Three Ways to Remember Rachel

On the third anniversary of Rachel’s killing in Gaza, here are three things that we urge you to consider doing today, or as soon as possible:

1) From New York: “The “Rachel’s Words” initiative is made up of a broad spectrum of groups and individuals who believe that Rachel’s words and her message of human rights and justice should be heard. We hope that Rachel’s Words will open the door for other equally important and silenced voices. We resist the pervasive climate of fear and challenge to free speech that is increasingly prevalent in our society. Rachel wrote about issues that concern us all. People must have the opportunity to hear her message and decide for themselves what they think. Nobody’s agenda should stand in the way of that.”

To endorse this initiative, please go to Rachel’s Words–and to the “About” or “Endorsement” links.

If you, your family, or your group are spending any time today or in upcoming days returning to Rachel’s e-mails and words, please list this under “Actions” at

2) The U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation held a day of action yesterday, March 16th. Please go to their website to learn about their Caterpillar campaign and more that you can do:

3) While the U.S. Government is on record stating that the report of the Israeli military investigation into Rachel’s killing did not meet the standard of “thorough, credible, or transparent,” the U.S. has taken no steps to investigate this killing of an American citizen by a foreign military. Our family’s often frustrating efforts to demand accountability from both the U.S. and Israeli governments continue.

This week, family members are in Washington DC meeting with members of Congress. Please help us.

Pick up the telephone and call your representative and Senators in the U.S. Congress and tell them that more must be done and that after three years it is an outrage that members of the Corrie family must still walk the halls of Congress seeking support simply to learn the truth.

If you live in Washington State, please make a special call to Senator Murray’s office noting that for three years she and her staff have drug their feet and have refused to take any leadership whatsoever in this matter-leadership that other members of Congress tell us they look to a senior senator to provide when a citizen of their state is so gravely impacted.