Remarks at the Anti-war Rally, Washington, DC, September 24, 2005
If we didn’t know it before, we certainly know it now.
A cruel wind blows across America. Starting in Texas and Montana, and sweeping across America’s heartland, it’s settled here in Washington, DC. And despite our presence today, it continues to buffet and batter the American people.
This cruel wind blew disenfranchisement into Florida and Ohio.
It blew hardheartedness into the Capitol.
Division across our land. And wretchedness in high places.
The American people have been forced to endure fraud in the elections of 2000 and 2004, criminal neglect on September 11th, a war started on deliberately-faked evidence, the outing of a CIA agent to cover up the truth, and now criminal incompetence in providing our security.
When hurricane survivors had lost everything, and it was there for all America to see, sybaritic men, wrapped in self-righteousness, worked to save their jobs instead of the people.
As dead bodies lay strewn about the New Orleans Superdome, military recruiters blew into Houston’s Astrodome to reap the harvest.
This ill wind that engulfs our country is also global in its impact. It dipped into the Caribbean hitting Haiti and Cuba; it reached into Latin America to slap Venezuela; it swept death, greed, and destruction across Africa into Eastern Congo; and it breathes occupation onto the peoples of Iraq and Palestine.
But just as sure as an ill wind now blows, it doesn’t always have to be so.
The people, united, can stop wars.
We can stop injustice; and we can stop indifference. The people, united, can tear down the mightiest walls of oppression.
These ill winds have brought us high crimes and more than misdemeanors. But they’ve also brought us together: one answer, united for peace and for justice.
Let’s stay together. Because we have to get rid of these ill winds and breathe fresh breath into a new jet stream of life.
We can do it, ya’ll, because they can’t fool us anymore.
Cynthia McKinney is the US representative from Georgia’s fourth congressional district.
We published an article entitled “A Saudiless Arabia” by Wayne Madsen dated October 22, 2002 (the “Article”), on the website of the Institute for the Advancement of Journalistic Clarity, CounterPunch, (the “Website”).
Although it was not our intention, counsel for Mohammed Hussein Al Amoudi has advised us the Article suggests, or could be read as suggesting, that Mr Al Amoudi has funded, supported, or is in some way associated with, the terrorist activities of Osama bin Laden and the Al Qaeda terrorist network.
We do not have any evidence connecting Mr Al Amoudi with terrorism.
As a result of an exchange of communications with Mr Al Amoudi’s lawyers, we have removed the Article from the Website.
We are pleased to clarify the position.
August 17, 2005