Got to hand it to J. Jioni Palmer.
He’s learned the ropes of Washington well.
Palmer is the spokesperson for the Congressional Black Caucus.
Rang up Palmer on Wednesday.
Wanted to know whether the Congressional Black Caucus and
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-California), it’s chair, had any comment
on the hijacking of the Free Gaza boat – the Spirit of Humanity.
On board – a former Congressional Black Caucus member – Cynthia McKinney.
On June 30th 2009 Israeli Occupation Forces forcibly boarded the boat.
They kidnapped McKinney, Nobel peace prize laureate Mairead Maguire and
19 other human rights workers and journalists who were on their way to
deliver much needed humanitarian and reconstruction supplies to
besieged Gaza.
So, I just wanted to know from Jioni Palmer – uh, given that McKinney
is a former member of the Congressional Black Caucus, you have a
comment on the hijacking, right?
No comment, Jioni said.
Okay, Jioni, how do I spell your name.
What, you are going to quote me saying no comment?
No, Jioni, I’m going to quote you as saying – We’re so freaked out
about pissing off AIPAC, that of course, we’re not going to issue a
statement condemning the hijackers. Who gives a rat’s ass whether
Cynthia McKinney is being held in a jail in the Israeli port city of
Because that’s what you should say, Jioni, if you were telling the truth.
But you’re BS-ing your way – the Washington way.
You send me an e-mail asking exactly what I’m after.
I tell you.
So you say – uh, well, let me get back to you.
You don’t get back to me.
I ring you up again.
I’m trying to get something for you – you say.
My apologies if I don’t meet your deadline — you say.
Well, don’t apologize to me, Jioni.
Apologize to the Palestinian prisoners of Gaza.
It’s not about you or me or McKinney and her colleagues in jail in Israel.
It’s about basic human decency.
Check it out at
RUSSELL MOKHIBER is editor of Corporate Crime Reporter and founder of