Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?… Has it ever occurred to your, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?…The whole climate of thought will be different. In fact, there will be no thought, as we understand it now. Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”
George Orwell, 1984
Perhaps a large part of effort these days, putting aside that of keeping body and soul together form of daily crust, must be to avoid ‘Newspeak’; its corollaries and ramifications. Such the rationalisation mine own efforts at thoughts political on platform of ‘free speech’, courtesy of this Organ Democratic; ‘narrowing of range’ considered accordant.
The difficulty is to cultivate ‘eclecticism’ as reflected in the integration neurophysiological; to go for truth holistic when the world would be based on reductionism – as of sloth cynical feeding upon absence?
The difficulty is to retain sense of the beauty.
The challenge is to realise ‘State’ when the trend is ‘Stateless’; to preserve cojones in face of those as would neuter, to be multi dimensional rather than one dimensional, to be solid rather than hollow, to rage against the dying of the light.
The difficulty is to avoid becoming a eunuch in the harem so planned – or perhaps ‘animal on the farm’ more apt (as Orwell wrote of, and Dylan sang?)
It is a presence nigh on impossible to avoid, the ‘palatable’ and comprehensible becoming ever more tightly constrained as homogenised product, readily placed within pigeon hole comprehensible; head as be ‘talking’ of road to nowhere. The slothful cynicism of ‘Corporatism’ the Zeitgeist as would be under such imperative deterministic; the language of freedom is of the ‘elaborate code’ as Bernstein wrote – but such is receding ever more into the distance – in the quiet pattering of rats feet over broken glass in ‘dry cellar’, in the prevalence of the restricted; the hat and coat binding of comprehensible position as per angle of ‘spin’, or as the ubiquity of the ‘unremarkable’- as the quiet assassination of humanity in the selling out, the pulping of non-fiction as would be ‘news’ agenda, the whimper rather than bang the conclusion to such ‘clarity of channel’.
‘Man bites rat’, indeed.
Of what we know we must not speak.
Those who have so sold yet know with a pain, an anguish just, of what written; leading to further perversity.
It is the way of pathological condition.
In the land of the blind it is relatively easy to de-construct what ‘seen’ by way of interpretation of the one- eyed as propagated; when fear rules as the dominant emotion it is as ‘heat’ (of the bitch as bearing bastard) applied in the reasoning ,cold and reptilian the paradox, of loss subjugate to the ‘silver mist sail’ (see later this small article)
May be as such is too ‘clinical’ in the abstraction as realisation in the forbearance as per Brecht apropos of ‘rejoice’.
George Orwell was one prescient individual concerning his vision of the future, given in general terms as vision of boot stamping down upon a face endlessly; given also as of a hierarchy of one per cent or thereabouts of ‘inner party’ who ruled; the rest of society abandoned by way of unconsciousness – as ‘orthodoxy’ become in the great work of literature from which opening quote lifted.
The scream of pain articulate consequential to resistance of Newspeak as mere doggerel rendered; such the marginalisation psycho political as to be contended the product of ‘disease’ worthy of no more than institutionalisation way of Bedlam; such the best laid plan as where ‘you can trust me, I’m not like the others’ becomes ironic?
It is all too easy to be ‘orthodox’ these days; to slip into the slumber as of sang by Ka in Jungle Book .
That little song goes by way of Moritaten:
Trust in me, just in me.
Shut your eyes and trust in me
You can sleep safe and sound
Knowing I am around. Slip into silent slumber
Sail on a silver mist
Slowly and surely your senses
Will cease to resist. Trust in me, just in me.
Shut your eyes and trust in meRichard M Sherman
When we sail on the silver mist, our senses do cease to resist?
For America is sailing on that Silver Mist now?
Whose hand be on the rudder truth be seen, if not allowed to be told?
The harshness of the manipulation becoming more evident, as the sheen comes off the dream, that even the gross inequity of the distribution of the wealth not enough for ‘Stateless’ become apparent, as lobbying must go on and bonuses must be paid; as each new revelation of ‘fraudster’ must break, however gently spun, upon the shores of larceny corporate as norm; as wilful perversity finds its conclusion in the sickness of the transit of the Gloria Mundi as would be made, even as the Newspeak would ‘ignore’, let alone ‘re- caste’ or ‘spin’ in favorable light.
These be dark times for Humanity.
We know darkness proportionate to the light as burns within; and here words, voluminous or extensive can be deceptive.
Some of the most ‘luminescent’ individuals are almost without words – they operate within a ‘restricted code’, much the colloquial in the vernacular and as includes nod and wink. That they be almost as toothless the norm as not able to afford health care in form of dental health care plan or as concerns agenda political in likewise not being able to afford political representation – but again part of Orwellian prescience? Body material as per body politic indeed.
But that such not be as accordant with scheme humane, but of greater reality?
Take the morality out of the Politics and all that is left is money ‘talking’?
It is a language of division, cold in the absence of compassion as it is narrow in the range; as Corporate as it is Fascist in the reduction unto synonymy.
Light evidenced in context of ‘language’ as greater than mere verbal is in the avoidance of the slumber that is sailing upon the silver mist; it is of emotion as speaks louder than word , it be as the wisdom born of sufferance.
A hug, or indeed a smile can be even more than a picture such sense of a ‘thousand words painted?’ – Is such insight as to why Orwell was drawn to place hope for humanity within ‘prole’?
There is yet the desire to excuse, to relate unto that sentiment of ‘Grace Abounding’. To ‘spinmeister’ such becomes as the ‘rotten apple’ as latched upon in the line; as in big lie.
The truth is that the barrel is rotten; the apples as were once within now stuck together as through process of putrefaction – a sticky slime the bond as all there is to prevent a falling apart. The sticky slime of decay to such apple being as the narrowing of range of thought, and in the absence of emotion as compassion a monstrous abrogation of potential.
There is as much honesty and integrity in the American system as there is absence of millionaires in House of Representatives or the Senate – America is the land where money talks, and it is a coarse, fowl and venomous dialect of Newspeak Corporate; a dumbed down drawl of the dim, moral and spiritual; a travesty of the rich tapestry as afforded by the ‘Mr Smiths’ – who these days could not ever hope to get anywhere near Washington, such be the cauldron of corruption as writ large out with the ‘mist silver’ as in lyric above?
Prime time’ and ‘air time’ in the election of focus and the incorporation as compilation of agenda in the strangulation by Corporation of free speech has no room for such consciousness of body humane; for such one must look to the margins.
Such the perversity that even ‘Pravda’ has become insightful and giving of morsel by way of sustenance concerning what ‘going down’.
The channel is clear and the mist is silver to the Newspeak American; way of Corporatism and the programming.
Democracy is dying in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
What we see now in America is the resurgent grasp of a hand, the ‘body’ behind that as should have been lain to rest many years ago by Roosevelt, instead what we have is a greater polarisation of wealth and a wider aspiration of scale of scheme in the planning of ‘takeover’ , in this case not just of America but also of Europe.
Full spectrum dominance of the slime of rotten apple as the glue of ‘life political’ – the world as one big concentration camp?
George A Romero ‘lives’ such sense of ‘zombie’ as stateless, going through the motions of life as profit enters dead heart, driving out the blood as remains through tearing flesh of the living.
Enough is never enough.
Financiers hold a ‘gun’ to the head of Democracy variant, and the ‘Free Press’ elects to look the other way. One must scour the media for insight as interpretation, to find as dust of gold that which is not mere component of lie; illusion sided with as expression of ‘triumph of will’.
Financiers hold a gun to the head of Democracy and pull a trigger known as ‘Obama’ – in the continuation of a trend.
A trigger based on ‘hope’ in the Newspeak.
Meet the new boss?
Such the spin that we have to read between the lines as to who the ‘old boss’ was; similarity way of same being difficult to judge.
History is written as reflection of ‘Victory’?
One thing for sure as the fear; as sure as the knowledge of neighbor’s sufferance; as sure as the escalation of War, as sure as the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer; as sure as the evidence of appointments political as demonstration of trend, as sure as money talks; and that is that the hope of humanity American has been misplaced. Mr Obama meets Mr Blair in the synonymy of ‘spin’, we now have the essence of Newspeak as more articulate than ever such as ‘Dubya’ could have grasped at attaining – that which can say one thing (articulate) while doing complete opposite – articulation by way of sufferance imposed; the cork in the screwing so twisted in upon itself as to be incapable of truth unto self; a pathological ‘State’ with a figurehead commensurate.
The narrowing of the range of thought makes it easier to ‘stand out’.
This is part of the scheme.
The point of life as comprehended is to avoid, in so far as is possible and practicable, being part of scheme; to be a ‘Skink’ as delineated by Carl Hiaasen as ‘anti-hero’ in the rejection gained through experience and compassion. (Sometimes ‘Pulp Fiction’ a great notion?)
To challenge authority, to ‘buck the system; to seek to avoid silver mist descent, to have known by palate and rejected as ‘un-swallowable’ the lies as truth, to retain consciousness in the midst of soporific silver mist (aka ‘soma’?) is of the essence.
It is as the First Amendment.
Free Speech is anathema to Newspeak; it is the unorthodoxy of thought, it is as life over death..
Now, more than ever we really need to think –and to act upon same – as a ‘Counterpunch’ indeed.
But then again, as the gravestone of Karl Marx: ‘Philosophers have always sought to understand the world, the point is to change it’
Even to Newspeak – action speaks louder than words?
There be a thought unorthodox in the absence of narrowness the range?
STEPHEN MARTIN can be reached at: