Money, Inc.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.

Thomas Jefferson

‘A murder is in progress’  as could begin denouement within a genre such as the ‘Whodunit?’ of Crime Mystery.

The fowl and bloody murder this small article attempts to detail concerns ‘Politics Pathological’ – whence ‘denial of Life’ is become ‘mundane’ – so ‘everyday’ in a psychopathology as would be beneath the threshold of ‘consciousness’ -as many dark little deeds in summation attain a ‘Gestalt’ of truly fatal proportion in a ‘State of Denial’ –  and as amounts to a ‘War’ waged on a Body Political.

A murder of inch given become yard taken; a murder which would be unseen yet occurring in daylight; a murder which would deny the evidence of the  very eyes and ears of Citizenry, and in the silencing of lips as would tell truth – for the denial which murder would have prevail is an ‘assassination’ as surely as Democracy can be destroyed by fear propagated – or as prayers can be formed to ‘broken stone’ under ‘Incorporation’- and Democracy become  but a ‘Great Notion’?

One truth being, as President Roosevelt put it: ‘that we have nothing to fear but fear itself’?

Another truth, more prescient in the contingency, by President Jefferson as in the quote above, describes the Murder in progress considered herein  as people being deprived of property, and children waking up homeless in America.

For a death, however gradual yet precipitated through willful and calculated deliberation by a murderous party in intent, is only a ‘murder’ when it is recognized as a Crime – otherwise it goes by a spectrum of crafted ‘euphemism’ designed to obfuscate truth of ‘cause’, form of smoke and mirrors as can support illusion as denial, not the least concerning Murder being rationalized as Death through ‘Natural Causes’, ‘Suicide’ or even ‘Accidental’?

The ultimate denial being, of course, that the victim is ‘alive and well’.

Things are in a hell of a State concerning the embrace of denial when even the reports of Medical Examiners are not to be trusted – such the ‘Incorporation’?

These small quarters would rather not tell  of  ‘Murder Political in America’, but denial is not an option, for the ‘Body’ lying fallen and wounded; dragged down into the ‘gutter’ from where the assault arose, is that of the Constitution of The United States of America, which though fallen as ‘denied by murderous intent’ yet still looks up to the Stars?

‘We’ as hold such truths self evident, as opposed to ‘We’ as of Zamyatin where dispossession is of the essence – by way of truth, by way of self, by way of evidence, denied?

Corexit is being sprayed and plumes denied as we ‘speak’?

That such truly August Political Body as the American Constitution is fallen as in Wall St, and crying out in throes of death, as once did an individual victim of murder; Kitty Genovese, cry out from the street of American City for ‘Help!’ – only to be met by closed blinds, a turning up of the radio, locked doors; such  ‘silent complicity’ testimony to a fragmented ‘community’ of a People living in fear  – and forced in to the embrace of denial  – constitutes a parallel?

The detailing of such parallel is the subject of this small article.

While Kitty Genovese lay dying, she was raped by her murderer.

People in the vicinity, hearing her cries ,‘diminished’ the import of Kitty’s pleas; telling themselves such as ‘it is only a drunken brawl’, ‘others will know better how to help’, ‘someone else will deal with it’, ‘she’ll be alright’, ‘it’s gone quiet now, it must be alright’ – and so it goes to the bloodiness  and fowlness of ‘spectrum of denial’ became ‘full’ in the dominance – and  an act of fowl and bloody murder occuring in a  Darkness ‘ permitted’?

‘Permit me to issue and control  the money  of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws’

Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Kitty Genovese died en route to Hospital on March 13, 1964.

To those who would deny parallel of the circumstances of the tragic death of Kitty Genovese to the ‘Murder’ of the Constitution of United States of America, these small quarters wish to detail   parallel as an ‘unpleasant truth’.

Freedom from denial means that unpleasant truths must be faced?

For although the heinous act of willful and calculating ‘Murder’ of the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America may not be yet ‘complete’, the act of ‘rape’ and the ‘theft’ or ‘pillage’ as furthers the parallel of degeneracy – it is estimated that Kitty Genovese’s Murderer stole some Forty Nine dollars from her –  is most certainly ongoing?

