The New Year season is a good time to reflect on the U.S.’s true standing in the world.
Politicians of every stripe ceaselessly repeat the well-worn clich?s about America’s uniqueness and prowess at 4th of July, Memorial Day, election campaign and other patriotic celebrations.
But how exceptional are we?
The following list of some 35 categories compares our standing to other nations.
Sadly, the five categories in which America ranks #1 are Military Expenditure, Incarceration, Marriage, Cosmetic Procedures and Obesity.
Read on ?
U.S. Ranked #1
Military Expenditures (2008)
#1 ? U.S. = $663.2 billion (4% of GDP)
#2 ? China = $98.8 billion (2% of GDP)
Source: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) Military Expenditure Database (2009)
Military Expenditure per GDP (2005)
#1 ? Omar = 11.4%
#25 ? U.S. = 4.2%
Source: CIA Factbook
Incarceration Rate
#1 ? U.S. = 756 per 100,000 (1,613,740 in 2009)
#2 ? Russia = 629 per 100,000 (86,9814 in 2006)
Source: King’s College London International Centre for Prison Studies: U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics
Marriage Rate (“crude,” 2007)
#1 ? U.S. = 7.4 per 1,000
#7 ? Denmark = 6.7 per 1,000
Source: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center
Cosmetic Surgical Procedures (2009)
#1 ? U.S. = 1.5 mil
#2 ? Brazil = 1.0 million
Source: ISAPS
Obesity Rate
#1 ? U.S. = 34% (2008)
#2 ? Mexico = 30% (2006)
Source: OECD
#1 ? Costa Rica = 76.1
#114 ? U.S. = 30.7
Source: Happy Planet Index 2.0
Satisfaction with Life Index (2006)
#1 ? Denmark = 273.4
#23 ? U.S. = 246.7
Source: Adrian White, “A Global Projection of Subjective Well-being: A Challenge To Positive Psychology?”
Subjective Well-Being (2007)
#1 ? Denmark = 4.24
#16 ? U.S. = 3.55
Source: World Values Surveys
National Economy
Gross Domestic Product (2009)
#1 ? European Union = $14.4 trillion
#2 ? U.S. = $14.1 trillion
Source: CIA Factbook
Per Capita GDP
#1 ? Lichtenstein = $122,100 (2007)
#11 ? U.S. = $46,000 (2009)
Source: CIA Factbook
Human Poverty Index (2007-2008, lowest)
#1 ? Sweden = 6.3
#17 ? U.S. = 15.4
Source: Human Development Index
Current Account Balance (2009)
#1 ? China = $297.1 billion
#190 ? U.S. = ($378.4 billion)
Source: CIA Factbook
Competitive Economy
#1 ? Switzerland
#4 ? U.S.
Source: World Economic Forum
Digital Economy
#1 ? Sweden
#3 ? U.S.
Source: Economist Intelligence Group’s “e-readiness”
Information Technology
#1 ? Sweden
#4 ? U.S.
Source: World Economic Forum
Environmental Impact
Renewable Electricity Production (2009)
#1 ? China = 682.1
#3 ? U.S. = 413.2
Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy, June 2009
Environmental Impact (worst to best)
#1 ? Brazil
#2 ? U.S.
Source: University of Adelaide’s Environment Institute in Australia
CO-2 Emissions (Climate Change Performance Index, of 56 countries, 2008, best to worst)
#2 ? Germany = 3.0% share
#55 ? U.S. = 21.4% share
Source: Germanwatch
Life Expectancy
#1 ? Japan = 82.6 years
#38 ? U.S. = 78.2 years
Source: United Nations (2005-2010)
Infant mortality (to 1,000 live births, 2009)
#1 ? Iceland = 2.9
#33 ? U.S. = 6.3
Source: UN Population Division
National Health Systems
#1 ? France
#37 ? U.S.
Source: World Health Organization
Health Care Expenditures (% of GDP, 2006)
#1 ? France = 11.0%
#37 ? U.S. = 15.8%
Source: OECD
Overweight Rate
#1 ? Mexico = 70% (2006)
#2 ? U.S. = 68% (2008)
Source: OECD
Domestic Life
Divorce Rate (of marriages, 2002)
#1 ? Sweden = 54.9%
#7 ? U.S. = 45.7%
Source: Americans for Divorce Reform
Cohabitation Rate (20 year-old plus, 2007)
#1 ? France = 14.4%
#6 ? U.S. = 5.5%
Source: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center
Non-Married Childbirths (2007, US and Europe)
#1 ? Sweden = 54.7%
#6 ? U.S. Denmark = 38.5%
Source: National Healthy Marriage Resource Center
Motherhood Ranking (best to worst)
#1 ? Norway
#28 ? U.S.
Source: Save the Children “Mothers Index”
Gender Gap (narrowest to widest)
#1 ? Iceland
#19 ? U.S.
Source: World Economic Forum
Secondary School Graduates (2008)
#1 ? S. Korea = 93%
#18 ? U.S.= 73%
Source: OECD
College Graduates (25-34) (2007)
#1 ? Canada = 55.8%
#12 ? U.S. = 40.3%
Source: the College Board
#1 ? Korea = 539
#15 ? U.S. = 500
China was divided into three regions (Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao) and Shanghai and Hong Kong out-performed the U.S).
Science Education
#1 ? Finland = 554
#20 ? U.S. = 502
China was divided into three regions (Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao) and each out-performed the U.S.
Math Education
#1 ? Singapore = 562
#28? U.S. = 487
China was divided into three regions (Shanghai, Hong Kong and Macao) and each out-performed the U.S.
Telecommunications Services
Internet Users (2008)
#1 ? China = 298 million
#2 ? U.S. = 231 million
Source: CIA Factbook
Wired Broadband (2010)
#1 ? Netherlands = 37.8 per 100 (6.2 mil subscribers)
#14 ? U.S. = 27.1 per 100 (183.3 mil subscribers)
Source: OCED
Wireless Broadband (2010)
#1 ? Korea = 95.0 per 100 (146.3 mil subscribers)
#9 ? U.S. = 44.4 per 100 (136.3 mil subscribers)
Source: OCED
Broadband Data Rate (downsteam)
#1 ? Korea = 36.9 Mb/s
#31 ? U.S. = 9.9 Mb/s
Source: Speedtest
Broadband Data Rate (upsteam)
#1 ? Korea = 20.3 Mb/s
#33 ? U.S. = 2.5 Mb/s
Source: Speedtest
Please add you own categories and circulate.
DAVID ROSEN is the author of “Sex Scandals America: Politics & the Ritual of Public Shaming” (Key, 2009). He can be reached at