Hollywood Hypocrite

Dear Michael Moore:

I think I have a fantastic new title for your next documentary about yourself: Hollywood Hypocrite.

Last night on the Larry King Show, you made disparaging remarks about Ralph Nader’s presidential campaign. May I remind you that Ralph Nader is the only high-profile candidate that supports the single-payer health plan – H.R. 676 – which your acclaimed film Sicko and your website emphasizes is “the right of all Americans.”

You encourage support of any candidate with a “D” (Democrat) – either Clinton or Obama – two potential presidents who will keep health care under the corrupt jurisdiction of insurance and pharmaceutical companies! Would you like to borrow my DVD of Sicko – did you even view your own film?

Thanks to your method of voting, forty-seven million Americans have no health insurance and health costs are the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States, among other facts which I learned from watching…..Sicko!

No Michael, the worst of the Democrats are not better than any Republican.

And with regard to your upcoming movie on the 2004 presidential election, had your Democrat candidate, John Kerry, adopted just one of Ralph Nader’s platforms on health care, ballot reform, cracking down on corporate crime including the savings and loan/mortgage shenanigans, or the atrocity of Iraq – Kerry would have land-slided Bush. Think of the hundreds of thousands of lives that have been lost because of this “lesser of two evils” methodology.

Keep it up Michael, and fasten your seatbelt for four years of John McCain – he’s unsafe at any speed!

New York City