For a  fowl and bloody murder is ‘playing out’ in America as a ‘best laid scheme’ to a rape of every ‘orifice’ of the Political Body of the Constitution of a Democracy – and happening in front of the very eyes  and ears of the American Citizenry?

It accompanies a theft for a few Dollars more than ‘forty nine’; such the deepness and darkness of the ‘mine’ indeed, and accordant the great Wealth of the Body of the Political Constitution as subsumes more than the merely material; such the truth of ‘richness’, sense of a mentality sublime as Blake was capable of discerning?

There is indeed ‘mental health’ and ‘mental wealth’ abundant in the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America, as is self evident to all who elect to read it, and as such feel empathic the pulse of Truth articulated Political?

As indeed, such sense of empathy, there is wealth inestimable in the life of any individual; truth be told?

The murder in progress of the Constitution of the United States of America represents the death of Truth brought about by Lie, as would be unrecognized in the illusion as represents the full spectrum dominance of ‘State of Denial’, under motivation wanton and lustful, primarily ‘pecuniary’ sense of Monetary gain – given the power which Money can ‘Incorporate’ in the propagation of illusion.

But do not expect any ‘Cock Robin’ like confession with baited breath concerning Murder as would be and the question ‘who killed Democracy in America’?

Yet the ‘Emperors’ as would benefit from such assassination have no clothes; they are  become all but ‘bollock naked’ in the ‘hairy arsed starkness’ of their pathological pragmatism as would be resultant in the determination of the ‘here and now’; as the anarchy of every Corporatist a denier dominant – and damn the sufferance of others evident; such the ‘Urban Jungle’ as when greed runs rampant, unconstrained by any moderation concerning the acknowledgement of ‘Humanity’-  and such the ‘Incorporation’ as Corporatism represents an abrogation to point of becoming Stateless, and as such, mere Bastard  permitted to become ‘ascendant’?

Whence Politics becomes ‘Immoral Economics’ in the growth of banks and corporations around the allowance of private banks to control the issuance of the American peoples currency?

Such the darkness as they as cannot hold truth self evident as they have given up ‘self’ become dominant in the murderous illusion they propagate through ‘immoral economics’ being yet seen as ‘Democracy ’?

Bought and sold for mere gold, such it ‘profit’ them, and as they are more to be pitied than scorned indeed.

For what does it profit a man?

The ‘Epitaph of The American Dream’ as one expression of the ‘Life Democratic’ as the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America represents,  could have been ‘composed’ in a homily from Texas; so it goes colloquial as in the vernacular:

‘You gotta dance with them as brung ya’

For here ‘We’ (see below) behold the origins of the Lie as has betrayed the great Political Truth; sense of the summation of each small dark deed contributing to a ‘Gestalt’; sense of the wisdom of  ‘never give a inch!’ as in the meaning of American Dream become but a  ‘Great Notion’?

Sense of the children waking up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered?

Such the betrayal as can occur by something as simple as a ‘dance’?

Sense of the assassination of the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America dragged down into potential death as a murder plotted cold bloodedly in the sewers of blind material pragmatism being ‘successful’, whence Dream turned to Nightmare, as the arrogation of the few occurs at the expense of the many – and such the sufferance inflicted upon the Majority as   self evidently denies   ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’?

Such the degeneration of Democracy by ‘Money Incorporated’ as entails ‘Dance of Death’ with them as ‘having a party’ as ‘Political’?

Where is the ‘here and now’ of America if not in ‘Denial’, as Murder denies Life;  as in the numbers of those Americans reliant upon Food Stamp to keep body and soul together; as in the numbers of those American Citizens unemployed; as in the numbers of homeless individual Americans as will go to  sleep tonight in the streets or in vehicles; as in the numbers of those in America facing ‘foreclosure’ on their homes;  or as in the decay of America as  ‘Rust Belt’ represents; as in the numbers of American children suffering under impoverishment, or as in the abomination of the ‘Ecocide’ of the Gulf of Mexico, to the illusion ongoing of ‘Democratic Representation’ in America – such the ‘dance of death’ as ‘Politicians’ must join as price of being ‘brought to the party’ – and whether there is any division other than illusory indeed between ‘Republican’ and ‘Democrat’ other than splitting of hairs on the back of a murderous beast of illusion whose back ‘climbed’ onto, such the ‘ride’ as ‘La Grande Illusion’ is perpetuated Political – and the Murder of the Constitutional Body continues – while  Democracy in America dies under cold blooded deliberation as the Murder which is Corporatism as has grown up around ‘private banks’ being allowed to issue the currency of the People?

