In Her Mind She’s Killed Before

Hillary Clinton continues to spend a million a day, staying in the nomination race on the calculation that that Barack Obama might assassinated, a possibility she is methodically fostering by race-baiting him as a black man trying to hustle his way into the Oval Office.
Mrs Clinton frankly outlined this strategy last Friday in the offices of a South Dakota newspaper in Sioux Falls. Answering the question, why was she running when the delegate math conclusively dooms her bid she told the serried serfs of Gannett’s Argus Leader, “My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”

This is not the first time Mrs Clinton has taken an amiable posture towards the Reaper. In the wake of my weekend piece on Mrs Clinton’s Obama Deathwatch, CounterPuncher Roger LeBlanc sent us this very timely reminder:

Thank you for pointing out that Hillary’s dreams of an Obama offing have been ongoing for awhile. I’d like to add that assassinating troublesome opponents seems to be among the first thoughts that pop into the minds of Hillary and her inner circle. Just ask Ralph Nader.

In November 2000, Bill and Hillary’s election eve party had one prevailing sentiment, “Let’s kill Ralph Nader.” Washington Post reporter Lloyd Grove reported that an election-night gathering at Bill and Hillary Clinton’s hotel room, publishing figure Harry Evans exclaimed “I want to kill Nader!”

Hillary Clinton reportedly replied, “That’s not a bad idea!”, immediately followed by collective cry of “That’s off the record!”

Well Hillary’s latest assassination dreams are now on the record.

Long-term opponents of the Clintons have had their suspicions for a while. On May 20, according to Christian Newswire, Paul Schenck told anchorwoman Day Gardner on the Daily Life News Show that he believed Clinton has stayed in the race because she suspects Obama will be assassinated.

Schenck told Gardner “I have a very dark suspicion why Hillary Clinton remains in the race. I think she believes that Obama has a high risk of being assassinated, and she plans on being the next in line to be picked.”

ALEXANDER COCKBURN can be reached at:


Alexander Cockburn’s Guillotined!, A Colossal Wreck and An Orgy of Thieves: Neoliberalism and Its Discontents are available from CounterPunch.