With mainstream media, such as William M. Arkin in the washingtonpost.com and Keith Olbermann and Joe Scarborough on MSNBC, taking up my emphasis on the moronic and fascist character of the Bush regime, the gates are open for Democrats to begin the task of bringing to an end the pointless, costly, and illegal war that is doing America’s cause so much damage and that is strongly opposed by a majority of Americans.
A no-brainer. So what did the Democrats do? They sent out an appeal that we stop hunters from shooting Alaska’s gray wolves from airplanes.
Shooting defenseless creatures from the air is murder, whether it is wolves killed by hunters or hapless civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza and Palestine who are strafed and bombed by US and Israeli aerial warriors.
Why are Democrats more concerned about hunters’ crimes against wolves than they are about the US and Israeli governments’ crimes against civilians?
Can we take seriously the Democrats’ concern with Alaskan wolves when Democrats voted overwhelmingly to support Israel’s massacre of Lebanese women and children and the Bush regimes’ massacre of tens of thousands of Afghan and Iraqi civilians?
What are we to make of a party whose heart bleeds for wolves, but not for people.
According to the Democrats’ appeal, more than 550 wolves have been shot in unsporting actions from the air. One gets the impression that military aviators also see it as sport when they gun down thousands of civilians on the ground below.
The reason for the Democrats’ impotence is known to us all. The party is owned lock, stock and barrel by AIPAC just as is the Republican Party. As long as AIPAC clings to its belief that policies that overthrow secular Middle Eastern governments and replace them with Islamic clerics are good for Israel, the Bush and Olmert regimes will continue the war crimes for which they are despised.
PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. He was Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review. He is coauthor of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.He can be reached at: paulcraigroberts@yahoo.com