How far must the disparity between illusion and reality get before the ‘sleeping giant’ of the silenced Majority awakens?

How many lies must be told, how many dark deeds of betrayal and treachery committed, how fast and furious must the ‘spin’, how marginalized must ‘dissent’ as  amongst other Rights recognized by Democracy become, how much must ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’ be denied to the Citizens of America before Truth is realized  that the United States of America is become ‘Hijacked’ by Corporatists as assassins of Truth, mere ‘snake oil salesmen’, who in the propagation of illusion they would have dominant as a full spectrum, represent ‘Death’ rather than ‘Life’; immiseration rather than joy, destruction rather than creativity; darkness rather than light, fascism rather than Democracy?

There are things to be seen should you deny the denial of ‘nothing to see here, move on!’, there are things to be heard should you, could you, listen to the testimony of People of the Gulf of Mexico as enshrines what is ‘self evident’?

-‘You gotta dance with them who brung ya’?

Let us get down to’ brass tacks’, as of the turd in the swimming pool, or the fart in a spacesuit, or the moneylender in the temple, or the hollow Corporate shill as Politician.

Let us begin to see the illusion for what it is, above and beyond the lipstick painted upon the pig.

Let us read the writing on the Wall as bounds the one way ‘Street’ – as in the ‘abandonment of hope’ which mere Corporatism represents.

Let us understand the parallel; as between ‘Murder Incorporated’ of plain and simple Gangster and ‘Money Incorporated’ as governing the demanded propagation of illusion, or practice of Crimes against Humanity as a bringing down of ‘Darkness at Noon’, sense of being a proponent of ‘Corporatism’ become assassin of Democracy, and the turning up of radio as being driven to distraction being as a denial of Citizenry – while Democracy in the United States of America is being murdered?

When it comes to the ‘Murder’ of the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America, all these small quarters have is a casebook of ‘truth’ as is ‘self evident’, such the pretension towards  the embrace of ‘Democracy’.

‘You gotta dance with them as brung ya’ equivocating in Utilitarian pragmatism with the ‘necessary’ death of Democracy in America, way of money talks and sings – and as would dance in America over the graveyard of the Constitution of United States in Denial – such the ‘Incorporation’ as would become ‘Global’?

Because to Corporatism ‘money’, form of profit, is all; and Life does not matter.

That the Hope which springs eternal in the breast of Man as a Truth is something capable of being betrayed is evident in the reality, as opposed to the promise, of the current ‘Presidency’ of the United States of America?

-The drones ‘spit’ more Hellfire in Afghanistan, ‘Gitmo’ is still open for ‘business’, Israel continues to further the ‘progress’ of Apartheid, the drumbeat of war against Iran is growing  – and this, all this degeneracy, before we even begin to consider the unmitigated disaster which is the Domestic ‘front’, such the racket, such the treachery, such the fowl and bloody murder?

To Corporatist, Stateless Bastards whom these small quarters loathe, America is but a ‘prototype’, such the rationale as willingly ‘Incorporates’ the sufferance of  Man, and the denial of freedom  which is Democracy become as  denial of homes to children?

They are stealing the World, bit by bit, piece by piece, and they are making a mockery of the Democracy as they would have murdered through ‘Incorporation’.

Money talks and it can sing.

It is singing a Moritaten, or a ballad of Death, for Democracy in America as you read?

America has been ‘hi jacked’ by the Stateless, and the Ballot of the Majority has become a ‘butterfly’, trapped in a ‘black box’ which represents the ‘Triumph of The Illusion’ which to pragmatism of Stateless bastards is as a Panopticon; the ‘power of mind over mind’?

