President Bush can meet with family friend, Prince Bandar while Vice President Cheney meets with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, but neither leader are able to meet with Cindy Sheehan and the mothers who ask to know why their children have died in Iraq and Afghanistan. Congress, the Democrats in particular dealt Cindy and the families of these soldiers another blow. Instead of voting-all the democrats voting against this 120 billion dollar spending bill lacking any deadline for troop withdrawal, the Democrats, as Cindy writes in her open letter to the Congress and the American public, May 28, 2007, handed the Bush administration more money for political expediency. “It is a moral abomination and every second the occupation of Iraq endures, you all have more blood on your hands.”
The country was lied to by this administration.
The country has witnessed the unraveling of the Halliburton and Blackwater scheme for war profits.
We have had Katrina and a despicable response from the administration before and after the hurricane.
Eight million dollars sent to Iraq, handed over to the Iraqi “government” under Paul Brenner’s control, is missing. It is a good possibility that this money was distributed as treats to hands held out, including the hands of El-Qaeda and other insurgent groups who, in turn, are maiming and killing U.S. soldiers.
What deal have the Democrats made with the Bush administration?
Over 3000 soldiers have died without the media in this country covering their return home. The President has not attended one funeral. Over 50, 000 wounded soldiers are returning to no homes and are ending up on the streets. Many are coming back to wives who are stressed out from trying to care for children while they face the possibility of foreclosures on their homes and or farms. More soldiers are suffering from devastating injuries, particularly brain trauma, requiring life-long care. Others are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Did I mention the criminal conditions suffered by returning Vets at Walter reed Hospital right there in Washington D.C.?
Teaching people to kill-to shape an “enemy” in their minds rather than incubate or foster ideas for living with others has resulted in soldiers returning home and seeing wives and other family members as the enemy. When those responsible for leading this country, betrays its military for oil profits for the few and an idea of world control for mega-corporations, should the American public speak up in outrage? Shouldn’t all of America have joined Cindy in demanding accountability to the countless deaths of U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens alike? Shouldn’t the Democrats have done more than capitulate to Bush’s spending of billions for war?
Families have lost mothers and children have lost parents. These young soldiers serve as fodder for the war machine, and like the victims of Katrina, know something suffering governmental indifference.
Even if a soldier does not lose his or her life, they lose in the long run while Bush, Cheney, Rice, Halliburton, Blackwater trip over the money bags on the way to Swiss banks. They and their friends are the ones who are thought of when contracts worth billions pass from one hand to the other, when control of the “globalization” of the world is the only idea worth considering.
The atmosphere in this country for the right to dissent is as cruel and as brutal as the activities at detention campus operated by the U.S. in its “war on terror.”
This “war on terror” has successfully produced terror! Read and try to feel the terror as Cindy writes of the “thousands of broken hearts.” “How do you put behind you the screaming mothers on both sides of the conflict? How does the agony you have created escape you? It will never escape me I can’t run far enough to get away from it.”
The Democrats did not do it! They did not listen to Cindy or those mothers or the American people who gave them their vote last November. They did not do it!
Cindy wrote that the Camp Casey Peace Institution will meet in Philadelphia on July 4th “to try and figure out this ‘two’ party system that is brought and paid for by the war machine which has a stranglehold on every aspect of our lives.” Cindy is leaving the Democratic Party because to stay with the Democrats is to “stay the course” of disaster lead by the Republican administration.
She is leaving the Democratic Party, for they “have failed” those who put them in power “to change the direction our country is heading.”
“We did not elect you to help sink our ship of state but to guide it to safe harborWe gave you a chance, you betrayed us.”
Dr. JEAN DANIELS lives in Madison, Wisconson and writes a column for the City Capital Hues and the Black Commentator. Email: