‘It is a game, everything is a game.[ ..]It is a game in order to survive’.
Samuel Beckett.
This one goes out to the ones I loathe.
The ones trying to hide lying eyes as would deceive concerning dream turned to mere illusion, – experience of other real as nightmare resultant of the relishing of filth, not forbidden as to be so – such the ‘Statelessness’, such the absurdity; such the ‘theatre’.
The ones as would turn screw further on humanity.
As ‘sword’ be ‘double edged’, this one goes out to the ones I love, as R.E.M. so sang, and as such embrace ‘eyeball to eyeball’ welcomed; ‘empathy’ so seen leading to cry of ‘Yo!’
Love realising as many proscriptions as demanded, as antonym of form of ‘slippery slope of hatred and division’ being avoided – abrogation such responsibility being easier as ‘road’ broader and more incorporative’; hence the ‘more travelled’ – lest one be ‘ever so careful’?
Easier to play game as ‘Corporatist’ to ‘survive’ such being the theme of times in which we ‘live’?
Easier the ‘Song of Executioner’ be willingly enjoined as ‘Moritaten’- such the ‘song sheet’ or ‘State of play’ of the ‘Game’’?
Say nought of ‘spirit’ – lest ‘Zeitgeist’ be ‘invoked’?
Stateless bastards forbidden not to relish filth, as they have nothing – as Samuel Beckett so put?
‘Flush’ seen as prevailing the game played in order to survive by Stateless so soon to be busted by ‘State’, in unexpected ‘trumping’ through cognisance humane – call it ‘symbiosis’ if you will; apperceived by Beckett in so far as ‘resonance’ mine small mind can attain; as would clasp hand held of genius being ring round the world to cry of ‘Aha!’ so enjoined – such being ‘folly’ – as can lead to ‘wisdom’?
‘It’ being a game in order to survive – so now dominated by the ‘waiting’ for extra Gold from scheme of expropriation as to cause of gnash of teeth – and be the wail of Stateless bastard concerning ‘illegitimacy’ not being furthered by way of ‘best laid scheme’ – fingers as would so grasp as to expropriate further being ‘Burned’?
‘The Heat is On!’ as Glenn Frey sang – but bitch failing to bear bastard so resultant, as in quote masterful as to prescience by Brecht; to the distinct deprivation of glee – and scheme of bastard playing out as ‘abortion’, in an abrogation as would make of glory of life mere object in expropriation; form of gold and the possession thereof as ‘power’ – and of scheme ephemeral ‘gan agley’?
Do not rejoice?
‘Tell me – can you feel it’?
‘Can you ‘dig it’ in the bridge being too far?
We as can so dig – being yet as them as would be dug over in the furrowed path of illusion dominant ?
As arising from ‘hearing’ cry of ‘D’oh!’ made by Stateless Bastard in realisation of ‘things refusing to go as planned’ – in the failure to elicit empathy concerning cry made by as of ‘Homer’ as ‘underclass representational’?
Scheme falling apart as: ‘This ain’t rock and roll, this is Genocide!’ as song going; humanity pulled out of ‘oxygen tent’, ‘latest party’ being ‘New Democrat’ – and Stateless bastard seen as ‘Diamond Dog’?
As ‘counter spin’ or ‘punch’ be ‘morphogenetic’ such ‘theory of field’ the game; as concept of rodent learning maze as Empiricism transcended to puzzlement of ‘paradigm’ – as monkey learning to wash potato, as there be ‘noosphere’ writ of – and. upon – by such as Teilhard De Chardin; ‘Humanity’ communicated large : form of ‘game’?
As the transcendence of illusion so mysterious and wonderful as to deny best laid scheme; such ‘reality’ being glorious?
– For dreams can travel ‘further’ and ‘faster’ than nightmares, as reason for the waiting of latter as would be dominant as per scheme for there to be ‘catch up’ in the denial, as per the curious intransigence of virtue face of pragmatism – and to cause of ‘D’oh! as ‘ verbal exclamation’ by bastard as would gain through sufferance inflicted upon the intransigent as virtuous; upon those forbidden to relish filth – such the Statelessness?
‘Waiting for gold’, indeed, as ‘gain’ to be realised following on from scheme; way of ‘dream’ illusory as nightmare ‘reality’ under deliberation of expropriation as product such objective; cry of ‘ D’oh!’ expressive of the disappointment of ‘stupidity’ under ‘grace abounding’ to such as should have known better in failing to allow for ‘factor unknown’ – in the relishing of filth – being as would be denied by ‘spin’?
As to be ‘only in America!’, way of ‘Homer’; Land of Security’ so pronounced as prefix the vernacular colloquial?
As indeed ‘lacking’ in ‘Department’?
As in ‘Ain’t no Fortunate Son’ indeed.
But ‘enough!’. as ‘more, more!’ be so denied– even although as in the title as play, this small article be ‘deconstructed’ – as ‘rationalisation’ failing to prevail, form of ‘spin’, such as ‘Rove’ seen as ‘Goebbels’?
– Such the ‘club’ as being afoot?
There being recognition as to things being so broken as ‘All the Chief’s Horses, and all the Chief’s Men, cannot put together again’ – but that the ‘Hail ’ would go on?
‘The Chief is dead. (Long live) Hail to the Chief!’
Yet another ‘Humpty Dumpty’ falling off wall in number increased as applied to POTUS, way of ‘Democracy’ as ‘game’; way of ‘survival’; way of ‘failure to step up to the plate Presidential’ in representing ‘demos’ – so it goes?
This small article having the objective of detailing the ‘State of play’; ‘game’ as would be so construed by ‘nobody’ and as diarised, to shout of ‘Pooter!’ such sense as concerning Globalization- as the struggle consequent of little man ‘Reichian’ to make sense of ‘madness’ all around as ‘triumphant’; form of joining dots apropos of understanding ‘game’ – in order to ‘survive’?
Whom shares increasing by having little material, but abundant in the possession of spirit- as yet be humane – and as such forbidden to relish filth?
Such being the failure of abrogation to prevail- as look into eye can tell?
For a ‘game’ indeed it is; as in such child like realisation of truth must never be forgot; though abomination be forgiven in the aspiration of humanity as would be; or indeed as to the eternal truth of the incarnate – ‘all being born of gravedigger’s forceps’ apt as quotation from Samuel Beckett readily caste as ephemeral in the spin – and ‘Game On!’ directed at body of humanity, form of ‘brother and sister’ – not difficult to ‘explain’?
For what written of herein is aspect of ‘survival’ such sense, as would be elicited from ‘margin’?
– ‘Brother, can you spare an ideological dime?
As ‘sword’ indeed ‘double edged,’ and as not being beyond those as would live by, as would die by’?
There being a certain freedom, as ineluctable beauty; in ability exercised to so ask questions so requisite as to obscurity as to refuse to be ‘headed off at pass ’ through ‘spin’ – as ‘blood’ of Stateless Bastard upon ‘ideological sword’ be characterised as ‘bleeding edge’- such the wielding by mere ‘clown’ as ‘jester’ as will not ‘yield’?
As would never give a inch – lest yard be taken?
As will be by much greater through simple determination to pursue life; form of ‘liberty and the pursuit of happiness’?
‘Life, Jim – as we knew it once – and shall again’?
Stateless Bastard as would be the ‘rub’ to American Dream, perchance, not so much as to flickering rapid of ‘eyelid’ – but of ‘forked tongue’?
In any event, ‘flickering’ interpreted as ‘ephemeral’ through knowledge of the eternal; way of ‘render unto Ceasar’ so recognised?
Thus being foregoing, let’s get down to ‘brass tack’, or ‘razor wire’ – as ‘furtherance’ upon ‘barbed’.
The message on the ‘wire’ for Stateless Bastard being:
‘Fuck you – and the horse you rode into town on!’, so stated to ‘rider Apocalyptic’; such being the ‘storm’; such ‘the door’ as would be held open to misery and despair by whore subjugate to service of expropriation?
As whence unto illusion ‘life’ becomes ‘forfeit’; as when those whom loved as ‘Brother’ or ‘Sister’ would be caste thereby as but ‘collateral damage’ to scheme of mere Stateless bastard to precipitation of smidgeon of disgust the body humane?
Thus; this Economic Depression seen as no ‘accident’, as ‘lone gunman’ theory be avoided, as Economy as War be ‘understood’ – despite ‘complex rationalisation and wilful obfuscation’ by Stateless bastard – or stooge thereof as ‘representational’?
The threads as would so unravel elaborate tapestry of lie in the revelation of truth such as would be hidden hanging evident through the sufferance -barely requiring ‘grip’ exercised upon and ‘will’ to ‘pull’ – to cause of whole rotten edifice crashing down – such the good greater attained?
Humanity shall ‘get a grip’, and has such ‘collective will’ as part of the game, as will be played in ‘order to survive’?
– As in challenge thrown down to Stateless Bastard – ‘Spin this – if you can’?
Thus, the transition from POTUS 43 to POTUS 44 – a ‘continuation’, form of ‘same game, different name’ – concerning ‘survival’?
Some of the people can be fooled some of the time, some of the people can be fooled all of the time – but all of the people cannot be fooled all of the time
As Stateless Bastard should read to cause of tear – albeit reptilian, as of crocodile, such as would be seen as ‘weep’ reflecting illusion as real?
People have memories; eyes with which they can see – and we have the capacity to distinguish between truth and lie.
Rhetorical device not the prerogative of the Stateless thereby?
As a ‘rule’?
For are ‘we’ not as ‘brother’ or ‘sister’?
The following being exemplary illustration of memory recalled; use of eyes to see and application of moral sensibility in the game as survival’ reflecting upon as how POTUS 44 sees it through choice of ‘financial team’ – as ‘clowns’ such sense as ‘wrong team’ being ‘sent in’?:
(Say nought of sheer brilliance in the ‘cut to chase’ made thanks to ‘Will’?)
