“Illusions, of course, are by their nature sweet”
Marquise Isabelle de Merteuil (Dangerous Laisons)
Well, the Revolution was over before it began…It has just packed up and gone to Texas. It was short, sweet and offered some of us a few moments of self delusion but such is the world of politics.
Ron Paul galloped into our lives, like some aged knight, on an ol’ paint Texas pony, with promises of revolution and ending the war but now Ron Paul is limping back to Texas, to try and save his Congressional seat.
Whether or not Ron Paul is, was or ever will be a ‘racist’ seems a moot point…
Dennis Kucinich too. Gone back to Ohio to try and save his Congressional seat, taking with him his sweet whispers of promise for Impeachment. I guess it’s off the table for good. Nancy Pelosi will be so pleased…
As for the Antiwar Movement?… Well, it didn’t limp off anywhere, it’s just MIA.
Moveon.org continues to support the war mongering democrats and their chosen star de jour is Barack Obama. Even some lefties are getting on board that bus… (Almost makes me pine the John Kerry days…That was a joke, of course…)
Read how Tom Hayden waxes poetic on Obama:
“Many ordinary Americans will take a transformative step down the long road to the Rainbow Covenant if Obama wins. For at least a brief moment, people around the world — from the shantytowns to the sweatshops, even to the restless rich of the Sixties generation — will look up from the treadmills of their shrunken lives to the possibilities of what life still might be. Environmental justice and global economic hope would dawn as possibilities.”
Say it ain’t so …
Who will Code Pink endorse? They haven’t decided yet, perhaps they are still too busy mourning the loss of Benazir Bhutto, (I almost fainted when I received that e-mail) but over at Common Dreams, they speculate, Code Pink will likely endorse Obama:
“The group also plans to take an active role in the presidential race, likely backing Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois or former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, both Democrats.”
I think The Black Commentator’s Larry Pinkney sums up Obama the best:
“It is both sad and simultaneously horribly fascinating to observe so many euphorically pinning their hopes and dreams on Barack Obama, a chameleon who speaks liberally of “change but who is, himself, beholden to the very same blood-sucking corporate vampires (including Lockheed and others) who are ravaging the peoples of America, and the entire planet. It seems we have moved euphemistically from Dracula to a corporately repackaged Blackula in the person of Barack Obama. In the very name of “change, Obama is moving America euphorically backwards.”
And then there’s NOW… NOW endorses Hillary Clinton (which probably has something to do with penis envy) and the world’s just too crazy to be politically active in, anymore.
So, here we are, facing the most critical election in our country’s history and what do we have to choose from?
On the republican side, John (bomb everybody now and let God sort it out later) McCain and Mike (Jesus is a personal friend of mine) Huckabee and as Larry Chin writes, the monsters behind the candidates are (1):
John McCain
Henry Kissinger
Richard Armitage, former deputy secretary of state, covert operative and lifelong Bush ally
Robert “Bud McFarlane, Reagan/Bush national security adviser, Iran, Contra
William Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard (neocon)
Alexander Haig, Reagan/Bush secretary of state
George Shultz, Reagan/Bush secretary of state, Hoover Institution, Bechtel
Brent Scowcroft, Ford, George H.W. Bush national security adviser
James Woolsey, former CIA directorLawrence Eagleburger, George H.W. Bush secretary of state
William Ball, Reagan administration Navy secretary
Colin Powell
Mike Huckabee
Huckabee has been secretive about his team. Among the names floated so far:
Ed Rollins, Republican operative
Frank Gaffney Jr., neocon and protege of Richard Perle
John Bolton, George W. Bush U.N. ambassador (as of this writing, Bolton,s participation is a strong rumor)
On the democrat side, we have Hillary (guess what I’m hiding underneath my skirt) Clinton and Barack (I didn’t vote for that war but watch how quickly I’ll vote for the next one) Obama and the monsters behind these candidates are:
Hillary Clinton
Bill Clinton
Madeline Albright, Clinton administration secretary of state
Sandy Berger, Clinton administration national security adviser
Richard Holbrooke, Clinton administration UN ambassador
Gen. Wesley Clark, Clinton era Kosovo commander
Leslie Gelb, Council on Foreign Relations, former State and Defense Department official
Martin Indyk, Clinton administration Israel ambassador, Brookings
Strobe Talbott, Clinton administration deputy secretary of state, co, creator of Caspian oil “6+2 group, Brookings
Jeffrey Smith, former CIA general counsel
Barack Obama
Zbigniew Brzezinski
Anthony Lake, Clinton administration national security adviser
Sarah Sewall, Clinton administration deputy secretary of defense, counter, insurgency czar
Richard Clarke, Clinton and Bush administration counter, terrorism czar
Susan Rice, Clinton administration Africa specialist and NSC member, Brookings
Bruce Riedel, former CIA officer, NSC Near East and Asian affairs, Brookings
Oh but wait, there’s more!
Hold on to your hats! Rumors abound that Ralph Nader may stage, yet, another, doomed to fail, ninth inning run!
And whatever happened to Cynthia McKinney? She’s running on the Green ticket! (You remember the Green Party, don’t you?)
If there’s any good news, in this election year, it is that Cindy Sheehan’s campaign is alive and well in California.
The bad news is, The Grateful Dead are reuniting to hold a fundraiser for Obama. (I’m just glad Jerry isn’t here to see it…)
A peace activist friend of mine (recently retired) told me, he’s so disgusted with the antiwar movement and politics, he removed all the bumper stickers from his car and went out and bought a flat screen television. He’s done, he’s had it, at least for now.
There is no political process in this country, it’s a rigged game where only certain establishment members get to play. The uneducated voters continue to vote for pre-selected candidates, foisted on them by the mainstream media machine, believing all the while, democracy has been served.
The world has gone crazy… Peace means war, change means more of the same…
The Revolution will not be televised because there is no revolution but you can be damn sure, we will all have a front row seat for the bombing of Iran and the coming of World War III.
Time to go out and buy that flat screen television …
Donna Volatile can be reached at: djvolatile@windstream.net
(1) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=7766