Flying Saucers and the Decline of the Left

The world is in tumult, but here in the heart of Empire the level of creative political energy runs flat along the bottom of the graph. As Iraq disintegrates amid frightful slaughter, US generals propose to bring to life the mad plan they once ascribed to Saddam Hussein, to dig a defensive ditch round Baghdad, one of the larger cities on the planet.
In Afghanistan the Taliban are once again on the rise. Amid these vivid implosions of the “war on terror,” the US antiwar movement is near dead.

Here in the homeland, the mightiest names of the auto-industrial age have their backs to the wall. Tens of thousands of men and women face grim times as Ford and GM shutter plant after plant. Yet the pulse of organized labor amid this devastation is feeble. From the environmental movement there is an even fainter heartbeat, even as an actual conspiracy — official concealment of the toxic toll on New Yorkers from the 9/11 attack — finally comes to light. There’s no convincing energy plan beyond posturing about ANWR; no protest at the giveaways of public lands.

Less than two months from the midterm elections, the Democrats cower from confrontation with a widely hated President. When Bush tries to annul America’s always frail commitment to the Geneva Conventions on torture, Joe Biden complacently announces that the Democrats are happy to sit this one out and let Republican Senators McCain, Warner and Graham attempt to mount a counterattack. This is the way to rally millions of antiwar voters in November? Bush’s present bounce in the polls shows the bankruptcy of Democratic strategy, as supervised by Rahm Emanuel.

Outrage burns in many an American breast, but there’s scant outlet for it in the political arena. A friend of mine took his family to the annual Puyallup Fair near Tacoma, Washington. There was a CNN booth, in which a mini “Democracy Wall”, an 8-by-4-foot sheet of butcher paper, was available for people to scrawl their sentiments in felt-tip. Fast as the CNN staffers changed the paper, scores more hastened forward to scribble their views, almost all of them harsh in language toward both CNN and the President. Families photographed each other in postures vulgarly disrespectful to the life-size cutout of Wolf Blitzer. When an older man — he turned out to be the retired commander of a nuclear submarine — rebuked the crowd and called for loyalty to Bush, the mood turned ugly, and for reasons of his personal safety he was advised to leave. “And yet,” said my friend, the anthropologist David Price, “try getting these people to an antiwar rally.”

It’s as dismal a political landscape as I can remember in thirty years. Yet some discover a silver lining. They find it in the 9/11 conspiracy cult, which I have discussed here in recent weeks. A politically sophisticated leftist in Washington, DC, wrote to thank me for my attack, but added, “To me the most interesting thing (in the US) is how many people are willing to believe that Bush either masterminded it [the 9/11 attacks] or knew in advance and let it happen. If that number or anything close to that is true, that’s a huge base of people that are more than deeply cynical about their elected officials. That would be the real news story that the media is missing, and it’s a big one.”

“I’m not sure I see the silver lining about cynicism re government,” I answered. “People used to say the same thing about the JFK conspiracy buffs and disbelief in the Warren Commission. Actually, it seems to demobilize people from useful political activity. I think the nuttishness stems from despair and political infantilism. There’s no worthwhile energy to transfer from such kookery. It’s like saying some lunatic shouting to himself on a street corner has the capacity to be a great orator. The nearest thing to it all is the Flying Saucer craze. ‘Open up the USAF archives!’ It’s a Jungian thing.”

The 9/11-ers, who’ve insulted me and other radical critics for years as “gatekeepers for the neocons”, “CIA agents,” and “fearful for their jobs”, are wounded when I call them nuts.* I’ve had many e-mails repeating their delirious litanies about NORAD, the collapse of the WTC buildings or the “missile” that really struck the Pentagon. On this last matter, Chuck Spinney, now retired after years of brilliant public service exposing the Pentagon’s budgetary outrages, wrote to me that “there ARE pictures taken of plane hitting Pentagon — they were taken by the surveillance cameras at Pentagon’s heliport, which was right next to impact point. I have seen themÖboth stills and moving pictures. I just missed seeing it personally, but the driver of the van I just got out of in South Parking saw it so closely that he could see the terrified faces of passengers in windows. I knew two people who were on the plane. One was ID’d by dental remains found in the Pentagon.”

This won’t faze the nuts. They’re immune to any reality check. Spinney worked for the government … They switched the dental records … The Boeing 757 was flown to Nebraska for a rendez-vous with President Bush, who shot the passengers, burned the bodies on the tarmac and gave Spinney’s friend’s teeth to Dick Cheney to drop through a hole in his trousers amid the debris in the Pentagon, the same way the paleontologists did in the Sussex gravel pit when they faked Piltdown Man. Such fantasists are not the foot soldiers of any movement for constructive social change.

