What would Democrats do if they were serious about single payer?
The 88 members of the House who support it – The Single Payer Caucus – would get together and say – we’re not going to vote for Obamacare.
(By the way — that’s 88, down from 89 — because Congressman Kendrick Meek (D-Florida) wants to be the next Senator from Florida, and has withdrawn his support for HR 676 – the single payer bill in the House.)
Since Obama can’t pass Obamacare without the 88 members of the Single Payer Caucus –
Their opposition would put an end to the current debate.
And start another one.
And single payer would take center stage.
Even on Fox News.
The pharmaceutical and health insurance corporations would be thrown out of the room.
And we’d have a people’s debate about single payer – up or down.
No corporate meddling.
But the Democrats who say they are for a single payer health care reform are not serious about single payer.
Even the best of them – from Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) to Donna Edwards (D-Maryland)– are not serious about single payer reform.
All they want to do is to give Obama a legislative victory.
No matter how awful the legislation.
No matter it’s impact on the American people.
So, instead, they support the Weiner Charade.
Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) is pushing to get a vote on single payer in House.
He says Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has promised him a floor debate and vote on his single payer amendment.
But the insiders know this is a charade.
It’s a way to make single payer forces feel good – hey, we got a vote on the floor of the House.
Without getting anything accomplished.
So where does that leave single payer activists?
What to do?
Urge your member of Congress to vote against Obamacare.
And start from scratch.
Onward to single payer.
RUSSELL MOKHIBER is editor of Single Payer Action.