The machine grinds on relentlessly. Now it’s: give Obama a chance. This means: Public, go back to sleep. In the meantime Obama and the state machinery work at feverish pace.
Take a look at the people who have quickly been announced as contenders for high office in the Obama administration.
Rahm Emanuel, son of a right-wing Israeli terrorist; he filtered out anti-war Dems in the 2006 congressional primaries. As a result, the Dems had a smaller majority because his pro-war candidates did not do well. His loyalty to Israel is out there.
Samantha Power has found a successful niche for herself through her work on genocide. The term “genocide” is emotionally laden. This word has been around since the 1940s. There are battles about it. Who decides which particular mass murder is a genocide and which isn’t? Because of the emotional context of this noun, it was sucked into the “public relations” industry; which industry worked this word to further pull at the heart strings. So this question is important.
America’s rulers decide what is and what is not genocide. The rather attractive Ms. Power is their willing instrument. Take a look at Samantha Power’s book. Somehow the mass murder of Native Americans and Iraqis by Americans doesn’t pass muster for the emotionally laden “genocide”. She may have drier, less familiar and less shocking terms for these “lesser” crimes.
She frames the question differently- America’s role in intervening to prevent genocides elsewhere, successfully deflecting the central question.
Call me simple-minded, but the best way is to count the dead bodies, though accurate numbers are hard to obtain.
A concept that goes along this framework is “humanitarian intervention” more accurately known as “humanitarian imperialism”. This is what Clinton did to the remains of Yugoslavia- a 78 day nuclear radiation bombing campaign.
Power has an interest in Darfur. Could it be due more to rivalry with China over East Africa’s oil that may drive policy here, rather than genocide?
Behind her, I detect the rancid odor of Zbigniew Brzezinski. He’s the Democrat Kissinger wannabe. His cold calculations are outlined in “The Grand Chessboard”, his 1997 book. It’s about America controlling Eurasia. Yes, he’s every bit as crazy as the neocons.
Then there is the dunce, Lawrence Summers, whose ideas should be despised by all female humans, all humans from the “underdeveloped” countries, and everyone else with a lick of sense. This “economist” came up with the notion that poor countries were underpolluted and could be paid for being a dump and the life expectancy of the locals was short enough that they’d die of something else before they expired from the cancers associated with being a dumping ground for empire.
His quaint notion about women, wrong before the ink was dry: Women just are not as smart as men in math and science. Oh, that is so wrong on more than one level. I’ll spell some of it out in case he gets a tutor that thinks he should read it.
A) It’s about freedom and free time. Women have to spend more time working than men. You know, like regular icky job along with 90-100 per cent of household chores. Fourteen hours a day of that might just delay that Ph.D. Then, there’s that kid in the belly, at the breast or on the hip.
B) When I was much younger they said women can not be great music composers or fine artists. Let’s not bother to stop and laugh.
C) What if there are valuable qualitative differences between female and male brains? Example: the great scientist, Lynn Margulis, developed a whole new area of science: symbiotic (cooperative) relationships as a driver of evolution. We can only postulate when and whether a man or men would have developed this.
C’mon human race. I bet 99 per cent of us could be clearer thinkers than this ignorant wretch and former president of Harvard.
We need to mount opposition to these and other odious appointments.
MORTON SKORODIN lives in Oklahoma and can be reached at