They do not mind, while you do not matter, so it goes, as Democracy dies.

Money has invaded and ‘Incorporated’ American Politics to the point where it has become less than a ‘rigged’ game show, a sad spectacle of ‘people’ pretending to be competitors spouting forth a constructed rhetoric within parameters delineated by spinmeister as a cruel illusion designed to perpetuate ‘hope’ for human decency – when the ‘actors’ are merely performing to a script in which they are playing the role  of psychopaths, the ‘best’ those able to fake sincerity and conviction, and to come across in the illusion magnified by Corporate media hype as the ‘genuine article’. The script they read from is as a stab at the heart of Democracy, the money they serve in such ‘Incorporation’ a betrayal of Humanity, and in the consequences as self evident, there is a murderous mockery of the Constitution of the United States of America. Stateless Bastards who ‘play such games’, who ‘take the money and run’, are indeed testimony to the wit and wisdom of Gore Vidal extended from the Office of President throughout the whole spectrum of ‘Party Politics’?

The saddest of such psychopathological cases have lost the ability to discern truth from lie; they as have embraced the motto as of the Mossad concerning ‘By Way of Deception thou shalt do War’, to the point where in the ‘Incorporation’ they are capable of deceiving themselves, such their degeneracy as has corrupted their divine spark to the point as so dimmed, such the abrogation they have entered into as to become incapable of holding anything, let alone truth, as ‘self evident’- so possessed as they are become of illusion.

Those who live by such sword, die by such sword?

Those who ‘gotta dance’ such the power of money ‘Incorporated’, dance a dance which is of Death?

But the real tragedy concerns the real People; the Citizenry in a Democracy as destroyed by such abrogation of individuality in the sell out to ‘Incorporation’ as means a murderous end to ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’.

Ask a Citizen on Food Stamps, ask a homeless Citizen, ask a Citizen resident the Gulf of Mexico what ‘murderous end’ such context means?

Who ‘runs’ America today?

The question is as an onion, such the layers of illusion it demands being peeled. The reality as held to be self evident is that whoever runs America today is doing a bloody awful job of it. Central to any answer, as involving a layer of illusion peeled back, is the ‘Federal Reserve’. The State of Denial furthering the Murder of the Constitution of the United States of America originates with the power of Money to ‘Incorporate’ – so to peel back the layer of the Federal Reserve as given permit to control and issue money is to become closer to the minority as ‘Heart of Darkness’ as assassins of Democracy.  These ‘people’ mean ‘business’ in just the same sense as ‘Murder Incorporated’ once meant ‘business’’; they are no more than ‘Gangsters’ in their embrace of criminality as parasitic to point of necrotrophic, though they be as ‘Capo Di Tutti Capo’ in the obscenity which is ‘Corporatist Orthodoxy’.

Is there a parallel between the Murder of Kitty Genovese and the Murder of the Body of the Constitution of the United States of America?

Only Citizens as real People can answer.

The pleas arising from the Murder  as would be ongoing of the Constitution are ringing out in the Streets, as detailed above concerning sufferance inflicted on the Citizens of America. It is a matter of individual discretion as in the exercise of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’ as to whether such pleas are heard as ‘self evident’ and demanding a ‘denial of denial’ where Democracy is embraced – and fear put aside.

The ‘Incorporated’ shall continue to further the propagation of illusion that ‘Democracy is ‘alive and well’ in the United States of America regardless.

That they shall deny truth is of their essence as an abrogation.

Three quotes as express ‘prescience’ conclude this small article.

The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theatre.

Frank Zappa

Buy the ticket, take the ride.

Hunter S. Thompson

The writer, having lost his way in a gloomy forest, and being hindered by certain wild beasts from ascending a mountain, is met by Virgil, who promises to show him the punishments of Hell, and afterwards of Purgatory; and that he shall then be conducted by Beatrice into Paradise. He follows the Roman poet.

Dante Alighieri

These quotes beg questions respective of individual Citizen:

Have you seen the brick wall?

Did you buy the ticket?

Is it not be more preferable to be conducted by Democracy than denied by Corporatism?

STEPHEN MARTIN can be reached at:

Stephen Martin can be reached at: