“I am a Zionist…You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist…”
Senator Joe Biden
“…I want you to know that today I’ll be speaking from my heart and as a true friend of Israel. And I know that when I visit AIPAC I am among friends”
Senator Barack Obama’s June Fourth, 2008 Speech to AIPAC
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive”, Sir Walter Scott once said and no truer words could ever be spoken to describe the political machinations of Senator Barack Obama.
Ah Senator Obama, a construct from day one. One day an unknown, the next, an overnight sensation, on the cover of Time Magazine and he’s been rubbed in our faces every day since. The Democrats ‘star de jour’, in this presidential election year.
He’s the man who promises diplomacy but won’t hesitate to bomb Iran, should threats and heavy handed sanctions fail to quell our supposed foe.
He promises to move the Middle East peace process forward, to be fair and just, as long as the Palestinians toe the line, as dictated by Israel and the US (and all the while he pledges his undying support and fealty to Israel).
Obama’s policy prepare on Iraq is probably the most telling of all as he proposes shifting the focus from Iraq to Afghanistan and including Pakistan (it’s still called war by the way),increasing troops, helicopters, intelligence gathering, and more non-military personnel along with maintaining a “residual force” in Iraq. (No mention, of course, as to the illegality of the war or possible actions against those responsible.) The timetable for ‘redeployment’ is the summer of 2010. Who knows what may happen between now and then? A potential attack against Iran ever looms on the horizon. Many circumstances may shift in the interim and, potentially, quite dramatically.
Obama’s an Israeli firster, behind Joe Biden who is a self proclaimed Zionist. (With a dynamic duo like this, we’ll see the second coming before we see any ‘change’ in Washington, D.C.) Israel continues to insist that Iran is a threat to its security. As long as Israel has ‘loyalists’ at the highest levels of our government, does anyone really believe that Obama and Biden will not hesitate to take military action against Iran?
Obama’s no friend of big oil, but he takes oil money.
He’s no friend of corporate lobbyists but he takes their money too.
He’s a friend of the environment but he supports and is supported by the biofuel and mining industries.
He talks tough against the Russians and Iran but at least, for now, it is only that: tough talk. He threatens the use of force, only as a last resort, but threaten he does and a bully is still a bully, no matter how eloquent or sincere he sounds.
McCain is a war mongering bully who is in your face, Obama, on the other hand, is a smooth talker, whose own Foreign policy positions aren’t too far removed from McCain’s and one has to wonder which is worse, or indeed if there really is any difference at all. (The idea of voting for the lesser of two evils, McCain being the more evil, according to Obama supporters, seems ludicrous given that both of these candidates will ultimately do the bidding of their masters and the master plan is the same for both parties. This should be quite apparent by now and if it isn’t, well, by all means vote for Obama and reap your just rewards…Do you really think ‘Obomba’s’ idea of war will be kinder and gentler than McCain’s?…)
Obama supporters will tell you “but he’s honest and so sincere”, and “he’s run a clean campaign” or “he’s one of us” (that one always gets me) but they remain blinded to what is obvious to many on the radical left and many on the traditional conservative/libertarian right: Obama is a player and he is playing the game of the global elitists.
Since he has all but secured his party’s nomination, he’s becoming more militaristic by the minute, in both tone and by his stance on several key Foreign policy issues.
Obama and his VP Choice, Senator Biden, however, are not the crux of the problem but rather the mainstream voters are the problem as they continue to enable the corrupt two party system by consistently supporting the candidates being foisted upon them by controllers who select them in the first place and who are reinforced by the mainstream media machine in the second. These are not choices, these are lack of choices and if voters continue to participate in this sham, then they truly get what they deserve!
With Obama supporters, the phrase “blinded by the light” takes on a whole new meaning. What part don’t you get?! (This is the party threatening to place demonstrators at the DNC in recently erected detention camps and the party whose House majority leader, Nancy Pelosi, ridicules the anti-war movement and the homeless: “If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they’d be arrested for loitering but because they have ‘Impeach Bush’ across their chest, it’s the First Amendment.” Funny how both parties get upset over that whole free speech thing…)
What is most stunning about delusional Obama supporters is, when confronted by the aforementioned facts about Obama, they counter with this inane idea that Obama is only “saying” these things, he doesn’t really mean them, it’s only to get elected and once he gets elected the true altruistic essence of the man will save us all from tyranny! (Can we say reality check?!)
Their indefensible support of this double talker is beyond comprehension.
The late George Carlin put it best: “If you vote, you have no right to complain…If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people and they get into office and screw everything up, well, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem, you voted them in, you have no right to complain… I, on the other hand, who did not vote, am in no way responsible for what these people have done and have every right to complain, as loud as I want to, about the mess you created that I had nothing to do with…”
Here’s a better suggestion… If you want to help put a stop to the rigged election game, if you really want to make a difference and you want your voice of disapproval to be heard, then do VOTE! Vote for ANYBODY but the two buffoons, who have been pre-selected for you by the global elitist machine. Send a message, loud and clear: We refuse your choices.
Vote Nader, vote McKinney, vote Ron Paul, vote Bob Barr, write in a vote, do whatever but don’t support the corrupt system. Commit to a protest vote. Vote your conscience, do not vote under the “lesser of two-evils” threat because then YOU are part of the problem, not part of the possible solution. (We’ve been on this trip too many times before…From “hope and help is on the way” Kerry to Obama’s constant harping on “Change We Can Believe In”, you have been sold a bill of goods from first to last. For all of Obama’s talk of change, his words and actions show quite clearly, he means more of the same…)
For those die hard Obama supporters who refuse to see the hand writing on the wall… YOU are the problem…For those die-hard Hillary Clinton supporters, promising to vote for McCain because your war-monger wasn’t the chosen one, seek psychiatric help immediately.
And one more thing… Evil is evil, bad is bad, wrong is wrong regardless of sex, race, creed or color.
And another thing… If you vote for Obama, you are neither liberal nor are you progressive, so let’s get that straight. If you vote for Obama, you are a neoliberal, so get use to it.
Stop making excuses, there are none and time is running out as an even larger war may be in the making.
Get those blinders off!
This is your wake up call!
DONNA J. VOLATILE is radical screen writer and sometimes political writer living in New Mexico.