill Gates Foundation funded and GSK administered Dengue “Bone-Break” Fever vaccine is reported to be in advanced trials in Thailand.
Dengue Fever, a virus transmitted by mosquitos, is the No.1 and fastest growing infectious disease in the world today. Due to climate change and/or increasing social intercourse Dengue Fever is burning its way through communities across the developing world where it has never been seen before with even semiarid and arid (desert) communities not being spared.
Similar to Yellow Fever, Dengue, nicknamed “bone-break fever” for the pain it can cause in your joints, is very debilitating but not usually fatal, though the DHF (Dengue Hemorrhaghic Fever) strain can be,and to often is, deadly, especially for children under 15 year of age.
There is presently no western medicine to prevent Dengue Fever and nothing in modern pharmacopeia much better than aspirin to treat it. There is a widely testified to homeopathic prophylactic/treatment but that is a story best told another day.
The name Ft. Detrick where US Army medical researchers created the Dengue vaccine, should set off alarm bells with anyone familiar with the history of the USA’s biological warfare program, especially the attacks secretly carried out by the CIA against the human and animal populations of Cuba in the 1970s (i.e. the Cuban Swine Flue Virus).
US Army medical research scientists based at Ft. Detrick, working with the likes of the US Center for Disease Control have even conducted secret trials of biological warfare weapons on the US population, including aerial spraying of pneumococcus bacteria over cities such as San Francisco and Honolulu back in the 1960s as well as some pretty nasty “experiments” on Black American communities in the southern USA.
So to NOT be alarmed and very suspicious when US Army medical research scientists based at Ft. Detrick are involved in creating something with such deadly potential as a “vaccine” for use almost exclusively in the developing world (the tiger and aegypti mosquitos which transmit dengue fever are not present in most of North America and Europe) against the worlds no.1 and fastest growing infectious disease would be to invite charges of criminal complacency.
Add to this the history of US Army medical research scientists leaving Ft. Detrick and turning up at GSK (GlaxoSmithKline, a prominent member of the international drug$ cartel) which is the outfit funded by the Gates Foundation (see “African Babies As Guinea Pigs”) to carry out the Dengue vaccine trials and you have more reason to worry.
While one may sincerely wish that a dengue fever vaccine that actually works is being developed the track record of the parties involved, be it the Gates Foundation, GSK or the US Army has to leave any informed observer suspicious if not more than a little paranoid.
Bone-break fever, Bill Gates, Ft. Dettrick and GSK–one should hope for the best but keep a sharp eye out for the worst.
Thomas C. Mountain, who has suffered through 3 bouts of dengue fever, is the most widely distributed independent western journalist in Africa, living and reporting from Eritrea since 2006. He can be reached at thomascmountain at yahoo dot com.