Among other things, the U.S. Declaration of Independence is a lengthy bill of particulars against the “abuses and usurpations” of King George III. If the revolutionary founders had had their own government, Jefferson would have used his writing skills to frame an impeachment bill. Among the “abuses” T.J. cited was the King’s refusal to “Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” If the colonists were riled enough over taxes on stamps and tea to shake the world with revolution, what will their inheritors do with the “usurpations” of our present Chief Executive? As Jefferson wrote, “Let facts be submitted to a candid world”:
1. He lied us into war in Iraq. According to the U.S. media-ignored British “Downing Street Memo,” he “fixed” intelligence around a pre-determined policy of preemptive war. Results: 100,000 Iraqi civilian deaths; about 1800 U.S. soldiers dead in two wars, 100s of thousands wounded and traumatized.
2. Under his watch, the U.S. suffered its worst terrorist attack on its soil. He opposed an official investigation, then stalled for months on testifying before a hand-picked committee. Finally testified behind closed doors.
3. He was “elected” under dubious circumstances in 2000.
4. He was “elected” under dubious circumstances in 2004.
5. He has approved (and his Attorney General Gonzales has re-defined) torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram and elsewhere, while simultaneously opposing the International Criminal Court established to check such abuses. According to Amnesty International, the United States has established a Soviet-style “gulag” of torture around the world.
6. He failed to support the Kyoto Protocols, reducing greenhouse gases, but worked to open up Alaska’s ANWR to drilling-despoiling an eco-system and increasing greenhouse gases.
7. He chose Halliburton toady Dick Cheney to be his running mate-twice.
8. He has attempted to pack the courts with ideologue-judges intent on overthrowing Roe v. Wade, and institutionalizing the police-state abuses of Patriot Acts I and II.
9.His “No Child Left Behind” education policies have replaced learning with testing and allowed military recruiters access to our schools, cajoling our children with military options before their minds have had a chance to open, question and challenge.
10.He is attempting to dismantle the Social Security system that has ensured “peace and freedom” for tens of millions of working Americans for seven decades (“peace” of mind and “freedom” from economic crises)– rights hard-won by Labor and Progressives in decades-long struggles.
11. He has allied himself with Right-wing ideologues to curtail or abolish stem-cell research vital to the conquest of debilitating and fatal diseases.
12. He has failed to develop a coherent energy policy-except to prosecute wars for other peoples’ resources. He fails to acknowledge the reality and impending disasters of Global Warming.
13. He has continued the Globalization project of his predecessors: outsourcing jobs, hollowing our middle class.
14. He has undermined the legitimate protective protocols of the C.I.A., politicizing the agency, awarding positions on the basis of ideological orthodoxy rather than merit and astute analysis.
15. He has subjugated his Administration to Neocon ideologues like Richard Perle, William Kristol and Douglas Feith; men who have endorsed the “settlement,” expansionist and Wall-them-in policies of Ariel Sharon, sowing the seeds of anti-Arab racism, war and destruction in the Middle East for generations to come.
16. In spite of his rhetoric about freedom and democracy, he has allied himself with dictators in Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt and elsewhere. He has increased the flow of arms to these states and others, fomenting instability, turmoil and war.
17. He chose Rumsfeld as DoD Secretary twice, in spite of Rumsfeld’s obvious failure to adequately plan for the post-Saddam era in Iraq, inducing massive “collateral damage,” the looting of ancient treasures, and infrastructure destruction in a country we were legally and morally bound to rehabilitate.
18. He endorses the weaponization of space, “Rods from Gods,” and other exotic, Star-Wars technologies to establish a twenty-first century American global empire that is doomed to create an arms race with China and other opposing coalitions, sowing discord and wasting the resources of the world.
19. He has presided over the most egregious media consolidation in the nation’s history. While we have had “yellow journalism” and other media abuses throughout our two centuries of Republic/Empire, we have never suffered the consolidation of power that we have today. He has presided over the emasculation and cowering of PBS, while his disinformation troops have peddled fraudulent stories and comments to “reporters” like Judith Miller, Armstrong Williams and Jeff Guckert-“Gannon,” poisoning the well of information, adding to the general confusion and Goebbelsization of our news.
20. He lied about, misled, or misunderstood the astronomical costs of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. He continues to do so, diverting tax money for education, health care, the EPA, transportation and social infrastructure into war-making and destruction.
21. He has continued and enlarged the depraved Clinton policy of using depleted uranium on the battlefield; a policy bound to cause massive suffering and death to Americans and others for generations to come.
22. He has alienated our traditional allies and more than a billion Muslims around the world. He has ransacked the good will extended to the nation after the 9/11 attacks, leading a crusade of vengeance and reprisal, most often against innocents, judging without sufficient evidence, arrogating to himself a crooked, self-righteous Texas sheriff’s power to execute without justice.
23. Under his watch, millions more Americans have been added to the ranks of the uninsured while health-care costs have exploded. His answer to these and other pressing social problems appears to be faith-based charities-in other words, preaching to the choir while stealing from the pews.
24. Under his watch, the North Koreans have, apparently, developed eight nuclear weapons and Israel has continued to increase and refine its arsenal-now estimated as high as five hundred.
25. He has murdered the English language.
Gary Corseri has published 2 novels, 2 poetry collections, the Manifestations anthology [edited], and his work has appeared at CounterPunch,Common Dreams, The New York Times, Village Voice, Axis of Logic, Dissident Voice, Redbook and elsewhere. His dramas have been presented at PBS-Atlanta and elsewhere. He can be reached at: