Love for sale,
Appetising young love for sale.
Love that’s fresh and still unspoiled,
Love that’s only slightly soiled,
Love for sale.Cole Porter. (of ‘Indiana ; or ‘Lot 19’)
By the light of an early dawn, a cauldron seen, as ‘hubble bubble’, and such the boil – as trouble?
– ‘Oh, say, can you see’?
The difference between ‘Sex’ and ‘Love’ in Cole Porter’s lyrics?
Such the ‘shaft’ every ‘For Sale’ or ‘To let’ sign going up, ‘Voodoo Economics’ of the Stateless become clearer in wilful deliberation?
As within:
‘This Land is my Land, this land is not your land!’
to paraphrase Woody Guthrie?
The State as become ‘Lot 46’ had a true son in Woody, a great Citizen – as any man with the cajones to label his guitar ‘This machine kills fascists’ should be honored?
Let alone the penning of:
In the squares of the city, In the shadow of a steeple;
By the relief office, I’d seen my people.
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking,
Is this land made for you and me?
As I went walking, I saw a sign there,
And on the sign there, It said “no trespassing.”
But on the other side, it didn’t say nothing!
That side was made for you and me.
This small article as would see you and me ‘trespass’ concerning ‘information space’ as would be claimed ‘dominated’ such the spectrum of illusion of the Stateless as would turn ‘State’ to mere ‘Lot’; as would have ‘Panopticon’ thereby formed such as ‘War’ denied such the racket – and as there is question by many humane ‘ yet standing’ as in lyrics above?
Stand for reality or fall for illusion?
That the main side of sign seen be the one absent of ‘private property’ as to be ‘bought and sold’ denied way of possibility; as humanity stands to the Stateless as but object variant, such the externalisation, such the illusion, such the bastard?
‘Other side of sign’ so seen?
This small article equates ‘For Sale’ as a derivative of ‘No Trespassing’, such be the ‘Private Property’ as would be upheld even when such sufferance caused as afore us?
– ‘They shoot horses, don’t they’?
Ideologically speaking , this small article would ‘kill’ illusion arising from ‘Stateless Bastard’ as synonymous with ‘Fascist’; through questioning ‘propaganda’ and countering ‘spin’ at it’s inception.
Whenever one hears the word ‘Fascist’ one reaches for pen?
Such the pretension?
Yet the question be of the ‘bifurcation’ – and ‘root’ be got to the aim.
‘Who owns America’ or ‘Who was America made for’?
– resonant of Woody Guthrie’s ‘seeing of sign’?
Standing clearer as ‘Ironic’ in light of recent events?
– For all property is theft, such that the proposition only be recognised the extent of denial realised, as consequence of ‘economic meltdown’ or ‘credit crunch’ be as ‘bridge too far’ – such the ‘crucible’ become?
Here’s to Arthur Miller; from State as become ‘Lot 11’?
When it boils down to it, such ‘cauldron’ seen, reality ‘spits’ in the face of illusion; ‘State’ not seen as ‘Lot’ but ‘home’, as there be refusal to ‘sell out’, as when men and women honor origin by way of the ‘happenstance’ of birth as wondrous factor in the nurture of adulthood as maturity become – as but part of the glorious gift that is life; color of eye seen in ‘brotherhood’ as embrace eternal; as can ‘seeing the other side’ enable enjoinment of ‘get thee behind’ stated clearly to Stateless, such being the ineluctable nature of the beauty ; even as there be there be ‘with us or against us’ stated as opposed to allotted – as in the manner the Stateless would have – as of ‘the lot’ that was POTUS 43 of Lot 5 ; such the ‘irony’ as in the transition effected by POTUS 44 of Lot 50 as a ‘lot’ similar – such that there be none in reality?
‘You old bastard!’ – as the Stateless must ‘hail’ themselves?
Say nought of ‘thief’ but much of ‘chief’ as the illusion goes by such way?
As one condemned to be free, such the gift, as yet must pity rather than scorn?
Meet the new ‘Lot’ Presidential same as the old ‘Lot’ Presidential?
Same owner, different ‘front’ – and as the sign says: ‘No trespassing!’?
For ‘Old Macky’ once ‘En Ville’ as in the ‘invitation’, or ‘In Town’, not so readily cast out as ‘manufactured’ and ‘writ upon’ ?
(Bobby Darin of ‘ Lot 11’ sang that particular Moritaten best?)
And a ‘River to be cried’, as Arthur Hamilton wrote, he being of State as become Lot 42 – such as ‘runes’ be read?
As of the consequence of ‘Blood funnel extended’ given ‘smell of money’ from sufferance; as part of the ‘squid anatomy’ or the hegemony of the ‘Goldman Sachs Alumni’ as detailed by Matt Taibbi – Citizen of State, as become ‘Lot 6’?
‘Vampire squid’ as terminology superb in exactitude as a clarity of the vision as trespass ideological by way of truth concerning ‘America’– and whence ‘Stone Rolled Away’, indeed?
Whereas ‘ye and me’ yet have privilege of looking out of window as yet exists, and there be signs affixed unto ‘property’ as would state triumph of illusion over reality?
‘Maggies Farm’ seen?
As Bob Dylan sang, he from ‘Lot 32’ as become despite?
The multiplication of such signs being as ‘explicandum’?
The death of the ‘American Dream’ by ten million or so ‘cuts’ ?
It’s a ‘take’!?
Name of: ‘Outsourcing’, ‘Foreclosure’, ‘Downsizing’, ‘Chapter 11’, ‘Relocation’, ‘De-layering’, ‘Hollowing out’, ‘Bailout’, ‘Troubled Asset Relief’, ‘Rust Belt’ , ‘Redundancy’, ‘Pump and Dump’– and so the ‘euphemisms’ could go on and on , as ‘stooge’ rolled out, to the point of ten million ‘ bum steers’ indeed – but the language just meaning ‘more of the same’ by way of sufferance of the humane, such the savagery?
As signs affixed to ‘property’ multiply, such the meltdown of illusion as to who owns ‘American Dream’?
And greater share taken such the arrogation, such the expropriation, as ‘homelessness’ consequent must grow malignant, such the ‘Lot’ as State become?
Such the ‘suck’ as of ‘Hooverville’ redux?
‘You old bastard’ – as must be the greeting have gone?
Or indeed ‘ so it goes’, such the bonuses as yet to be paid out by ‘Goldman Sachs’?
Such the transition of ‘mutualism’ to ‘necrotrophic parasitism’ as ‘American Dream’ hi-jacked, as realised by so few – and at the expense of nightmare for so many?
The ‘Gini’ being well and truly out of the bottle such the ‘coefficient’?
As ‘political form’ must so be?
‘Is there something rotten in these States’, thus ‘resounding’ plural as the extension of the ‘blood funnel’ polymorphous – as of what it means to be ‘Born in the USA’ as Bruce Springsteen sang, he being of ‘Lot number 3’ as become?
– Can the illusion be sustained as to there ‘not being something rotten’ the question?
Can ‘love’ be bought and sold for nought but Banker’s gold?
As ‘sic’ the ‘transit’ of the ‘Gloria Mundi’; when ‘Stateless Bastard’ prevails?
Them as would turn ‘State’ as place of birth and wondrous such sense as nature be appreciated and sense of ‘brotherhood’ fostered in such ‘honoring’ – to nought but another ‘Lot’ – to be bought and sold by highest bidder?
In the ‘buying and the selling’, in the ‘horse trading’, in the ‘pork’, in the ‘co-option’; in the ‘hellish cauldron of corruption’ which would yet represent itself as
‘ Democratic representation of the People’ , such the ‘House of Cards’ as lies, such the ‘Lot’; such the control, such the issue – such the currency as ‘hubble, bubble, boil and trouble’?
As at the end of the day, as just means more sufferance, fear , control and manipulation?
And as for the loathing?
Such the ‘early light of the dawn’ become as would be Stateless in the expropriation of ‘Dream’, as would ‘shine’ upon the sum of mere ‘Lot’?
The shit of the Stateless cannot shine, no matter the effort gone into the polishing?
As in: ‘Ain’t that a bitch’ – such be the bastard?
Not just in ‘Lot 36’ (Las Vegas) as Hunter S wrote, he being of Lot 38, but ‘throughout’ ‘Lots 1-50 as ‘kit and kaboodle?
‘Youth’, ‘freshness’, ‘the unspoiled nature’ or ‘slightness of the soiling’ of Political representative as would but be a part of the selling out of State as ‘Lot’ – such the kit, such the kaboodle?
But the issue of ‘love’ a matter for different side of the sign, such the declaration as being of other side?
Where there is no ‘sale’ possible, as per ye and me?
As to say ‘nothing’, indeed, when one is capable of looking not just at ‘the front’, but at ‘other side’ ; whence ‘private property’ denied?
As it will be one day , such the glory of the gift, and we as children yet, such it be made for us – as ‘you and me’ the unity?
As ‘land’ was made, brother and sister, and geography but mere illusion?
End note (oblique)
News reaches these small quarters personal of an initiative, cognisant of Gore Vidal concerning running for political office.
See here.
Seymour Hersh of ‘Lot 21’ wrote much of the current incumbent of Governor of ‘Lot 31’ as one who knows much of the ‘cent on dollar’ and as per machinations of ‘blood funnel’ extended such the smell?
Remember ‘Enron’?
Or such as ‘Kenny Boy’ be as down the memory hole’?
Given the sentiments are Democratic, peaceful and humane -as much’ pre-disposed’ in the list of ‘support’ (see ), mine hope enjoined is that ‘TOSCA’ would be as ‘forerunner’ or ‘prototype’ of the ‘take back’; or ‘re-vitalisation’ of Lot back to State.
‘North Dakota’ an anomaly – or as pattern to be?
Best wishes.
‘TOSCA’ – ain’t that an Opera?
If music be the food of love, play on!
Grind the Organ Democratic, as in the Counterpunch.
Real sucker, as in blood funnel of ‘vampire squid’, be going down, to the count of ‘ten’ – and cry of ‘Out Demon, out’
-Remember ‘The Fugs’?