In: Straight shooters
Out: Whiners
In: Medicare for all.
Out: Universal health care
In: Red States
Out: Blue States
In: March Across America
Out: The Nation Cruise
In: Baseball
Out: Football
In: Standing up to the Democratic Party’s BS
Out: The whole list of sycophants (you know who you are)
In: Finkelstein
Out: Dershowitz
In: Iran
Out: Iraq
In: Prohibit and punish.
Out: Cap and trade.
In: West Virginia
Out: Virginia
In: Ass kickers
Out: Progressives
In: Prosecute
Out: Regulate
In: Blacks
Out: Greens
In: Shunning and shaming
Out: Get along by going along
In: Political trainers
Out: Personal trainers
In: Tough it out.
Out: Wimp out.
In: Spoilers
Out: Crooks
In: Bottom Up
Out: Top Down
In: Confrontation.
Out: Kumbaya.
In: Nurses
Out: Doctors
In: Independents
Out: Democrats and Republicans
In: One state
Out: Two states and three states
In: Beer and chips
Out: Wine and cheese
In: Move In.
Out: Move On.
In: People
Out: Corporations
RUSSELL MOKHIBER is the Editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter.