The Riotous Action of the Complete Banker

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.

–Mayer Amschel Rothschild, International Banker.

Difficult to read the quote above from one of the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘International Banking’  without gasp at the prescience?

‘Issue and control of the money of a nation’ greater than that of ‘making laws of a nation’ ?

Surely there is a flaw in such ‘pragmatism’ as would ‘control’? Or are these times in which we live but a reflection of this question begged by Mayer Amschel Rothschild  in the Eighteenth Century?

‘Belief’ being so ‘beggared’ – as when taxman comes to the door demanding ‘more!?’

As ‘International Banker’ demands ‘Bailout’?

Many people used to believe that their house was worth a good deal more than it is now; or that they had saved prudential form of 401k – only to see such ‘wiped out’.

Many used to believe that the value of their labor was worth more.
Many more used to believe that they had a job.

Is such to be seen as no more than mere expression of the ‘power of mind over mind’ as Jeremy Bentham, born in the Eighteenth Century, and ‘founding father’ of ‘Utilitarianism’, so defined  ‘Panopticon’?

Do we ‘live’ in such prison in the making as ‘stems ontological’ in the genesis of belief by ‘man’, such the masquerade of illusion as reality – and  where ‘control over issue of money’ has primacy over the mere making of  ‘laws of a nation’? As some form of   ‘felicific calculus’ to the calculation of ‘greater good’ ?

In evolutionary terms, is ‘Nation’ to go the way of ‘Dodo’ – courtesy of ‘Globalization’, Erasmus Darwin  being another ‘Eighteenth Century’ man, and as planted seed ideological by way of ‘evolution’  in Grandson Charles – way of ‘Zoonomia’?

This small article having the objective of  ‘examination of primacy’ in the ontology of belief as expression of’ power of mind over mind’; as well as further contending that this Economic Depression in which we currently ‘live’ , as sufferance to justice is no mere expression of ‘happenstance’ – but rather the product of a struggle for ‘primacy’ between the control and issue of money and the making of laws of a nation determining ‘belief’, with multiple corollary  attendant concerning  ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’?

Is ‘this’ an Economic War; waged by Stateless Bastard upon Humanity; Global Economic Depression being the shock and awe of Scorched Earth Policy –  and Global control of the issue of money the objective as ‘fix’? ‘Fear is the key’- such the ‘fever pitch of swine’ attained- as to so ‘coin it ’?

Herein – a contention that belief by humanity goes deeper ontological than that to allow for mere pragmatism as would  cause  this writer to  ‘spit’ – as in contempt being held  for ‘scoundrel’; such pejorative term being polymorphous – and extensive in the prevalence  times as we ‘live’  now? Give it time and the words may be different the hope; such sense as ‘things can only get better’?

The recognition thereby being as far from audacious as from ‘spin’ –  in that there is much greater than mere pragmatism within the heart of humanity as ‘brotherhood’-  the eternal subsuming the merely ephemeral;  such the belief being that there is much greater than man as shall ‘overcome’ – whilst yet watching ‘boot stomping down upon face’  as Orwell put so as to prescience attained?

This particular brand of paranoia as could be so placed in ‘Gulag’  – such the ‘danger’  when it comes to the primacy of control and issue of money over the mere making of law of nation as ‘cry of protest’ as ‘howl of wolf’ from wilderness;  and what we are living now as ‘Economic Depression’ – no more than calculated scheme of International Banker thus ‘apperceived’ as ‘thematic’?

Such the blade as: ‘It’s a test – designed to provoke an emotional response’; in  the running?

Such the Nation as is the notion to be above International Law – way of ‘Gitmo’?

‘Asking the right questions’ –  the first step in overcoming ‘spin’ indeed?
‘Pynched’ that one from Thomas –  such the ‘game’ being on as ‘so it goes’ to put it ‘Kurt’?

For the power of words but mere reflection of the power of thought such sense as ‘morphogenetic’; travelling faster as dream than nightmare ever could, such the scheme evermore transcended as would lead to ‘glee’ being denied; such the grasp of truth as resonance eternal to the gift of life – and as wondrous as the harmony as would be yet degenerated to cacophony overcome; such that enjoinment of empathy be transformed to sympathy denied; and  loneliness the  result of the division  so expressed as mere ‘illusion’  whence the distance run as ‘long’  seen?

Thence in ‘turn’ such ‘roll’ as being ‘on’ ….

Having ‘mental friends and mental wealth’ as what the need transcended form of ‘Tiger burning bright’ – as William Blake,  also born in the Eighteenth Century , could so put?

‘Divide and conquer’  as maxim from much earlier time, being as illusion  – ‘ A man’s a man for A’ that’ being reality as Rabby Burns ‘encapsulated’ –  back in the Eighteenth Century?

The ‘Eighteenth Century Boys’ – as not from ‘Windy City’ but much greater the damage to be wrought by such in the differentiation amongst as would represent ‘School of Free Market’?

For what we got here is no ‘failure to communicate’ such as would be  pragmatism  prevalent, form of belief warped ontological; sense of priorities ‘got all wrong’ – or cry of fellow ‘brother’ in sense of struggle to comprehend  as ability sacrificed way of abrogation; sense of  ‘collateral damage’ to ‘best laid scheme’?

‘For the times they are a changing’ – and you better start swimming or you will sink like a stone, –  as line was drawn so long ago, the curse caste; and as first one now will later be last?

As Dylan sang –  to the ‘bob’ of body floating through will such the medium as would ‘drown’ in denial of life as breath – such the clarity of the credence of the water as life being revived? Such the ‘mixing it ’ as would be by ‘Fortunate Son’?

The G20 interpreted here. as ‘big picture’ macroeconomic; sense of Mayer Amschel Rothschild prescient; form of ‘scorched earth’ policy rationale of Economic Warfare,  the objective being  control and issue of money global – and elimination of nation as determinant of law and order?

There being more questions than answers – but that  the ‘élan vital’ or ‘will to live’ enshrined within Democracy being  so as there is platform yet present  that  ‘ right questions can be asked’?

Thinking further of the Eighteenth Century:  and   ‘preamble’ as adopted in 1787 –  Bergson and Schopenhauer  put  aside for the moment:

‘We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.’

Spot the ‘gap’ concerning ‘defence’? (Such spelling as in original, handwritten)

Likes of Mayer Amscheld did?

As did  the ‘Federal Reserve’?

And as we all suffer from now?

Not being so ‘quick on the draw ‘as to be ‘synthetic’ as illusion – but ‘real’ in as being constituent of body of humanity; as of Nation; as of State?

To coin money,  regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures being the clause subsequent to such preamble – and as ‘Santa’ to International Banker?
‘It’s in the ‘Klaus’ boys!

‘Lynchpin of Globalization’ so seen as ‘power of mind over mind’ –  as ‘synthetic drawing rights’ scheme, as detailed in the Eighteenth Century, form of maxim the illusion, or as  ‘Gang aft a-gley’  the reality concerning ‘best laid’?

As would be ‘Global’?


In an earlier  small article these quarters, got most of it wrong.
What seen as an opposition to trend; as ‘Tectonic shift in Hegemony’  described; in reality amounting to no more than  ‘argument amongst thieves’ over ‘sharing of the spoils’.

‘Cogs of the machinery turning’ as you read, alas.

Stateless Bastards who would control further the issue of money beginning to sing from the same ‘hymn sheet’  form of Moritaten;  way of death of nation the ‘ballad’ – and the imprisonment of humanity the denouement of best laid scheme?

These times so difficult to understand as to realise ‘life’?

Caveat; such given as acknowledgement of failure to ‘Fly over Cuckoo’s nest’ – as in: ‘But I tried, didn’t I?’

Humanity will win in the end.

The truth will out.
Reality shall deny illusion.

But the sufferance in such ‘victory’ so immense as to constitute embrace of  ‘absurdity’?

Or as William Blake ‘coined’ it;  way of phrase:

‘The fool who persists in his folly shall become wise’?

And as the ‘real fix’ be so caste, as truth be eternal?

‘Swine Fever’ my ass!– as ‘weapons grade Anthrax’ be so forgotten – such the ephemeral nature of illusion; such as  mere spin triumphant?

As indeed,  ‘Fear is the key’  prevents   ‘step up to plate’?

STEPHEN MARTIN can be reached at:




Stephen Martin can be reached at: