“America is conducting a war without any effort at bipartisan consultation on our tactics, on our strategy, and on our goals. We disserve a realistic definition of success for a war that increasingly threatens to become a quagmire.”
Zbigniew Brzezinski,
former Carter security advisor“We know where they are. They’re right up here in the area around Tikrit.”
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld,
pointing to the exact location of the imaginary WMD
There were reports last Friday that representatives of the US Occupation Forces in Iraq were engaged in secret talks with leaders of the Iraqi resistance. For a brief two day period, there was reason to hope that there might be a genuine opportunity to begin negotiations for a political settlement to the 27 month conflict.
When Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made his scheduled appearances on the Sunday morning talk shows he confirmed that the alleged meetings had taken place saying, “Well, the first thing I would say about the meetings is they go on all the time.” Later, he would reinforce this suggestion on Meet the Press when he was asked whether there had been “two meetings between Iraqi and U.S. officials and some members of the insurgency.”
Rumsfeld responded, “I think there have probably been many more than that.”
It was all lies.
When asked the next day whether such meetings took place, US Commander in Iraq, Army Gen. George Casey said, “Not yet. Not, to the best of my knowledge, yet. We may start moving there, but the first thing we want to do is meet with Sunni leaders. And a lot of these folks claim they have leverage over the insurgents that we’ve yet to see realized, frankly.But, to characterize them as negotiations with insurgents about stopping the insurgency, we’re not quite there yet.”
What, no meetings?
As always, Rumsfeld performed his part admirably; producing the result he intended from the very onset; to mislead the viewers into believing that some form of minimal progress was being achieved behind the scenes. That wasn’t the case. The real purpose was simply to deceive the American public once again, to elicit greater support for a botched war that has degenerated into a quagmire.
By now, every American who is capable of reading a newspaper or watching a TV should know that Rumsfeld is a compulsive liar, a serial liar, a pathological liar. The maxim one should always follow in listening to the sneering Rumsfeld is to calculate the exact inverse of whatever he says and assume that that will approximate the truth.
There were no talks; it was just another sordid chapter in the Defense Dept’s strategy to manipulate information to manage public perceptions.(Strategic Information; Rumsfeld’s Bureau of Mendacity) Simple murder and torture fall well below the requirements of Rumsfeld’s legendary narcissism; his ego necessitates that he hoodwink the masses regularly so they comply with his bloody war-script. Fortunately, fewer and fewer people are taking anything Rumsfeld says seriously.
A report in a London newspaper “Al-Hayat” said that a “Committee combating occupation denies negotiations with the Americans”; saying that the rumors were “a mere fabrication”. The group went on to say that the Americans were creating phony opposition groups that they could control “to suppress the real trends that reject the occupation and the political process stemming from it”.
Pretty clever, huh? This actually seems like one of Rumsfeld’s brainier schemes except for the fact that officials for the real Iraqi resistance and General Casey have blown his cover.
Shaykh Majid al-Ka’ud has denied the claims that anyone representing the resistance has negotiated with the Americans and insisted that, “The resistance will continue until victory and liberation are achieved with the departure of the occupation armies.”
Al-Ka’ud remarks show an impressive grasp of Rumsfeld’s plan to weaken the insurgency by creating fake organizations, comprised of colluders and opportunists, which will “marginalize the resistance, obliterate Iraq’s Arabismand divide it up into feeble entities that would be subject to plunder by the occupation companies.”
Divide and conquer; the ultimate Rumsfeld strategy tilts the nation towards civil war, where Iraqis can be trusted to kill each other rather than the American invaders. This tactic has been called the “Lebanonization” of Iraq and (as Pepe Escobar notes in a recent Asia Times article) pits “former Mukhabarat pals of former interim prime minister Iyad Allawi at the Interior Ministry, plus the militia inferno at the core of the ministry (the so-called Rumsfeld’s boys’), ganging up to fight the resistance. Sunni Arab intelligence plus Shi’ite and Kurd militias fighting Sunni Arabs.”
This is the conflict that Rumsfeld hopes to incite. And, this is what he means when he says, “We’re going to create an environment that the Iraqi people and the Iraqi security forces can win against that insurgency.” In other words, Rumsfeld plans to create the “creative chaos” which he feels will best serve the overall objectives of the occupation.
Every random act of terror in Iraq should be analyzed in terms of whether it fits within Rumsfeld’s criteria for success.
Why Iraqis Fight
What sets Al-Ka’ud apart from the Defense Secretary is the use of language and passion that would melt Rumsfeld’s tongue. In explaining why the members in the resistance are struggling against the overwhelming force of the American military, Al-Ka’ud said, “What prompts these people is their religion and pan-Arab duty and the Iraqis embrace them due to the common destiny and one faith.”
Yes, indeed, they are fighting for their country, their religion, and their way of life. That’s why they will win; and that’s why all of Rumsfeld’s clever contrivances will amount to nothing.
MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington State. He can be reached at: fergiewhitney@msn.com