‘We have failed bankers giving advice to failed regulators on how to deal with failed assets. How can it result in anything but failure? If they are going to get any truthful investigation, the Democrats picked the wrong financial team. Tim Geithner, the current Secretary of the Treasury, and Larry Summers, chairman of the National Economic Council, were important architects of the problems. Geithner especially represents a failed regulator, having presided over the bailouts of major New York banks.’
William Black, article here in Counterpunch.
– Whence there must be return to the truth as so seen, as in: ‘Ain’t no choice really’ – to slap of head and utterance of ‘D’oh!’ by Stateless?
‘Wherefore art thou, ‘American Dream’’?
As in the turning to nightmare as small oligarchy as would be has succeeded in gaining such power and control as that the ambition be Global Domination enjoined; as that corruption be spread as ‘Pandemic’, in the triumph of illusion over reality in sense of any balance approximating ‘Justice’ abandoned?
Names such as Geithner, Summers, Bernanke, Paulson, even Presidential such as Bush or Obama thus sense as of mere ‘flunkey’ or ‘stooge’ to tapestry of illusion born of lie; of those who merely serve the interests of oligarchy as would be so revealed – given following of the money as ‘joining of dots’?
Of those who serve the ones as must be loathed?
So revealed as to be reviled?
The real abomination is as underlies, as requires ‘clip on nose’ whence such quarters as ‘crime scene’ entered with objective of investigation?
The real names as be in the shadows darkest, or waters murkiest as enable ‘paranoia’ such the control of belief as degeneration?
Subterfuge layered upon subterfuge in sense of wilful obfuscation prevailing as form of disguise – but that ‘the game’ be seen clear as ‘survival’ in layer of onion peeled?
The manipulation of belief such as to engender servitude as debt peonage for humanity the game, way of ‘survival’ – as ‘expropriation by financier’?
Thus the battle cry of the Stateless:
‘Saddle humanity with debt, then ride them all the way to hel1!’ – such the expropriation as would be the relishing of filth by way of abrogation; as ‘pound of flesh’ demanded to tortuous scream of ‘more, more!’ resounding- and flag of red, white and blue so waved?
The ‘bottom line’: look at the ‘gain’ as from these times of sufferance; who has the money being as guilty party in similar sense as robber be proven by possession of stolen goods, and as expression of shift of power as ‘possession’?
Remembering not so much ‘ The Alamo’ as ‘ The Exorcist’ thereby?
The likes of Dick Cheney as but ‘small fry’ readily observed in the intimacy of association of Military Industrial Complex and profit through war, or Rumsfeld as but mere ‘Don’ in sense of Gangster parasitic hiding in the shadow of Capitalism as mutualist – to ‘The Carnegie defence’?
‘Do not shoot the millionaires, etc…’
‘Even when parasite ‘necrotrophic’ would present as ‘mutualist’ in the ‘symbiosis’, such being the spin denied – but reality as overwhelms, pragmatic as biological, daily bread so reduced as form of deprivation?
And to such sufferance the body humane thereby delineated…..
But being as of little consolation to know that Stateless Bastards shall face their time in Court humane in the reestablishment of true order in the game of survival and as per order; as per ‘game outcome’ given the sufferance engendered?
For the havoc in the war wrought by those as less than dogs, as have nothing, as forbidden not to relish filth, and so doing under compulsion resultant of degeneracy possible, has been immense, and shall continue to be for some time yet, alas.
‘We’ ain’t seen nothing yet’ as was sang; such the ‘overdrive’?
But when ‘we’ do, ‘they’ also shall truly see something, and as shall lead to notoriety truly caste?
By way of such ‘flux’ as to constitute ‘Force Majeure’ in the transition to opposite?
‘those who have ‘something’, as are humane by ‘election true’, as in where revolution starts, as in ‘heart’ and as of soul – are compelled to abhor filth, and to act accordant such insight’?
Something so simple as can be to ‘look in eye’ – or as ‘great notion’ communicated – sometimes?
Simple – as a line drawn which will not be crossed?
As is within the ‘ken’ of American body of humanity – ‘never give a inch’?
For indeed it is a ‘game’ of ‘survival, and as ‘fittest’ be ever so thus refined, ‘symbiosis’ prevailing over ‘parasitism’ – as Beckett so explained?
Form of ‘Mutualism’?
In any event, the absurdity is monumental enough, without the need for further clown being sent in.
– But what about ‘jester’?
-Does it take a clown, such as a jester, to recognise a clown indeed – even though there not being ‘fellowship in the service’ prevailing?
‘Do not shoot the jester’ indeed – for he or she be but messenger?
As being unto humanity facing war wrought upon by Stateless Bastard as dog:
‘Look them in the eyes before you send them down, back where they belong!’
In the re-establishment of control over belief, form of denial of ‘spin’ as refusal to ‘give a inch’?
Sometimes being a great notion.
As ‘Ocean, Ocean, I’ll beat you in the end’?
As will be, so accordant, such being the Book?
Game being as of ‘survival’; as Beckett claimed.
Name of life, but as we know it; and as kidder not be kidded.
– Or is there a Jester in the House, as it being of cards?
STEPHEN MARTIN can be reached at: stephenmarti@yahoo.com