Richard Aldrich’s book on British intelligence, The Hidden Hand (2002), describes how a report for the Pentagon on declassification recommended that “interesting declassified material” such as information about the JFK assassination “could be released and even posted on the Internet, as a ‘diversion,'” and used to “reduce the unrestrained public appetite for ‘secrets’ by providing good faith distraction material”. Aldrich adds, “If investigative journalists and contemporary historians were absorbed with the vexatious, but rather tired, debates over the grassy knoll, they would not be busy probing into areas where they were unwelcome.”

By the same token, I’m sure that the Bush gang, and all the conspirators of capital, are delighted at the obsessions of the 9/11 cultists. It’s a distraction from the 1,001 real plots of capitalism that demand exposure and political challenge.

“The tendency to occultism is a symptom of regression in consciousness”, Adorno wrote in Minima Moralia. “The veiled tendency of society towards disaster lulls its victims in a false revelation, with a hallucinated phenomenon. In vain they hope in its fragmented blatancy to look their total doom in the eye and withstand it … The offal of the phenomenal world becomes, to sick consciousness, the mundus intelligibilis.”

Last Friday we ran a temperate and polite piece by JoAnn Wypijewski about the “9/11 was an inside job” crowd down at Ground Zero. Unlike me, JoAnn didn’t use the N(ut) word. She was duly rewarded thus:

From: ann archy <> Sent:

Sep 23, 2006 6:43 AM


Subject: fuck you…

that’s EXACTLY what you said to me and approximately half the country…

so right back at you: FUCK YOU insufferably self-righteous, faux-progressive assholes who deny and dismiss nine one one skeptics with the condescending wave of your foreleg… (that also means matt rothschild, who evidently skipped all his physics classes, as well as any instruction in logic…)

jesus what children you are: WATCH the towers falling, and if you have the slightest recall of high school physics, if you have the barest understanding of strength of materials and building construction, then you would know that the ‘collapse’ of ALL the wtc towers was SOMEHOW not ‘right’…

geezus, YOU ignorant morons who ignore not only physical evidence which is IRREFUTABLE, but the circumstantial evidence which is breathtakingly consistent in pointing to an inside job either instigated or allowed to happen by the bush cabal, are -evidently- purposefully hiding from any/all indications of such… i think of you as nothing more than propaganda victims who are too afraid to follow the evidence to the necessary conclusions… you are useless…

fucking hypocritical chickenshits: i DON’T have to know the complete and totally accurate count of how many were involved, who they are, how they arranged matters, etc, etc, etc, to KNOW that something ain’t right, PERIOD… there is AT LEAST a superficial coverup of what happened, EVEN IF nine one one went down the way the (internally contradictory) accounts of the administration claim it did…

go ahead, be JUST LIKE your closed-minded conservative fiends (who odds are- have more of a sneaking susupicion of nine one one’s perfidy than you do), who deride their opponents (what, no facts to resort to ?), snort and roll their eyes (without ever debunking serious claims), and generally lump the fringe of the fringe with ALL nine one one skeptics so as to dismiss them all in one convenient lumpy conspiratorial clusterfuck…

i say again: FUCK YOU, douchebags of freedom…

it is so tiresome to hear the ONLY argument that anti-conspiracy morons make: “oh, you silly, lunatic sheeple, don’t you know the gummint/leaders are far too incompetent and slow to accomplish such a tremendous undertaking…”


oh, that’s fucking brilliant: the most ‘advanced’ (sic) civilization, the most sophisticated war machine, the most finely honed, cruel, secretive, lying political organization in his story, and yet THEY can’t do what osama bin forgotten and a handful of cohorts managed to do… fucking brilliant…

did you even GET the gist of YOUR OWN (and others) IDIOTIC ‘argument’ ? ? ? don’t you understand that the plain-reading version of that ‘argument’ is FUCKING NUTS on its face ? ? ?

…and that’s all you morons have to ‘refute’ ALL nine one one ‘anomalies’, etc ? ? ? geezus h. kee-rist, you are one dumb bunny… you don’t even see how you resort to dishonest rhetoric and bullying reichwing tactics to make the bad thoughts go away… what a joke: kneejerk ‘lefties’ (*snort* weak tea, if you ask me) who resort to the same despicable tactics as conservative droids in order to dismiss nine one one skeptics… are you capapble of seeing the hypocrisy (not to mention denial) ? ? ?

just stay in the kiddie pool if you can’t swim in the deep end…

don’t forget your water wings, baby-citizen…

art guerrilla aka ann archy

Note: A shorter version of this column ran in the print edition of The Nation that went to press last Wednesday.



Alexander Cockburn’s Guillotined!, A Colossal Wreck and An Orgy of Thieves: Neoliberalism and Its Discontents are available from CounterPunch.